ISWG September – 6 ways to get back on to your ‘confidence carpet’

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This past month has been full of adventure and awe, but also challenges which wiped me off from my own ‘confidence carpet’. I will share in today’s post what happened and how I got out of it and back to my ‘confidence carpet.’ Continue reading

ISWG for April – Be your own boss on land and in the water!

This past week gave me another opportunity to experience insecurity. Insecurity with my water therapy work. I have worked with people in the water for 7 years now. These have mostly been adults or teenagers. I never feel insecure in the water work, as I know my stuff and I am very professional and very experienced.

This time the opportunity appeared to work with a 1 year and 8 months old baby. I had never worked with the baby in the water before and I had never worked with a rich man’s baby in the water. I learned so much from this experience and I will bring it all together into writing after sharing my story.

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 
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ISWG post – Freedom of Speech

Contrary to most of my blog posts, this one took 3 – 4 weeks to be finished. I even shared it in the local writer’s group and reedited it for several times. It got really good feedback and I hope you will enjoy it too.

This time I would like to share something which touched me deeply recently and made me think about the topic. It is about freedom of speech and having the courage to share one’s ideas freely.  Continue reading