Money Magnet number 1

picasa money magnet nr 1 English cardIn March 2013 I observed that many of my clients were struggling with money issues. I asked myself a question: what would it take to change that and contribute to that change?

I got an idea to make a little video, put it up on a unlisted link. After people had paid almost 10 dollars, they got their product code and could start to practice.

Shortly after I made a Facebook group, as people started to win money on lottery, get new jobs, new opportunities and there was even one lady getting a brand new car without paying for it herself. The stories were coming in day and night about the changes in people’s lives. It was not only about money, it was all about abundance and prosperity.

Soon they were asking for another product, so advanced money magnet was born. After that I made another one, where I put in the direct link to the money and the magnet and now the fourth one is in the works.

Within couple of months I sold quite many money magnets, mostly through FB and friends and clients – mostly to Estonians. This was very easy and did not have to push anything extra hard. By the end of the 3rd month I could invest part of that money back into my new projects and education (around 900 euros). So it only did not multiply my money flow and abundance, but also the people as now I have enrolled myself in the new Organic StretchingTM teacher’s training, which will take this new modality out to the world with me. The people also got more flow and opened up their way of being there to receive money.

Does that sound inspiring for you?

Would you like to give it a try?

Invest into a 10 USD Money Magnet product NOW not later!

Here is your money magnet number one! Pls pay through the link down below.

As I am technically setting the whole system up, pls send me your email once you have purchased the product to my crystalexpansion @ email till it will be automatically linked.

When you get the link, I advise you to listen to this video at least twice a day. After 1 month it should become a natural part of you and the way you act. Then you can move on to the more advanced money magnets and order these from this site.

Contribution agreement

Me and my team contribute all we can to create new possibilities for your new successful income streams, but we are not giving any guarantees for the results. When you buy this product, you take a risk, as every result is dependent on your personal contribution. All the results are dependent on many factors, which you may not have control over. We give you the fishing rod, but to have a successful fishing experience, it is also your responsibility as well!


If you give the video code to other people for free, who have not paid for it, you will lose the money yourself or that other person will. You have acted from lack illusion, and you create more lack. It is recommended to give them the information how to purchase the product. This way you contribute to your own abundance and mine as you have acted from prosperity mindset. Happy money times!