Weekly Keys – 23rd of Feb – 2nd of March – Sommersaults by Mars and Venus

IMG_1437This week’s keys focus on what you create when you have negative self talk to yourself, how to reset your relationships, how everything is okay diary can help you, what you can learn from contraction and expansion, how the word WAIT can help you in many complicated situations and how Mars and Venus date and what other self exploration insights I found, which can inspire you as well. Read and share!

Negative self talk

If you experience many negative things still manifesting in your life, it happens so because you have thought negative thoughts or been around people who have very negative thoughts. What happens is that our subconscious copies most of the energies and even information what is around us. The other day I could not fall asleep for hours. I wondered why.

7crystalsurfingI asked my spirit and he said that I had not gone to the ocean for several days, which clears my auric field and neutralizes all the human information field from my auric field and all that information is processed by my body and mind and spirit. So it needs more time and more of my awake time to do that. Once I went to the ocean again, that night – I slept like a baby. Lucky me who has the ocean to go to every day! If you do not have one, make a salt bath or make yourself a salty shower. Be creative and see what else is possible and do it. See if you have some good results as I did.

What are negative thoughts? These are thoughts which are not conscious and usually create disharmony. Less we have them, more consciousness, light and ease and flow we have in our lives.

3pvwithkatrinwallReset your relationships

My dear friend Katrin Haiba told me just today how we are now transitioning into the new phase in relationships as Mars and Venus get together into something what she called ‘a cosmic sex’.

During this last week I had an experience where many things I had built up were washed away. First I was really sad and almost angry, but it is the spirit’s way to reset relationships right now. Everything which is functioning from fear or unconscious will be brought to the surface. Our task is to be conscious enough to face it and embrace it and not to run from it. Once we master that – we have learned how to balance the light and the dark. If we do not master it, what happens is that both people will mirror each other’s shadows onto each other and it will amplify it many times.

In order to shift and change that at least one person has to stay focused, in the middle point, in the storm’s eye and from that point start to reflect back from the consciousness and presence and courage instead of fear and darkness. New time men need to really learn that aspect and do it very well, as more and more women are stepping into their power and also facing their shadows. That is one of the main keys to transform this planet – conscious men who can hold space for women’s opening and expansion.

Everything is okay diary

This is this week’s home assignment. By the end of each day, write down everything what is okay in your life, what you are happy with and what went well today. Pat yourself on the shoulder and say that tomorrow will be even better! If you do this for 30 days, it will change your life completely!

---whalesContracting or expanding

During the last weeks I have observed myself contracting and expanding in different situations. Expansion happens usually from love, courage and being in the zone and doing what I love. Contracting usually happens from hate, anger, resentment, fear and being out of alignment. Each individual’s purpose now should be to find your tools to act and live from constant expansion space.

What makes you feel like you expand? Who makes you feel like that?

kayakbreakfastHow to do that?

Like this morning I was really out of alignment. I knew that if I would push myself into doing and creating something, it would have that bad frequency and influence it even further. In order to break that, I woke up earlier and walked to the marina to go kayaking early. After one hour floating on the kayak I was fully refreshed and happy. The weather was nice and warm and sunny. I had my breakfast at the sea and looked back to the beach and thought how lucky I am to be here. After kayaking I swam in the ocean for a while as well. I felt so much better.

Secondly I could go and get a whole body massage from my friend and I did that.

After 5 hours which I gave to myself, I was ready to really work and give my best to the rest of the day. Everything was flowing and moving forward very well. I was much more in tune with everything and everyone around me. I got myself back step by step to the expansion side again.

I also discovered that one of the reason what got me out of alignment was unclear communication. When things got clarified, I felt very good and very in tune again. How simple is that?

orangeflowersPut focus on the things you have

Most people use so much time and energy and money to talk about stuff they do not have or can not do. If you cut from your everyday talk everything you complain about not having now, you actually give more space to attract all that what you need, but then you will do it in a very nice and formal way.


This is a good advice I got from different friends coming with different versions on it. To put it to the computer screen as the word or put a mouthfull of water into your mouth when you know you have to talk and react to something or someone or just count to 20, as 10 is obviously not enough. We can avoid so much damage we can do from the hurt or reactive place instead taking your time off, letting the steam out and then see what is possible next. When we react, we will never do it from consciousness. We are all influenced by emotions. Emotions are very fluid and changing and the decisions made in it, may not last and not be well done.

So in order to take the next step, it is wise to sleep on it, process it individually and do whatever it takes to get clarity before action.

venus-mars-july_11Mars and Venus dating

Powerful time to reset your masculine and feminine patterns this coming week and explore more of the new ones.

What works for you?

What is it your truly desire?

How can you as an individual heal yourself inside out so that your inner man and woman are at peace and from that balance co-create the new universe. This is the responsibility of all of us if we would love to help to rebuild a new time Atlantis in the golden age. This only works through the inner change to the outer. Everyone counts!


As our inner masculine and feminine are really kicked ass this coming week, partly it can be influenced also by Uranus, which is on the same line with Mars and Venus this week and Uranus is a kick ass planet for change. What happens with its energy is that often times it comes out very raw.

So think what you can do and be this week, so that the change your spirit is wanting to have would go smoothly and joyfully and the way it would work for you instead of drama and other ways?

I am definitely stepping into a new platform, where I choose sanity instead of insanity. I also choose kindness instead of violence. I also choose communication instead of suppressing things. That is huge! Last night I had a moment with my spirit.

I understood – I am ready to deep dive into love, consciousness and the unknown with courage and no limitations. Most people are afraid of love, consciousness and the unknown and the true courage. The brakes will be forced on by fear and what if thoughts and sometimes with disease or other circumstances.

I thought what would lift me up from the fear? I figured it must be the infinity mindset. I am without limitations and I can set my mind to do and create whatever I choose with ease. Everything standing on its way I dissolve and so can you!

3pv meI am Crystal Ra Laksmi. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by emotions. Whether it is my menstruation cycle, or just hormones or reaction to it, I do not quite know.

But I know that acting from emotions only is not a smart thing to do. It is important to let things settle a little bit before taking the next step.

Once everything has calmed down I reevaluate and make my decisions from there. I am learning now how to surf with my emotions, not to fight them and run away from them. When I surf them, I can flow with them, and turn it to the direction I would like. It is all about going with the flow and not planning it. Just implementing my skills and talents whenever the opportunity upraises to the surface!!! Try it out as well!


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If you would be interested to hear more about the online program, let me know through the contact page link here. Everyone who decides to buy a 6 months online course with my guidance, is also qualified to take part in the summer retreat happening this summer in Estonia from the 24th till the 26th of July in a beautiful natural retreat center.

If you have relationship problems and issues you must know that I also offer coaching for couples and singles via skype. If you would love to experience a romantic honeymoon adventure in Mexico or Hawaii (Big Island) I can organize a custom made adventure especially for you and your loved one as an unforgettable memory for the years to come. Take contact with me here: