This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here:
What is your favourite aspect of being a writer?
This question is quite interesting for me. I think it all depends what kind of a writer you are. I will share many of the aspects which are my favourites as to just mention one would be not enough for me. So once again, I am bending the rules or directions. I am mostly a hobby writer or write for my blog or some occasional writing for magazines or newspapers.

Visiting Universal Studios in Hollywood
One idea can create a movement
I visited Universal Studios and Harry Potter land just during the last week. I was amazed how someone’s ideas were not only turned into bestselling books, but also movie series and now also an amuzement park, where there were also several shops with items from the book and the movies.
So I think that is one of the favourite aspects of writing for me is that one idea can inspire someone else to do or think something differently in their life. I like the aspect of the ability to influence people with your words and sentences and the way it is put together.
Influence despite the distance
My favourite aspect is also that something I have put together and the way I have put it together – be it the words or the sentences – can touch someone so deeply that they may even get out of their mock or trouble and started to create their dream life.
I have got several times comments after my blog posts, that my post really touched someone and helped them to make different choices in their lives. I was maybe half way around the world, but I could still influence someone despite of the distance. Sometimes all you need is that one sentence to make you click and choose another direction. That may help to change one life and with that the whole planet.

Dakota playing the leading role in the movie
How someone fantasies can serve the whole planet
I was fascinated by the woman who wrote ’50 shades of Gray’ – that it was a housewife, who wrote down her sexual fantasies (Fifty Shades of Grey is a 2011 erotic romance novel by British author E. L. James.).
The book became a bestseller as are the movies and now there is a whole movement around the world where people practice the techniques in the movie. It encourages people to be more courageous about sexual facets of being a human. I think why it has been such a hit is that this is touching something so deeply hidden in our collective consciousness. It is like someone is touching a string and the whole symphony which has been hidden inside will be cut loose. This is one of my favourite aspects of being the writer.

Interview with my travelling sister Janet Hudson in Mexico
Interviewing the people I get to know myself
This January I decided to change my blog set up and I managed to interview almost 1 person per month each month. It tied together my anthropology background which is connected to my passionate curiosity of people’s ideas, lives, experiences and also cultures. I got to know so much more about these different people and their lives and lifestyles.
My idea was to inspire more people to live their dream by sharing the stories of simple people who have lived their dream and doing it very simply. All in all I have an intent to collect all the 12 interviews into one little inspirational book, which could inspire people to really change their lives and start to live their passion. What was the most fascinating and my favourite part was that I got to know so much more about myself. I had to also challenge myself to approach sometimes complete strangers as well go places where I usually would not go – so to say – meet the unknown and learn to trust it all more as well myself. I also got to know that I did a good job and the stories were inspiring to everyone who read.
Writing is therapy to me
My best friend has been writing and that actually one of my main favourite aspects of it. I have an issue – I sit down and blow it out in words. I can go wild and sometimes just do a cloud style writing where I have no system. From that chaos the new story can be born or a new grand idea may come.

Visiting friends in Ventura, California
Writing makes me meet new people
I have been going to several writing club meetings and met some really inspiring people over the years. It has inspired me to pursue more of my writing goals and dreams – one of them has been to write a bestseller which could help to change the world and people and be successful beyond my dreams.
Writing makes me reach higher goals
When I have chosen some goals – I have often shared them in my blogs and then got active accountability partners to back me up, so I can not bail out. So this is how I am reaching to my 4th year of blogging anniversary since my new blog and probably with the earlier ones almost 10 years. I also have facilitated several online classes which have helped me to build up my new financial foundation. I think in February I will celebrate my 1 year commitment in ISWG as well. I pat to my shoulder that I have made that commitment and kept it going.

Travelling with my sweetheart Michael Ditton
My writing has manifested many things
And not only. I think the fact that I found my dream man is because I wrote an order to the Santa Clause in 2013. Kind of joking. He appeared 1 year later. I was in Mexico at the time. I thought it must have been because my Santa was Mexican. You know they have everything delivered in Mexican time. Now we are travelling to Hawaii for 2 months and that will be our honeysun. What is honeysun? It is something you do before you get married. Honeymoon is after the getting married. Honeysun is the time where you have fun and get to know each other.
Writing is fun
It makes my creativity sparkle and activate my true being. I love it. I feel like everything is possible and all I choose can manifest. I feel like my pen is my magic wand and the world is my oyster. Many times it actually is. So I am amazed like a little wizard. Sometimes what you think works and not only, it also manifests in this reality!
Makes me feel alive
Without writing I think I would feel dead. It gives me life, direction and self reflection. I could not imagine my life without it. I am so grateful I love it and I have an invisible friend who is always here and always takes me as I am. My writing.
Tell me about your favourite aspects of being a writer?

Two happy campers in Hawaii
I am Crystal Ra Laksmi. A travelling new time gypsy, who is living her dream in Hawaii at the moment. I am here together with my king Michael Ditton (also a writer) and we are here for the next two months to work and have fun as well do research for the future options. I am today who I am because I have been a writer for many years. I am grateful beyond words. Thank you all for your support.
Your answer is so endearing, Crystal. You make the world a better place just by being in it. Write away, sweet girl!
Thank you dear Joylene. Sweet to write away and share my sweetness. Today we did the ceremony in the womb of Mother Earth. I was so touched and cried. Would be nice to write about it. I have like 5 stories from today. Who manages to write them all down? Thanks a lot for your support dear Joylene. So appreciate it.
Thank you. sweet;) so lovely you are.
You’ve laid out really great reasons – all reasons I also love being a writer! Even if I don’t get to live in Hawaii while I write 🙂
I’ve never heard of a honeysun. I’ll be writing my order to Santa Clause tonight and include a honeysun request as well!
Thanks Jennifer. I hope your Santa is delivering a bit faster;) But what is really cool that once you get what you asked for and more, then everything actually tastes sweeter;)
A lot of great reasons. Great piece. And Great peace.
Thank you dear Marie. Lots of good in your words;)
Thank you for this post Crystal! Of course you have more than one reason for writing (and being, and loving, and who knows what else?)
You are an inspiration for me and many many others. I will enjoy rereading this post many times and I look forward to seeing you in La Cruz. Hugs.
Thank you so much dear Janet. I am grateful for your feedback and support. Can not wait to see you too and share all my world adventures with you;)
You gave a lot of reasons for loving writing! A lot of great points. It’s amazing to see the story from a person’s imagination become a worldwide addiction.
Thanks a lot Shannon;) Yes, one person can create a lot – both good and bad. or something in the middle.
Writing is fun. Yes, it is. I’ve never had a job this fun. Loved the pictures!
Thank you;) I also think writing can be so fun;) Thanks for your comment dear Diane.