If the door is closed does that mean I am not supposed to go in?

That was something I used to believe. I had seen these different invitations to Empower Network in different places. It was like a blinking lighthouse and at one point it started to blink very intensively. I just started another online business project and worked with it for hours every day, sometimes even 20 hours behind the computer. The results were very slow to come. I lost my motivation step by step.

One evening I started to talk to Greta Campagnolo from Empower Network and ask more questions about it, like how it works and what it means. She explained. First time after a long time there was the person in the other side of the world, who actually talked to me and on the personal level. Listening, caring, supporting and motivating me. So I said, I am in. What do I have to do next? I went to the payment page and whatever card I tried, it did not let me in.

The next day I called my banks, they checked and said it is all good. So I called to the EN technical support. They said, that if I am not in the country, where my card is issued, it may not allow me to make the deal as a security set up for the card.

So what else is possible? I contacted one of my girlfriends back home, we went in to my account through Estonia and still the card did not work.

historyvaadeI was about to give up. Then I talked and asked Greta what else is possible and we found a solution! So after 2,5 days we finally got me in. She invited me to the first Super Women Team hangout in youtube and that was so cool, to see women from all over the world talking, motivating and supporting each other. So I saw it in action, it is not only about money and who is best in getting the biggest sales, but the human connection is the core key!!!

Even though they had just had the meetings for 2 months it felt for me like a community of women who have been good friends for years. There was no competition, no jealousy, no judgments, no feeling that someone is less than the other or superior to each other. I could not believe it. It was for me like Paradise on Earth!

I have been intensively chatting to Greta for some days now. I do not know all the details yet, but it feels for me that Empower Network is for me like coming home. I have spent years to support others, build platforms for them and almost always been left empty handed. First time I felt someone was contributing to me and believing in me. Wow! Is it really possible that it is not all gone? The world needs me? I can share my story? Wow? Someone is actually listening to me?

I sat down and thought what was that all about?

I understood that in the journey of the macho masculine woman I had turned to, I was doing my first steps to be fully vulnerable to ask help to get in, to allow the help to get to me to get in. For me it was a no option before. For me asking help was always a sign that person did not know how to manage their lives or too weak to take action. In my case none of these were my reasons this time, but it was still very difficult for me to ask for help. But I did. Not only one time, twice and even the third time.

I am now fully stepping out from the NO CHOICE Universe and I am STOPPING IT and stepping into my power and taking my own life, my own financial reality’s remote control into my own hands! If you would like to contribute to that in my life and in yours, read more and check the video and ask me more how to join!

I wish myself good luck, as I feel I am in the beginning of something very big and that I can break all the limitations I have ever had and create a more sustainable life for myself and my son and the planet Earth. Happy people can change the world with ease and joy and empowerment! Where you have empowerment, people are who they are so that abundance and glory follows by magic!

This blog entrance is from Mexico, Cancun, Mid April 2013