Making love to the unknown

lovejungleSo here I am in west Mexico. It is my 8th month in Mexico this year and I am still here and happy. How come? I will tell you some little pieces of my journey and also how I now instead of kissing the unknown, make love to the unknown. This is another level of living – this is living from the heart.

The last couple of years have been very challenging for me, especially because I kind of lost myself. I spent 6 years of my life promoting other people’s stuff and got lost in it as I did not know any more what was my path supposed to be. So I needed to do some spirit searching. The messages were very clear, even though I did not have the whole picture yet, now as more pieces have come together, I start to understand where it is going. As kissing the unknown means you take little steps towards the unknown and build your trust accordingly. It has been challenging. At times I was about to give up, standing on the edge and not even believing myself I could fly.

AAAAA WHITEADDThen it happened, I jumped. While I jumped my arms turned into the wings and now I am flying in the magical heavenly sky and all my life areas form itself into a magical art piece. I am not chasing anything or anyone and things and people come to me with offers and possibilities. It is almost feels unreal.

I also landed from my mind into my heart. My monkeys in my head are giving me at times hard time, but then again I am the boss and show them what to do. The monkeys are also here to protect us do not do anything stupid, the only problem with them is that they base their conclusions according to  the past experience. In order to truly step out of it, one should consciously change non healthy patterns no matter what these are. That can not often happen unless the person is consciously changing something – the environment, habits or people around. But the first step has to come from the inside. Behind the step there has to be a certain level of choice to make it happen and not only, also consciousness. Then the universe will throw one test after the other to see whether what you have chosen is really true or not and if you are serious about it or not.

13watsucirclehandsWe are these days moving into a new energy, new life cycle and we can not continue to do and be the way we have been. Nothing works the way it used to be. Everything has some changes in it. Everything turns for the focus of the heart and when we finally humbly let the heart take over, we can step into our true power and manifest our wildest dreams. I am talking from my own experience and also from the others I have seen and experienced in my recent past.

We are living on one of the most amazing times. So line up your dreams and let your heart be your compass and your captain, to sail you to your ultimate heaven on Earth, where you too can make love to the unknown – which means fully deep dive into yourself, into the other and create from that essence what you came here to create!