I am happy to share with you an amazing modality which has completely changed my life.
I got my AuraTransformation™ in February 2007 and became an Aura Mediator™ in August the same year. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to introduce AuraTransformation™ to Estonia in September 2007. I was part of the Aura Instructor™ program from September 2008 to February 2010. I have done many AuraTransformations™ over these years all over the world and still enjoy the process very much. For me it has been the greatest and fastest highway to myself. It has not been a quick fix or a walk in the rose garden, but I am much more connected with who I am, where I am going, what I am doing with my life and how I am contributing to the planet and for the future generations!
On the left, is a picture of me with the old name Kätlin Roovik, in 2006 and on the right is me in 2012 as Crystal Ra Laksmi (5,5 years after the transformation). I changed my name in 2009. Name changing can be quite common after the AuraTransformation™ for many.
I had never felt myself as a true queen, but as years were going by after Auratransformation™ – I got more and more connected to that part of me and the way I was suddenly able to set boundaries and tell what I mean and what I desire was mind blowing and very new to me. I had always been the shy girl in the back row or behind the curtains. So now I was not only in the front row, but most of the time on the stage and I also loved it!
The AuraTransformation™ session itself took 3-4 hours for me as my spirit energy was so out of my body, that my Aura Mediator Berit Hickman had a real challenge to get all my spirit energy back to where it belongs. Some of it entered my body during the session and some of it waited for its turn in the coming years. It is hard to describe the feeling with words, but for me it has been probably the feeling what you would have if you would become a human angel. There are times where I am just so bliss filled and in harmony. I do not need to do anything special. I am just present, but feel very good. These are the moments when my spirit is uniting with my body and my body is also crystalizing.
I have had very different times after the Auratransformation™. In the indigo energy my main lesson was to set my boundaries and learn to say NO and mean it. It was very hard, as I had the ‘good girl mentality’ and wanted to be there for everyone. What was really cool with it was that the energy did not allow me to say YES if my body was against it. So with every day passing I could go less and less against myself. It took me very many years to finally feel ok to say NO and set my boundaries down where needed. Now I feel comfortable to do it right away not later.
Getting grounded
Another huge change was that I felt very grounded. The first experience was to really feel energy in my legs and feet. I remember going slalom skiing only some days after my session and feeling like a ‘leg orgasm’ as I had never felt it that way earlier. I felt so connected to Earth.
Because I had lived in Norway for almost 7 full years I had also integrated earth element much more than I would have anywhere else. When I moved back to Estonia – this energy really helped me to set my new life up and also to support my transition with being the person bringing such a powerful spiritual technique to Estonia. You have to be a very strong people in order to do that.
I understood that I have to stand on my platform – completely alone. It was scary at first, but I got more and more used to it.
Cleansing process
Next was to clear and clean all the rubbish which came up. I had to deal with my outer and inner garbage right when it was activated, not later or store it somewhere in me for later cleaning. It was kind of funny at first, but as time went by, now I am so automatic, that I do not even think about it. Stuff comes up – and I clear it right away.

Wantra Group Session in Hawaii, 2010. Photo by C.R.Laksmi
Finding out what my life mission is
When it comes to dharma and finding out what my life mission is – this took me almost 15+ years to figure out. I tried a lot of things and finally figured out how to mix the cocktail which works for me – do my energy healing work with Auratransformation™, developed my own Wantra water modality and doing adventure retreats and writing my books and blogs, doing online classes on regular bases, setting up my own VIP membership club, plus giving lectures, organizing retreats and other possible events. It has been trial and error all the way. It has taken me couple of times half way around the world. But it has all been such a valuable time and amazing experiences. I feel so grateful and I have grown so much along the way. By now I have travelled to 32 countries and lived in 6 different countries for a longer time – so that all in all I have lived outside of my home country most of my adult life.
The way I grew up – as a child of two alcoholic parents had taught me that life is a chaos and in order to survive you have to fight all the time for your life. I had incorporated their patterns about emotional chaos. I had trouble to express my needs very clearly. I had real challenges to find a partner who would match with me. Auratransformation™ helped me to change many of my relationship patterns and become more conscious about myself and notice when the old negative emotions came up and change these.
One thing which I could not understand in the beginning was the balance energy. In the old we talk about the light and dark. In the new we actually learn to unite these two energies in us. It is actually amazing how that works. If you go too much into one or the other, the energy makes the corrections and pushes you back into more balance.
More protection
The protection by the spirit energy and new time energy – has been amazing, as it has given me very clear instructions where to go and when and what to do and what not to do. It has saved me lots of time, money and energy, not to mention all the emotional drama which I could avoid. It almost feels that my inner GPS has been fully turned on and I can not ignore it any more. It literally saved me several times from life threatening situations. I am so much more tuned in now and I really trust and listen my inner voice. If something does not flow very well, I stop and redirect.
4 Elements Integration
After the Auratransformation™ it is all about the 4 elements. Your whole body, mind and system needs to integrate these on all levels. I did not get that at first. Some of the elements took almost a year at the time to get to the core of it and integrate it fully on the cellular level.
Like the fire element has been a lot about my passion for my work and figuring out what works for me and how. This journey took me through all the elements – working with the energies – the air element; working with the bodies in tantra – the earth element; working with the water – developing Wantra water therapy; working with the mind patterns – the air element. I also had the depth fear in the water. Which meant that I had to work through it completely. Only then could I be guided to the earth element. Earth element has been the hardest to integrate, as it also pushed me into systems and structures and live my life in a more organized way – making also budgets for my future trips and figuring out ways how to save money and create more money.
I also noticed that people who had fear of water after their Auratransformation™ could not really fully integrate their water element and that was also part of the reason Wantra was born – to help with that. Once this fear was dissolved with my help – the people managed to flow in life more, trust life more and be who they were and live their dream more.
In reality it felt many times like I was pushed down to the last level, till I got all I needed to integrate about one particular element. It was really interesting to observe. After I got things integrated, I could go to the next level.
Adventures after Auratransformation™
My life has far from been dull after the Auratransformation™. I have travelled to so many more countries, explored myself and others during these adventures and also cleared many of my inner patterns and blockages. The earth element almost forced me to take care of my body and now I can not live without regular training any more and support it with some additional supplements as needed.
Every time I have tried to sneak away from my dharma, it has pushed me right back to it and faster than I have ever imagined was possible.
The main conclusion would be that – 10 years after my Auratransformation™ I am finally in the place where I can say I am living my dream on my terms. It is only possible because I followed my heart and path which spirit made for me. In 2009 I visited Hawaii first time and fell in love with the Big Island. I instantly got this insane idea to move here. It seemed so impossible. My spirit rerouted me to Costa Rica and then to Mexico first.
I went through the paperwork process and started to offer Wantra Water therapy in the Four Seasons hotel as well St. Regis hotel and Villa Ananda Private Spa. It was quite a success to finally get my own water work out there in to the corporate world!
I had to go there to finalize and cleanse some more stuff. After I was almost all settled and organized there, Michael – my divine king showed up. Originally from Santa Barbara, California – he had his boat there and was about to sell it. In this process we got to know each other. Within a year we were clear that we were meant to not only adventure there but co-create a new life for ourselves.
During the 7 years after the Auratransformation™ I was mainly meeting consciousness partners and it completely exhausted me in the end. It is a huge learning curve. I am writing a book about new time relationships now to help others in the struggles and processes. But all this prepared me to meet Michael, who I believe is my spirit mate.
In the process we decided to move to Hawaii, Big island and in August 2017 we got married. We practice sacred relationship protocol and our relation is filled with balance and harmony energies. Our wedding day was very simple and special. So my impossible dream had turned into reality even better than I imagined. I feel I am like a true queen with Michael and do my best for make him feel my special king. Before I met Michael I gave up to meet my divine partner as it seemed a complete mission impossible. He showed up right after that.
Our fairytale base
Hawaii was our main base from 2017 – 2019, but we moved to San Diego in October 2019 as it made more sense logistically with our work and also in connection to our dreams. Michael’s family lives in Palms Springs, which was just 2 hours drive away. We had 5 hours less to travel everywhere and the whole mainland is here – only one plane ride away.
Most summers I love to go to Europe during summertime and spend at least 2-3 months there while working. If we can we do it together, if not, I go alone.
Then we moved to Texas to oversee one of our new real estate properties. We stayed there 1,5 years. After that we moved to Daytona Beach, Florida, where we currently (April 2023) reside.
After 2 years in San Diego we moved to Texas. Michael got a huge real estate deal there to overlook and get activated. After that we moved to Florida. Next may be Caribbean island?
Smartest decisions in my life
All of that has not come easy. I have had moments where I have been close to check out, but I always found a solution, which I think is the characteristics of the new time energy. It always guides you to the right place if you listen. The problem is that most people do not listen and do not make the changes their energy is guiding them to do.
All in all I must say that doing Auratransformation™ was one of the smartest decisions in my life. The life I have now is due to the new energies and my ability to live in harmony with my deepest desires and wishes and physically realize my dreams while dancing with all my 4 elements.
Book your session with me by emailing me crystalralaksmi @ gmail.com
It is advised to read Anni Sennov’s Book ‘Balance on all levels’ before the session. Read more about the book here:
Auratransformation™ session must be done in the presence of the Licensed Aura Mediator. Check out my current locations from my Events link on my website.
My main base is in Daytona Beach, Florida at the moment but I am also opened to travel to different locations if you have more people interested to work with me and have sessions and workshops with me – do not hesitate to take contact with me.
Check out also this new introduction to Auratransformation™ here:
Till we meet and wander to the new energies!
Crystal Ra Laksmi-Ditton