On my travels from Europe to Mexico or Hawaii I have recently chosen to have a one week stop in NYC. This is a conscious choice – of meeting old and new friends, putting down seeds for my new social tribe there as well new business opportunities as well adjusting to the time zones. Usually it is very busy and I have hardly ever time to even sleep. This time it was different.
Looking back it felt I came to NYC to speed up my slowing down, as my adventure sister Katrin Haiba once told when she arrived to Mexico to my Wantra class. I truly felt like it was a honeymoon week with myself in NYC. I could sleep in and I slept like 8-10 hours every night I could – what a luxury!!! I worked online as much as I could, then meeting people in between, going to places and adventures, cafes.
I explored some new places and met also some new people in town. The pace was so much cooler and I was so much more grounded. After a super busy time in Estonia for the past 4,5 months this transition phase was very needed. I share some moments from my beloved NYC week with you as well.
During the first nights I slept like 10 – 12 hours. Before I left Estonia, I slept only 2-4 hours every night and sometimes had to skip nights to get everything done. I guess my body was telling me to take care of it. I rented a little room in Brooklyn at my friend’s place and enjoyed the quietness of their house, even though it is located in NYC and in Brooklyn. They are located very close to the 5th avenue, where the Spanish avenue is and I felt really home on my way to Mexico – all the signs were in Spanish too. People seemed busy and not very happy. I understand – it is very expensive to live in NYC. But at the same time you get the whole world in your hands. People are friendly and opened and it is very easy to chit chat and hear about people’s stories of how they came to NYC and what they admire about this city.
Stress decompressing with the rain
It was in the middle of the week and we got some very heavy rain pouring down. I came out on the 36th street in Brooklyn and it was quite a ways to go home. When I got home, I was cold, completely wet like a kitten and so stressed out. I started to shake and breath very fast. I did not know what was happening, so I went to the hot bath. My friend explained that I had an internal breakdown of stress metabolites, but as it passed quickly, which meant that I am very healthy. My body had such an enormous stress and tension in Estonia so that it collapsed completely now. Later back in Mexico I had some leftover reactions quite similar to the one in New York each time I came out from the ocean.
My highlights of my stay this time is one of the afternoons when I passed by Union Square and saw from the corner of my eye a name – Kristiana Pärn. I approached the boot and asked whether the owner of this boot is from Estonia. Fair enough she was – standing there right in front of me. So we talked about life and art, NYC. I was so inspired to see her art and ideas and how she has got it going as a business. Really impressive indeed. So if you still do not have good Christmas gift ideas, please check out her page here: www.kristianaparn.com
We also checked out another new place for Aerial Yoga, Om Factory. http://www.omfactorynyc.com/
The teacher was really good and it was so fun to try something different with a new teacher. She started the class very slowly, but at the same time gave some really challenging moves. The teacher was very supportive and all the hammocks were adjusted according to the participants heights. After that we got to eat in a very healthy eating place where you can choose your own food plate and get mixed veggies. I so love that place. It is around Union Square. We had our business meeting with Katrin about our Mexico ideas in a very nice Italian restaurant while enjoying the most amazing Italian tiramisu desert.
Recent times in NYC have always had some events happening in the Estonian Culture House. Last time I met the Estonian president.
One of the highlights was also visiting Estonia House in New York this time, where it seems I get to go every time I am in New York. Firstly we saw the art exhibition by Uno Habakukk. His pictures are simple and full of Estonian juices. This time Curly Strings performed. I had never seen them performing before and they are super popular in Estonia.
How amazing to see a bunch of young people who do 100% what they love and are so present and live without fear. This is the new generation of young people who believe in themselves and start to live their dream instead of chasing the dreams what the society or their culture has implanted in them. They were very playful and in the end we even could take photos together. It was really lovely to be in their energy field.
Check out their music here:
While I listened to their music and their concert – I got tears in my eyes. I realised how deeply I love my country, my Estonia, my roots and my culture. I think this concert for me was like the final dot in my hoo’ponopono series with Estonia. I have forgiven all the bad, I have said I am sorry and I love you. Thank you.
Dating and meetings in NYC

My dear friend Michael, who is originally from Jamaica, but looks like a true Hawaiian king to me;) I so adore him as a man and a person! Lucky to know you!
Every time I have passed NYC I have had several dates, even if just for one time – to meet new people and have fun in NYC. This time things were so different. I managed to meet only one previous contact and one previous ex partner and one completely new person. It was really interesting to see that my ex partner’s life had changed after my activation on all levels. It still works. I am happy for him. It was also my time to tie the ends with the old past I have in NYC for me. It felt good.
My independence declaration has really worked for me and keeps still working for me and bringing me peace and love. The meetings I had were with real gentlemen and filled with care and presence. Something I did not get that much in Estonia. Our country really needs a true school for Kings and Gentlemen.
Iceskating in NYC at Bryant Park
I have never been to NYC around Christmas time, but I have always had a dream to skate in the city. Now there I was – skating in Bryant park with my new and old girlfriends. I loved it so much, even though it was so crowded. The vibe and energy was great. All these little shops around with some hot chocolate and waffle offers added also some smells and flavour to it. People seemed to be loving, polite and present. There was a lot of happiness and joy in the air. Looking up in the dark, I saw the big buildings shining like stars in the darkness. It all felt so strange. Me – an Estonian woman – iceskating my Sunday away in Manhattan, NYC, USA. I got introduced to two new friends and hopefully keep in touch with them and meet up next time.
One thing I noticed during the first days was that because I had been so busy in Estonia, when my schedule was different and I had lots of action free time, my mind was going crazy.
It started to look for reasons what is wrong and that I need to produce more and if I do not, then I get in real trouble. It was then my turn to listen and receive it all and then put together my own speech. I told my mind that it should calm down and that I need to take care of me and it is a transition phase and things will get busy again, but in order for it to happen, I need a very proper preparation time.
I told all the other reasons which came to my mind to calm it down. It did not really believe me and threw fear, lack and all kinds of imbalances on me. It took me almost a week to tame this energy and show who is the boss in the house.
I realised that most people go with it and this energy and consciousness eats them up. When you do not allow it to eat you up and show who is the boss, your life will continue in balance and even stronger than before, as now you have faced your fear.
Listen to your inner dialogue. If you have a conflict happening, try to listen who is speaking and what is the discussion about and what are the points which come forward. Try to find the central point and figure out what works for you and where you are going and make that point clear to your inner voices.
Just today I heard someone saying – that the key is to focus and be committed. Once you have that, the rest of the world will be on its knees to meet you half way.
I am Crystal Ra Laksmi. I love transitioning between countries, continents and time zones. Sometimes it is getting hard on me and my body, but now I am wiser. I took 1 week this time to get adjusted in NYC and on the North American continent. It is like going up or down the mountain. It was a really wise choice. 5 months and many cities and countries later I am back in Mexico. I did visit Los Angeles, New York and Finland as well Turkey and stayed the rest of the time in Estonia. While in Estonia I also travelled around almost the whole country. Such is a life of a modern day gipsy.
What was really funny was that I had arranged a skype meeting with someone local for the next early morning after my arrival to Mexico. I completely forgot and it got to me only a half a day later. I quickly emailed her, as I had lost her phone number and thought she would probably never talk to me again. I never miss an appointment. 3 days passed. Nothing. On the 4th day she emails me and says – hey Crystal, you know what – I forgot the meeting too and then I did not check my email for 4 days. Wow. Welcome to Mexico. 😉 I love it.
Next time I share with you about my first days in Mexico. Stay tuned, warm and happy!
Share with me your NYC experiences and dreams!