Keys of the week 24th of Nov – 1st of December – Deepdive into the darkness and light finding the key role in conscious women of the planet

palmtreesunThis week’s keys deep dive once more into the matter of darkness and light through the essence of becoming and being a victim, to how to become empowered in that situation. What role do women play in all of that and how can we step out of the abuse and step into our power? This topic is very vulnerable and very sensitive, but also very necessary to be brought up in order to bring forth more change in these matters. 

If you are a woman or a man and this story inspired you and you feel the truth of it resonating with you, please share it on your FB timeline with as many women and men as you can! This will be your contribution to become the change you want to see in the world! 

The fight of the light and dark continues…

As time goes by the light will get more intense and more powerful, as the spirit integrates with it. That will cause more reaction from the darkness, as it loses its power. It often times does not know what to do or how to react and some of the times may start to use different tools to numb itself down in the presence of light. Whatever that light is bringing forth, will irritate the darkness so much that it may blow off an emotional landmine or even an atom bomb. That is why women play a key role in this dance and the real key lies in the conscious women as they know what to do next. For a woman to get into that position may sometimes go through a challenge of a road of a victim.

A role of a victim

As odd as it sounds, to become a victim is a way for the energies to balance things out from inside out. Victim has no power or no connection with his/her power. The victim is put or chosen to be in a powerless situation. As we all create our reality, we create even that, as absurd as it may sound. The event itself, usually some kind of abuse – marks a turning point for a person. Whether they continue pointing at the attacker or step up to their power and change. If they do not, then the pattern will continue.

Sometimes it may help to track down similar patterns and find the core pattern when it started. If we rewrite this situation, the powerless energy dissipates. In my case the first time I lost that power was when I was 6 years old and I got raped by my uncle.

I have worked with this issue and pattern continuously for the last 32 years. It takes time. When a man rapes a girl that young, it will take away the trust towards men and it may never return. Men do not think when they rape women. They act on instinct and emotion. It is a total chaos. The woman in that situation should step into her masculine, become the pillar of the light, say something diverting and then maybe even poke the man and hit him in the balls and get out of it. It is only possible if the woman is empowered.

Screenshot 2014-11-20 23.12.16The second huge shift happens when the woman has the courage to share this vulnerable info publicly. It is a huge step. There is nothing to be afraid of, on the contrary to be proud of. That is when the change will happen for that particular woman and also for the others who hear about it.

Another very interesting thing is that in situations where we are violently attacked and physically harmed in whatever way creates a shock to our body, mind and spirit. The odd thing in these new energies is that sometimes the spirit needs to do that, in order to first kick some old stuff out of our systems and secondly uplift our frequencies to new levels.

Many women all around the world may experience a lot of abuse and violence right now on all levels – physical, emotional and verbal. This happens so that every woman on this planet could finally step into her own power without fear. I was able to take that step only because I have a golden circle of caring friends around me who really encouraged me to take steps necessary to step up to my plate.

crsytalartWomen have different reasons usually why they are not doing it. One of them is of course fear. Most of these women are also not in their autonomy and very dependent on the abusive man. But the only person who can stop it is the woman – powerful goddess who is ready to face even death if necessary. Every woman who does that heals also the planet as then men or energies who use unconscious men for that violence have to change. When these incidents stay in the background or private, nothing will change.

Sadly money can buy everything these days – security, safety, freedom, independence and also power. Sadly most people use the power in the negative opposite in that position, which can not only harm individuals, but also communities as well the whole planet. It has been said that the biggest pollution for Earth is actually negative thoughts and energy. So all the women in the planet, please take care of yourself, find a safe circle of people around you and move out from your self created prison as there is actually a true world out there where the whales sing, sun shines and dolphins jump and you can be part of it, you just have to take the first step. Without these people I would most probably not be on this planet right now in a human form.

That is why it is every woman’s responsibility to take care of herself, step into her power and figure out what are their talents and skills and how these can create her the livelihood and more so not actually only survive, but thrive in this life and be the change we want to see in the world!

crystalbacklacruzI am Crystal Ra Laksmi. A woman who is awakening to her empowerment, power and autonomy. I will from now step onto my own plate, in to my power and be assertive, courageous enough and say no to all kinds of abuse, whether it is emotional, verbal or physical or any other kind. I have realised that taking care of myself must be my first priority. I am excited about brainstorming my new life, where I can put together all the elements which make me thrive, live a juicy and orgasmic life on all levels. I deserve it as I have a gift – a spirit in the humanoid body, which has come down to experience, uplift and motivate through stories, actions, adventures and choices!

PS! If there are any people who read this article and are in the situation, where they are stuck in a violence in any way, pls email me to crystalexpansion at and we can look what we can do together to get you out of there. Because you are important to this world! You count! I believe in you!

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