
Photo: Maris Saar

Welcome to Crystal Ra Laksmi-Ditton’s web page!

I am so glad that you have been guided to meet me here. Hopefully your visit here will turn into a longer journey together with me.

I just recently received my green card in USA and I am now completely legal to work here was well. I am so excited because there is so much I can offer and many of the things I have done for years are not even popular here!

I love working with people from face to face. In the world where we spend more time online I truly treasure the moments I can be in the same physical space with my clients. Nothing like it!

I offer different services, workshops and ‘playshops’ online and live and adventures globally as well private coaching live and online. The main focus is on the body-mind-spirit tools in order to give people a chance to create a new sustainable reality, including harmony, balance and holistic abundance on all levels. In 2005 I developed a technique I called ‘abundance wheel’ which approaches abundance holistically. This means that our abundance starts with our sexuality, then our relationship to ourselves and others and in addition also health, life mission and then the holistic abundance will be the result of it all. I have tested it out in my life so many times while I travelled to 30 countries. Many of my clients have done it too so it has been quite a journey for us all.

What can you do here?

* You can read blog posts, where I have collected loads of inspiration and ideas and tips how to become a better friend with yourself and your world. I share my ideas, experiences from my trips all around the world.  I have practiced since 1994 and it has worked for me and for all of my clients and will work for you too if you adjust it according to your life and being and circumstances.

* Check my website for the latest updates and blog posts as well the freshest testimonials.

* You can also find me on Facebook as well on You Tube.

crystal ra laksmi with laurieI am developing my Wantra water modality (water+tantra) and you have a chance to take courses or private one to one sessions, and educate yourself with new tools as well become a Water Guide in Wantra (starting possibly in 2019).

I can custom design your adventure group anywhere in the world or in my favourite destinations (Estonia, Norway, Mexico, Hawaii etc) or the destinations you pick. I have a natural talent to cooperate with the locals and bring also new ideas and abundance to locals through the groups. You will get an amazing adventure mixed with self development tools and return home as a new person enjoying the continuos change.

As time goes by I will add more technical tools and systems and small e-books and materials, which can inspire you to make changes and shift in your life happen as fast as you choose.

How does this benefit you?

* You get many tools and possibilities to contribute to your own new sustainable life. I have the latest transformational modalities like Auratransformation™, Experience based Tantra Body Sessions, Body sessions, Touch therapy, Water Therapy, Wantra™ in the water and on land, StretchDance in the Sea™, Rebirthing™, Orgasmic Meditation™ etc. All of these tools are updated to the latest new time energies. All of the tools work on the mind-body-spirit approach, which is absolutely necessary to make a holistic change happen in all areas of your life.

* This is beneficial to you as you:

– Start to live the life the way you choose in abundance on all levels, and you do not have to worry how to make the ends meet.

– Through the abundant toolbox you change yourself and the world and everyone around you.

– You tune in more into your passion and choose what works for you.

– You learn how to set boundaries and choose what makes you thrive in life. 

– You learn how to use all of the tools yourself, even when I am not around and become a full captain of your life!

Take contact with me already today.  Do it here: 

Photo Maris Saar