Keys of the week Nov 17th – 24th – The subtitles of signs guiding us to the creation of our point of balance

pagemountainsThis week’s keys will be about how to read signs, how spiritual healers should tackle their challenges these days, how to win the battle between darkness and light and how to create through your balance point.


I got back to Mazatlan last week, but since I have been quite busy, I haven’t been able to go on my beach walks for a while. I was very happy when I got the chance to do it yesterday. These walks are a time of internal dialogue for me. I listen to what the spirit and heart has to say, it is like checking my inner mailbox.

sanddollarHow do I hear these messages? They are like thoughts. How do I know they’re coming from my heart and spirit? They are powerful, inspiring and they elate me. I also do time travel and train my mind to accept a new and different reality. Our mind cannot differentiate between thoughts about the past and the future, that is why we have to be very conscious of our thought process.

The ocean brought a mighty sand dollar to my feet when I was thinking about a certain future plan. It is interesting that I had been thinking of something very similar two months ago when the water in the ocean brought me my first sand dollar. The first sand dollar was very strong in its structure and correct in its shape, I think it might have represented male energy. The second one was also solid, but a bit more chaotic and irregular in its shape, that is why I saw it more as feminine. Just a bit before the second one, I had found a little light one that almost seemed to be like their baby, gentle and fragile. I also found half of a starfish that had three legs. I thought it might still be alive, so I threw it back into the water. Could have it been a sign that indicated the end of my three-star life, I thought.

Maybe these sand dollars were signs to go ahead with my plan because the ocean had already given two abundant signs that the light is green. It is very important to honor the signs you see and follow their advice. If we do that, signs will start communicating with us even more and sending us information. I loved driving around in America because there were a lot of number plates with names. You could see a lot of messages, wake-up calls and guideposts throughout the day.

mazipalmsThe challenges and hardships of spiritual healers

Many of spiritual healers are going through a phase of either swamping in work or the opposite, having a dry spell. I have experienced it myself and so have a lot of my colleagues. Some of them are finding it hard to find their place and output, to fully use their skills and talents.

Many spiritual healers are put off by daily doings that don’t raise their vibration anymore and are forced upon. This is happening because the spirit that used to be outside ourselves, is now integrating into the body. This means we are turning into human angels who have to start doing what they came here for, which is everything that empowers and creates that positive vibration.

I am also seeing that many of you are struggling with money. Some find it hard to accept money but some, although working hard, do not seem to be getting what they deserve. I have seen that happening to me as well during the last year.

In my case, it is going back to the Earth element. I tried to skip integrating that element but now life has given me a new chance to learn about systems, masculinity, rationality, might and power and how to create form fast and easy. All those details I was trying to escape from, I couldn’t avoid anymore. You have to correct your mistakes and then rise up to a new level. So be smarter than me and try to integrate all of the four elements – fire, water, earth and air, without skipping one.

000maduThe battle between darkness and light

Since the spirit is integrating into our bodies, there is a global transformation going on where all our fears, demons and other forms of darkness will float to the surface. Sometimes that shock is necessary because you might dig up something from such a deep level you didn’t even know existed. Spirit is smart and will now show you everything you have tried to hide. The age of secrets is over and we are moving into the age of transparency, where everything we see and do will have to start matching up. More and more people are activating their psychic and sensory abilities, so soon we will not be able to hide our thoughts anymore either.

You need to be careful when you’re sending or wishing for light, because this will also activate the counterpart, which means you will also be receiving darkness. It is better to ask for awareness, this will create a point of balance where darkness and light become one. To empower your point of balance, you need to listen to the guidance of your heart and spirit and only choose what inspires, lifts you up and shares your passion. This will ease the process of integrating spirit and body.

kaepigistusCreating your point of balance

I have talked about this in my Estonian version of the blog, but I will share it once more now with my English speaking readers.

In these times, it is important to find out what creates balance for us. When I was working 10-14 hours a day, I had to find balance to remain efficient in that situation. I understood that I needed at least 6 hours sleep at night, possibly a daily workout, a healthy diet and at least one day off a week. As soon as I ticked all these boxes, my efficiency skyrocketed.

It is also very important to be bold enough to express your needs. If they are not met, we should not take it personally and instead see what we can do for ourselves.

The more we are balanced on an individual level, the less we are influenced by negative mass consciousness. The more determined we are to follow our mission and create life and worth from the point of balance, the more we can move forward and see new results.

finalframedI am Crystal Ra Laksmi, a human angel who chooses to fully enjoy and transform this experience in a human body. What a gift! Hopefully my adventures will inspire you as well!

I am asking for your help to share these English posts with your international groups of friends. The aim is also to introduce our up and coming healing retreats in West-Mexico with week long programs and possibly longer ones. Check out the location here. Ask for additional information straight from Crystal and join the newsletter here.

This blog post was written and edited by Crystal Ra Laksmi,  translated by Cathy Roost, secondly read and commented by B.H