In today’s session I talk about the connection of self-love with the abundance. I share some personal stories and tips and tools how you can start to work on it yourself from a little different angle.
Check out today’s You Tube Video here:
Your tasks for today:
a) When you work on your self-love, learn to also love also the archetypes of the Inner Child, Inner Woman and Inner Man in you. Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever connected to them before? If not go back to the challenge day number one where I shared the Inner Family Meditation:
Before someone can love you (even your Inner Family) – you need to learn to build trust and heal also the wounds which have maybe developed over the years for not being connected to them earlier. It may be a long process.
b) If you are in a relation with another person then think if you have ever connected to their Inner Family members and do you love them do they love you? What can be done there?
c) Is your self-love anchored in you or outside of you – in someone else or some place else? What needs to happen to really get it anchored in you?
Looking into all of these things helps you to better yourself and your relation to others which helps to make your abundance flow more.
Check out todays video for additional stories and explanations about the topic here:
Here is your promised Dolphin Meditation gift. Enjoy it!
Dolphin Meditation can be downloaded here:
In addition I ask you to:
– Like this video on my You Tube channel or FB channel
– Put like to my FB channel Crystal Ra Laksmi (#liquidheavenfacilitator)
– Like my You Tube channel #turbonewflow
– Share this video with as many as you can!
– Invite others to all the other FB lives and my challenge
– Share your experiences in social media by using #holisticabundancechallenge
If you are interested in the Inner Family Coaching Program (starts in February and in September), check it out here:
All the applicants go through a process to find out the best suitable participants for this kind of deep work with me for 4 months.
Thank you for your time and commitment. May this next step make your life and this world better and may it be amazing!
May aloha always be with you,
Crystal Ra Laksmi-Ditton
San Diego, California
Instagram #crystalheavenactivation
You Tube #turbonewflow
Find the tasks sheet here:
Download the PDF here: