Do gentlemen grow on trees?


These are my thoughts about gentlemen and my road to one real gentleman and thinking where he is from. 

I have for now travelled with Michael for 1,5 weeks. It is amazing how much you can learn about somebody when you are on the road. In so many ways you get to know more about their habits and what works for them and what does not. At the same time, because you are all the time on the move, it is exciting and fresh as the opportunities will be presented by the flow of life. Each day I notice something I already know about him or something new to appreciate. Yesterday I thought to make a list of some of the new things which pop up and I love.


I also thought that I should be so grateful for my own choices. Maybe my astrological chart has changed or the bad karma has been really dissolved so that I have physically realized such a gentleman like Michael into my life.

I understood how many immature men I dated before him and how most of them did not know much about being a true mature man or a gentleman. It was mostly also because I was immature myself and on top of it  I was completely tangeled into my old patterns, which kept creating the same life over and over again. Till I hit the ground in November 2014, completely faced the bottom of the bottom. This woke me up. Not only, also made me change my habits and patterns. From that my whole life changed.

Thanks to all these wild and dramatic  experiences I experienced what I am not and what does not work for me and who I truly am – so I am truly grateful to everyone but I am also so done with it for now.

The girl in me has grown into a queen. It is time to celebrate her new life indeed!

My Christmas delivery from 2013 got delivered as a teaser in December 2014 and then again in December 2015. This time it was real. It was conscious. Soon we will be celebrating our 2 years since our first date!


Yesterday morning while I was still packing, Michael started to take all the luggage down the stairs by hand (no elevator) – my 2 big suitcases and one heavy shoulder bag and my computer bag as well all of his stuff. Without me asking him to do this – this was going on. Wow. Later all the time checking how I was doing – what I needed – food or a drink or rest. Buying me a green smoothie. Having a little moment sitting down before his event and exploring Carmel. During his meet and greet including me into the conversations each time – so I would not feel myself like a potted plant in the corner. 😉 Sharing my success stories in Estonia – feeling proud about me in public. Wow.


Later it started to rain, so he suggested to park the car closer to the restaurant, so that we could get there dry. I went to the toilet after we ordered our meals and when I got back he had a full blown conversation with our dinner table neighbors and got that far, that they bought his book. I love how Michael feels free to talk to the strangers. I am like that too and I would not imagine being together with someone who would not (and believe I have had many of them).

I am completely sure now that what makes a good compatibility is not only that you have many things alike, dream about similar things in life, but also that you are both mature people. We have both learned a lot during our previous years and we know what mistakes not to make. It makes a huge difference. Whether it is in everyday trivial things or bigger decisions – it makes a huge difference.


I am amazed every day how good life can be with a right person beside you. I also think that it was only possible because I changed myself and my choices and it all changed the rest of of my life. Every day I wake up and keep saying to myself – I love my life. Today here at the camp site, tomorrow at Big Sur, soon in Santa Barbara, then Ventura, Los Angeles and Hawaii and Mexico. Wow – I am really living the dream! So much of it I am  also living because I am together with my true king Michael.

Michael is doing all the logistics here in California and partly in Hawaii, figuring out where to stay, how to get there – which used to be all my work only. Most of my previous boyfriends did not even have driving licenses or cars. It showed how off my masculine and feminine energies were. How out of balance.


Yesterday we arrived to the camp site late at night. He checked us in, figured out how to park the van so we would be evened out and safe throughout the stormy and rainy night. Then he escorted me through the dark to the restrooms which were quite a ways away and waited till I was done to escort me back. Wow. At night time the same thing happened. All that makes me feel like a true queen and every woman deserves to feel that way.

I just wonder if the schools these days teach young boys skills and knowledge like that. Michael thought that probably only in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is a dying out breed – gentlemen. Something needs to be done about it and maybe we will. 

That made me thinking whether gentlemen grow on trees or are they actually growing up in families and communities, as well cultures – and all of these together form a high level man who over time ripes into a mature man? It is the latter which creates new time men. It is the co-creation of many institutions and people in our lives. But it starts in our mother’s belly and continues later, every day of the growing up – kindergarten, school etc.


We women can not receive a true gentleman into our lives before we have turned into a true lady inside out. A lady knows who she is and what is her value and is not running after men or things. She is present, conscious and aware and also mature. She knows who she is, where she is going and what she would love to contribute to the world. Only then the lady can attract the true gentleman – or as I love to say – the true king meets the true queen. It is not only in fairytales they exist. It is also possible to make these stories alive here on Earth. It is all up to us and following our dreams and not giving up.


It is such a gift to be with a man who is completely mature and a true gentleman – raised consciously like that as he grew up working in the Santa Barbara high end hotel and had amazing parents. Michael really knows who he is, what he does and where he goes and where he wants to get to. We just did a little relationship test from the book If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path by Charlotte Kasl and our compatibility score was almost even to the maximum. Wow. I have never had that before in my life.


While we were at the book shop there was a woman approaching us and asking how she can help her daughter to find the right man as every time she found one, the men were running from her. We bombarded her with our experiences and ideas and also examples from our relation shift. She felt grateful and hopefully puts some of it into use.

It is inspiring to see that our story is motivating someone to make changes in their life. Something many people are craving for – how to find your love, be loved and maintain it too in these new turmoiled waters where everything is shifting so fast as we live in today.

Maybe Michael and I can share our story and inspire those who resonnate with us can try out our methods and tools which we plan to share both in books, courses and classes and retreats all over the world. All about in the making. Soon, soon. Till then – we will have some more fun and gather some more stories and inspiration. Our life writes our books;) Stay tuned!


I am Crystal Ra Laksmi – a travelling mermaid – the servant of the sea – who’s mission is to remind everyone to be here to fully thrive and live our dream. Life can actually be easy and fun – if you finally start to trust and live according to your self declaration. Hope to meet you during my travels and have fun as well cooperate in order to co-create our dreams. 

4 thoughts on “Do gentlemen grow on trees?

  1. Love seeing you this happy, Crystal. Michael is a wonderful human being. I had only to look into his eyes to note this. His spirit is gentle, kind, and noble. You two make me smile. Happy trails!

    • Thank you dear one – it is lovely to be this happy – almost feels weird. I so remember your first comment about us in the writers group. It was sweet. Thank you for being there for me and for us and supporting us the way you do. You are part of our Mexico-Canada family indeed;) Happy time for you too and see you soon in Mexico;) Hugs and love!

  2. I love the title. I love the subject. And there are more than several profound sentences that rock my world (in this piece). I think this is the crowning glory of your blogposts (and I’ve read most of them) in subject and ‘feel’. I guess ‘writing what one loves’ and writing about ‘who one loves’ is up there on the list of ‘best ways to capture a reader’. This is a lovely tribute and an awesome piece, with some thought provoking relationship concepts. Nice work!

    • Thank you dear Marie. Your comments and ideas are gold to me and this topic really excites me as it has everyone we have met during our travels with Michael. It is so amazing to travel the world and share your joy and leave some of the pieces into my blog home, so they can continue doing that;) Alohas from California and hope to meet you again next season;)

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