Weekly Photo Blog

nightchurchThis weeks photo is from Manhattan. I was walking during the night towards the Times Square. On my way I saw this beautiful church and in the background you see the Empire State Building, a bit in the fog and mist. In the foreground you see some yellow cabs. The whole scenery is very wild and chaotic and so New York.I loved the vibration, the energy of the night in Manhattan. It was so fully alive and colorful. Beautiful city landscape full of movement, life and experiences. I so loved walking in Manhattan. In the beginning one block seemed like a challenge, in the end 20 blocks was a piece of cake. How amazingly fast we can change as humans?

I hope the picture brings you the vibration and scenery of this wild city of New York and invites you to visit it with opened mind and perceptions, so that it can activate also your vortexes – inside and outside. New York has the tendency of doing that!