Weekly keys – 10th – 17th of August – Sailing in the new time relation seas

=MkalliThis week’s keys talk about new time relations and women and men. It is a hot topic especially because so much in our world and cultures is changing and it is hard to keep up in everything. Here I share some observations and tips, which may inspire you, my dear reader!

Men and women in the new time

What do I mean with ‘new time’? I mean the new energy area where we are now thanks to the new time children and adults coming to the surface like indigo, crystal and golden energies. I am one of them and it is so cool to see how it all works.


This week I watched the movie ‘Magic Mike XXL’ twice. First time I just wanted to see what happens next after the first movie, the second time I wanted to see in detail what actually happens and how the movie is done, what are the topics.

The producers and all the actors had done a really good job, in addition to the musical choices, which all played together like a musical orchestra for my ears and eyes. I want to mention some of the topics which match with the new time focus on men and women. Channing Tatum must be on his global mission, as this thing is taking the world like a tsunami.

In the old energy, the man was the king and that was it. Everything was circling around him, as he was the hunter, provider and protector. The woman was there to support him, but she had not much to say. In the new time, the man is there to do the same things, but the woman is the real queen now, who has to be admired, cherished and loved the way she is and also have to have an opportunity to express her point of view in addition to what she needs.


In the movie Jada Pinkett Smith plays the role of a queen helping the other women to find their queen and to be adored and worshipped.

In the Estonian culture, I have noticed especially recently how we put so much focus on the negative or what we do not have that the positive just drowns in it and never has a chance to come up and shine. The usual Estonian man is not taught how to say compliments to a woman or how to worship her.

What is interesting is that in the movie there are many overweight women who are worshipped which is probably the American way to focus on the beauty on all levels, not only the model type any more and bring that to the public attention. This reminded me of the days where I was the assistant to the tantra classes and when the numbers where uneven, had to worship whoever male king was left after all the best ones were taken. 2,5 years of that training made me see all the men like kings, but now I feel I deserve to receive attention from men who are beautiful from the inside and outside as I feel I do my best to have these qualities myself.

Women have been suppressed, pushed under, most of us are locked down and not really living life fully or even dreaming about it any more. Most of us have closed down because we have not found the kings of our lives.

Yesterday I also went out to dance in the Estonian dance club to see how that goes. It was interesting to see that I saw one man who danced with a woman adoring and worshipping her – no more. This only man was also a foreigner.

Women are tired to be the ‘good girls’ or the women we are programmed to be. We want to step up – live our dream and walk on our path and do what we are here to do and be. For that we need conscious men who can hold space for us, admire and worship us, so we can in between also just be beautiful. Within my adult life I have had a chance to be just beautiful beside a man maybe maximum 2 weeks. I am 39 years old. Imagine! Most women have never had the chance or if so maybe for a split second. If we would change that, the whole world would change almost instantly!

I have been the man in my life holding space for me, allowing me to take brakes in between. If I had that man beside me, I would be so much further on my path and could have already contribute to the world with so much more globally.

The man we all new time women are looking for is a self conscious man who knows who he is, takes good care of himself on every level and has balanced his masculine and feminine inside as well sexual and spiritual side. He respects women and even before talking to her will ask if that is appropriate not to talk about touching her. He would like to co-create with her and create balance and change in life with her being as equal not as superior.

handsmenwomanThis man knows how to listen and how to say something and when. This man knows when it is the right time to open the door, to pay the bill and offer the help. This man knows how to let his woman to speak her truth and find her voice and be the space for her to do it. He is not there to limit her to express herself. On the contrary, he is there in order to make her feel good, relaxed and safe, so that all of her can unfold step by step.

Even though the world goes in my observation towards the more multi-relations level, I think all of us deep inside desire to completely let go to at least one primary partner, who would be there for us no matter what and help us to create a new kind of balance on this planet.

Each one of us has to work individually to step out of the social and cultural programming about the relationships and figure out what works for you personally and then make it work.

=PerepaevvanaemaminaSomeone asked me what makes you think you can talk about relationships, as you do not have one well functioning relationship? How do you know? I think number one well functioning relationship I have is right now with myself. It took time to get here, but it has been amazing.

The fact that I do not have one primary partner right now is actually showing that I am so good at knowing what works for me and how and I am not willing to go for less. I know what I am worth and I am ready for this person when he or she appears.

=sanderleboMy second well functioning relationship is with my son. He is 18 now and I am so happy to know that even the fact that I have been quite distant physically, we have a very good bond and connection and understanding of each other and support and work together like a real team. With these two I can continue – my relationship with my sister, with my grandmother and on and on.

What would it take for us also make other relations more legitimate as success in our life not only the romantic partnership? 

Home work

Make a list of all the social and cultural programming you have about relationships and rewrite the ones which do not work for you and make an intention to attract the new intentions into your reality as soon as possible. Let me know how it works!

crystalbuduaarI am Crystal Ra Laksmi. I have had numerous relationships all over the world. What I have learned with it, is that the best friend and lover I am to myself. I can not divorce from myself and more I learn how to be my best friend and lover, easier it is. The rest is magic and history to unfold. I have sent my intentions and walk my path. I know for sure it would be so much easier to build my empire with a partner, than alone. I am ready. Why does it takes so long?

PS! Just an after note.

While I was working on this blog post, I got approached by an international sailor. Someone just passing by Estonia, offering me kindly to show me around in Tallinn;) guessing I am not a local. I gave him a challenge to figure out my name, which he did. Smart man indeed. Someone who managed to receive me fully within the short meeting we had. Someone who has a very similar worldview, even on poly lifestyle things. Someone who is from my tribe and honours women as we deserve being a true gentleman. I love international people as their mindset is so broad and wide. I can speak the same language with them. Share my travels, listen to their stories. Get inspired where else to go. I think what the universe wanted to show me was – the man/men you are looking for – they are out there – it is not only an illusion. It may be just that it is not the time yet to involve them into your life fully. Keep yourself focused on your mission and the rest will fall in place with time. It was like a little caress from the universe. I felt so good. Thank you!