Keys of the week – 1st of Dec – 8th of Dec Through the clarity of expectations lets talk the five love languages stepping out of the boxes enjoying the cocktail of power and humbleness

palmbushesblackwhiteThis week’s keys focus is on the expectations in relationships and how the five love languages can help you; how living in the box will restrict and limit you; how important are the lessons of the power and humbleness; what is the gift of the pain; how to start to listen to the Earth.

Expectations in relations

Many relationships get ruined because people have certain expectations in their mind, what they will that the other person would fullfill. Most often they will not even verbally express them but keep a list of unfulfilled needs or expectations which they then present at the later point when the cup overflows. Then the person who did not fill the needs what he or she could not be even aware of unless the person is a psychic person has to feel guilty. That is one way also to steal the energy from the other person.

New time energy ways to approach this situation would be to have an open meeting about these issues weekly and even daily if necessary. This keeps the emotional weather clean. Some people even have to train themselves to express their needs verbally as they have been so hurt in the past. That can be easily overcome when the other partner is creating a safe environment to be received with that information.

Screenshot 2014-11-30 15.03.035 love languages

What I have also noticed recently in many relations is that you can easily apply the 5 love languages in all relations – whether it is business, love or other. When both people start to speak the language the other one is expecting, we can start to create magic beyond belief and measure. The five love languages are: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, physical touch.

Home assignment

So this week’s home assignment is to take this 5 love language test and apply it in all of your relations and see how it can completely transform all your relations into relations of your dreams.

Take the test here

beachpicnicLiving in the box

Depending on the life mission a person has the spirit in the new time energy will combine the most crazy cocktails for people to experience. The problem for many these days is that they live in their comfy boxes and never follow what spirit guides them to. This way they can not dissolve, release, destroy and dissipate from inside out from the cell memory to the edges of the auric field. If they do not do it, the lessons are not learned, passed and they can not get to the auric field. If they do not do it, the lessons are not learned, passed and they can not get to the next level, exactly like in the computer game.

I have experienced this over and over again within the last three years. First I thought it was my inability to create my new life as it didn’t work the old way any more. That said – you first thought about a purpose and started to take rational steps towards it. It worked. You got there and things worked. Basically every time, but not any more.

Because it was the time of intelligence and order. Later I understood that now we are moving into chaos, the feminine. This is all about the emotions and the feminine. Every day right now we are moving to the heart of chaos. Most people are running from it. The world is picking out people now who are strong enough to become the guides through this chaos.

What waits on the other side?

Hard to tell as what we are dealing with is actually the unknown and its almost impossible to predict the unknown. That is why we need very strong guides who not only know how to deal with the unknown, but also can face the darkness with dignity and power.

burgusPower and humbleness

Power is another problem. Most people will also run from it. To get to know power from inside out we often need to go to all of its extremes. One of the hardest ones which many people experience right now is humbleness. If not yet learned, we will be pushed to our knees. We can’t avoid all these ingredients, and we need to trust the spirit to guide us in this. The spirit uses our heart and intuition as the main activators and catalyst.

picasa gekko plainPain and hurt

The pain is one of the ingredients which unlocks creativity right now. Not only centuries ago, but even now the pain can be the ink for amazement of the new worlds through different art forms, which transform into multidimensional magical universes.

Another big part of this is pain and hurt in all of its forms. The guides of the new time are true chameleons in every environment and situation. They dance in the wind and rain while others run from it, embrace the unknown and trust their spirit completely. They travel light and deepdive – into themselves, life and oceans. There they feel expansion. When they have united the darkness and light inside of them they are not frightened of anyone and anything any more. These are the true leaders of the new time who play an important part in the transformation of this planet we call Earth.

Multiracial Hands Surrounding the Earth GlobeEarth means it is time to listen

Have you ever noticed that it is called EAR-TH. It is about time to start to listen what the Earth has to say to us and acknowledge that. Each of us is a ‘mini Earth’, which means we also need to start to listen to ourselves. That is the way to heal this planet and give it a new future.

crystalclearbeachI am Crystal Ra Laksmi. I am resetting my life, turning a new page and recreating myself anew even when I burn the food, turn the music down, I am willing to step up and learn the steps in the chaos and once I manage that, I am willing to be the guide to others through this mess of notes who have lost home.

Home has moved inside me. I have stopped looking. I have come home. I have come to me. I see my tale, but I am not chasing it any more. It is mine. I know. And when I just let it be, it is funny, it follows me wherever I go… and I do not care whether it is mine or follows me – I just go!


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roadtrip inenglishHere is also a little offer for a new little e-book. Read the added card. If you feel that my keys for the week have contributed to your life you can also make a donation through the paypal link on the first page here.