Here you can find a nice overview links to all the days during this challenge with added task sheets, additional resource links or PDFs and also FB live videos in You Tube format. Check it out and share with many! Continue reading
Tag Archives: Hawaii
Connections between Judgments, Inner Family & Holistic Abundance
Today I share some personal stories connected to judgments and one of the biggest judgments people have done about me. Often times we do not know story behind the story and judge people into a box or label them as ‘an outcast’. Knowing the depth of the story helps us to understand that we all have big challenges and lessons and how with less judgments we can attract more Holistic Abundance as well help our Inner Family to help us with that more instead to repel opportunities and abundance with the protective shield judgments create inside of us and outside of us! Watch today’s video, read, do the tasks, download the free bonus material. Share, like and subscribe! Continue reading
Connections between Love, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance
Today I look into the topic of LOVE. Is it possible to define it? What does Wikipedia say? What have I learned in my life, relationships and travels? How can also our Inner Family make our LOVE to ourself and others better and even manifest more holistic abundance? Watch the video, read the tips, do the tasks and share! Continue reading
Connections between Hawaii, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance
Welcome to the journey to Hawaii! How did my Inner Family support that dream and how has Holistic Abundance manifested itself through all these trips to Hawaii and in Hawaii? Continue reading
From Fear of Change to Embrace the Unknown
Today you will hear some of my stories of big changes and moves from North Pole to South Pole as well from Estonia to Hawaii and how these changes all have some major gifts in store for me and how your changes may have it too! Watch the video, read the blog, share and enjoy the tasks today, which are a bit more challenging! You have a chance to also win a prize today! Continue reading
Connections between Wantra water therapy, Inner Family & Holistic Abundance
Today I share with you my adventure journey story from Hawaii and how Wantra came to me and my life and what the journey has been like and how has it been connected to the Inner Family as well Holistic Abundance and how you can find your amazing talents to do the same in your life! Continue reading
Connections between Fear, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance
Today I share my stories connected to Fear, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance. I share some tips how we can work with fear and how you can too. I share also some tips from Tim Ferriss. Read, do the tasks and share! Continue reading
Connection between the Inner Child and Abundance
Check out today’s topic – Inner Child and Abundance. Continue reading
Full on towards the amazing 2020!
Aloha my dear fellow travelers!
I am so happy to wish you all a Happy New Years from San Diego. I hope you all had a wonderful 2019 and if not you can create a better one now in 2020. Check out what I have in store in 2020? It is time to get full on now with the new year!
In case you have never heard of me before, you have to know I love to call myself an abundance anthropologist as I believe that all of us have a hidden treasure box inside filled with our inner talents and if we activate these, we will have access to our holistic abundance as well easily manifest our Inner Fairytales to our dreams on our terms.
Read more here!
Insights from traveling from Hawaii to San Diego
Aloha everyone!
This blog will be about my traveling insights. I have not focused too much on the blog as the statistics has shown that people do not really read it much. They would rather watch a 8 second video than read something long. But because I love writing I love to archive my thoughts this way and there are some who enjoy reading too. So here we go.
How has Hula in Hawaii changed me and my life?
This post will be about my journey to Hula and with Hula here in Hawaii. Continue reading
Reconnecting with myself through a virus in Hawaii!
ISWG May – Meet my new friend – The fruit of the angels!
This blog is written for monthly ISWG site, check it out here:
This month I have been doing some more creative writing and one of the techniques which helps to handle it better is to observe something in your environment and write a story about it.
It is first of May here in Hawaii, known as a lei day. But today I will take into focus another new friend of mine here. It is called ‘the fruit of the angels.’ I did not know much about this fruit, but living here in Hawaii has introduced me to this fruit in so many ways. I would love to share this exploration journey with all my readers. Continue reading
ISWG – March – The main key to the insecurity
This post is made for Insecure Writers Group. Read more about them here:
I have had some interesting times. I have learned so much about my own vulnerability as well wounds which are all connected to the insecurity.
ISWG – February – How to make insecurity to move out of your reality?
This post is made for Insecure Writers Group. Read more about them here:
Aaaah. What happened to time? Suddenly I realize we are almost heading towards the mid February and I am behind with all of my to do lists!!! I am a bit overwhelmed and stressed, but I guess that is normal if you are a person who has many balls in the air at all times! I am practicing more conscious time handling and it is taking time to get used to it. This month has been really boosting my confidence through a roof. I have challenged myself in so many ways. Read more how! I also discovered something funny about my insecurity during this month. Continue reading
Interview with Valev Laube – ‘Courage is a ticket to your dreams’.
I am so excited to introduce to all my fans a talented Estonian-born brand manager and designer based in New York City – Valev Laube. We have not yet met each other in one physical location, but we were introduced by powerful women based in New York, like an Estonian dancer Diina Tamm, artist Jaanika Peerna and a power-woman behind the Estonian Cultural Days in New York Kadri Napritson-Acuna.
We have followed each other’s lives with Valev via social media. I instantly admired Valev’s courage to create bigger events and choose challenges which most people would run from.
Even though I thought I am not going to produce more of these kind of interviews he inspired me to make an exception and here it is!
Valev Laube is an Estonian-born brand manager, artist, and designer currently based in New York. He’s an enthusiastic creative mind whose digital designs and social media projects have been the cornerstone of many New York-based festivals, events, and company brands.
Read more about who he is and what does he do and contribute to make this planet a better place to be? Continue reading
ISWG January 2018 – How you can travel the world without leaving your island?

The movie tried to document what is happening to the coral reef in different parts of the world and the results were shocking. If it continues like this – the reefs in the world may be dead in 30 years time!!!! Coral reefs are super important to our ecosystems in the oceans and they are like the forests of the sea. Take these out and you will have no fish and to put it simply – the whole planet’s ecosystem is in danger.
ISWG – December – Walking with my ancestors ;)
This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here:
I gifted myself a whole weekend of systems and organization as well family constellation work with Fransesca Mason Boring in a beautiful eco Volcano Retreat center Akuaha run by Darshan Mendoza here on the Big Island of Hawaii. It was a wonderful weekend which also inspired me in so many ways. Continue reading
ISWG – December – Walking with my ancestors
Read the updated version of this post here: