Mirror theory

I have been developing this mirror theory during the recent days as I stepped truly into abundance. I did an abundance bootcamp with my best friend and my son and my sister. It was so powerful! Will share that in some later blog post!

This picture is from one of the shops, where we did testshopping. It is the shopping which you do like you fake it. You try things on, you feel it and then if you get the wow effect you imagine yourself buying it even if you do not yet. It is like fake it until you make it! This dress was a wow dress and it talked to me. It said it can really make me a lot of money. I know it.

I looked into my own reflection and I felt I could do it. Have and create a lot of money, abundance, proseperity, as I have done it.  I looked into the mirror, talking to myself, listening and stepping into the message. The one who is looking is still not so sure, but the reflection is very sure about it.

millionairesThese days were very empowering and I really felt the abundance cells were activated. But then I met some people who were not on that frequency and the whole level of confidence I felt disappeared in an instant. I thought about it. It felt like someone dropped a stone to the water and my new reflection started to blur out.

So in Vadim Zeland’s book about ‘Transurfing’ he points out that we should be patient as the picture and the reflection may have some delays. I protested against it. If I choose here and now I can have it, then it can happen in an instant!

So what if I imagine myself stepping into that mirror reflection and becoming one with this powerful version of me, who is confident, empowered and abundant beyond my wildest dreams? What happens in the reality then? Who knows?

I will do an experiment with this during the next days, and you can try it to, and let me know how it goes here!

I am totally sure that I personally have many tools which can be the bridge to step into that mirror reflection and contribute to your understanding how you can make your dreams a true reality! Ask me how!