I have not been so opened about my personal relations publicly recently, but it is time to change that. Today is the fourth of June, which in new time numerology means number 10 – the masculine and feminine are united. It is also the new moon in gemini – which should be perfect for new ideas and inspiration, which this announcement will be about!
Relation shift announcement
It was Christmas 2013 in Estonia. I was out in a big shopping centre and there was a place where you could meet the Santa Claus. I just asked him, if I can order ‘a man’ from him. He said yes – why not. So I ran upstairs to a cafe where I sat down, and started to write my list for two hours. After I was done, I went back to find him and deliver my list to him. He was gone. So I was kind of disappointed like a little kid as I could not get my gift now most probably, but I kept the list – you know just in case.

I had my wild experiences and adventures half way around the globe since then and by December 2014 I was so done with men, so done that I promised myself – that I am going to live alone for the rest of my life as my hunt to find my dream man for the past 16 years all over the world had given no real results. Yes, I am grateful I got lots of experiences and got to know more who I am and what works for me and what does not. But I was done.
So I let go of the hunt. I let go of the dream and started to fully work on me instead.
One of the first steps was to build up my new personal platform and foundation, so that I am fully independent and no one can take anything away from me any more. I started the work on all levels – on my relationship with myself where I rooted more into my self-love and a lot of that via Alanon materials and group stuff as well reset my professional focus and also started to really live on the budget to build up my new finances. So step by step things started to look better.
I will tell you about fate – as sometimes things will be aligned so that two people can meet each other.

La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Mexico
I came back from Mazatlan and completely broken – not physically, but energetically and emotionally. I tried to look for a place to stay in La Cruz and no place was available for my budget. It was hard, as most places were all booked out and the ones which were left were very expensive. I ended up staying with my friends in Octopus’s Garden, who were my life savours and God bless them as they kindly shared not only their space, but many times also food with me.
After their plans were clear to relocate to Cancun, I took over their place. At that time we had one other friend staying with us from Austria and he was supposed to rent a room downstairs which was available, but somehow did not do it. Then Michael comes in to ask for a room as he had been around in the village too – and no budget rooms available elsewhere. So he stayed in Octopus’s Garden – in that one room which was available.

San Blas Valentine’s Adventure in 2016
First time he said he saw me sitting by the other table down at the cafe and I did not even notice him (must have been busy as it is impossible not to notice him – Michael stands out wherever he is). Second time I got introduced to him and he started to share about his life and that he may need some extra sessions with healing. He and I put together a 2 weeks customised healing program for him with all the possible healing techniques I knew could assist him. These sessions gave him lots of clarity and a new direction, from Wantra to body grounding, mind clearing and other sessions.
Sometimes big disasters in our life give also space and possibilities for the biggest gifts to be born. Sometimes spirit is very wise and sends us those biggest gifts when we least expect it. Maybe our minds say it is too early and we are not ready, but spirit knows. It has taken more time and processes to figure out what we both desire in life and where we stand in it together while living in different countries and even continents for extended period of time.

Birthday party with Wally in Bucerias, March 2015
Michael came to my life when I was not looking any more. He was not looking either as he was processing his wounds and healing from his past. These 1,5 years getting to know each other have been at times very challenging, but also very rewarding – to get to know myself better and also him. I am glad that despite all the challenges we always find ways to nourish each other and our new beginnings and are now taking new steps towards the new future.
At one point I stopped sharing my relationship details online, especially on Facebook as most people could not understand it and all I got from it was judgments. I wanted to be sure that even if we get the tsunami on judgments coming towards us after making it public that we are in a relation shift (there is a long theory of the difference between a relationship and relation shift which you will hear more about later), that we would survive it and now we are. We are both much clearer what we want in life and how.
Someone just recently said that the key to the long relationship is to like similar things and have similar goals and dreams. We have all that and more.

Sailing together in Banderas Bay in March 2015
I have learned to get to know Michael through highs and lows, lived as his neighbour, lived together, adventured together, co-created some projects together and supported each other in all ways we can. I am making notes as we go so that all that knowledge can be shared with others who meet similar challenges later. The world is changing – as are our desires.
What is the most important is to get to know these desires and really own it truly and authentically. Because from that new realities can rise. According to your choices – what colour, material etc.
I am proud to say that I am in a relation shift with Michael Ditton – I am proud of him as a man and a gentleman.
The man who has helped and continuously helps me to become a better woman. Who opens doors and pulls chairs out for me – but not only. Who has opened my heart layer by layer getting access to the deepest corners no man in this lifetime has had access to yet. Who has invited the true wild shakti out of me to dance for him and transform all there is.

Sailing with Tom Brown in Banderas Bay, March 2015
Who believes in me when I have lost faith myself. Who gives me his hand when I am completely down. Who makes me smile and laugh with his funny Californian humour. Who cheers me up by reading Estonian words. Who sails, kayaks, paddle boards, adventures with me and does not know what complaining is.
Who shares compliments like showering rain waters the flowers. Who corrects my English writing projects, if my Scandinavian or Estonian grammar kicks in. Who takes me for who I am, even when I have some overweight and I am not perfect. Michael is someone I connect on the spiritual, emotional, physical and intellectual levels and not only, I am also enjoying co-creation together.

Who welcomes me with flowers, chocolate, hot herbal tea and herbal bubble bath after 20 hours of travelling. Who comes up with surprises which sweep me off my feet. I did not believe that men like him exist any more on this planet. My heart knew that he did, but my mind did not believe it. I have never been treated so well and kindly by any man before in my life.
Even if some men in my life did good things and for a while, in the end it all turned upside down and ruined even all the good memories.
There are very few who have done good things and always kept it that way – still. I am so grateful for them, as they helped me to believe that there are more of them out there. If every woman would find a man who can nourish them deeply, we would change the world in no time!!! I wish every person on this planet would be able to experience this. I hope that our story inspires no one to ever give up. There is always someone special out there especially for you!!!

San Blas adventures in February 2016
I have learned from my past mistakes and do everything differently today. Even if the old patterns come out, I am now aware what to do with them and command them to leave me or listen to my orders as I am the boss of me now. The biggest gift is also that Michael is my rock when my shadows come out and start to dance. I can ground myself and reflect and see what is going on and calm down. This is a conscious relation shift.
We speak each other’s love languages and I feel like I have already grown into the tree, blossoming like crazy. What a beautiful gift.
I cherish every moment I can share with Michael on this planet. It is the biggest abundance anyone can find in their life – somebody who you can share your life with and also your dreams and goals and be received as you are – also with your shortcomings. I am so grateful that my original list found a way via spirit to the Santa Claus and got delivered basically to the door in Mexico;) Needless to say most of the things I mentioned in the list are delivered, some of it was not even on the list, so I got also some additional bonuses.
Thank you angels and spirits and humans – who you orchestrated me to be there for this magic to happen. All in all I say thank you to my dad, who I think orchestrated for me to go to La Cruz in 2012 first time to visit Katrin Haiba on her boat ‘Lila’… I thank all the people who gave me all the experiences so I could live to these moments. You will see I will be much more productive, systemised, calm and grounded, because I have a strong man beside me now who believes in me, loves me, my dreams and the love I share. My gratitude is all yours… Now I am truly living my heaven on Earth…
With all my love, care and abundance,
Your queen and everything Crystal Ra
Beautiful <3
Thank you;)
SO HAPPY FOR YOU (BOTH)!!! Thank you for sharing!!!! We sure miss you and look forward to seeing you,!!!
Thank you;) Sweet to hear from you. See you soon! Hugs!
LOVE this! Peace and happiness and LOVE to you both!!
Thank you dear Cindy;) We received it all!
Well, there you go making me cry. Tears of joy from the romantic in me, even though I deny she exists. I am thrilled for both you. Thrilled because life is precious and all that matters is love, family, and friends. You were meant to be together. Hallelujah.
Thank you dear Joylene. Maybe even some material for your books;) Thank you so much for your support and good wishes. I am enjoying every moment and getting to know what a real home means being home in me and with another. I start to believe in fate and that we are meant for each other. Many hugs to you;)
This is great news Crystal, you are a beautiful soul, so happy for you. I’m grateful we met and will never forget the Wantra experiences with you. Love the pictures, both of you are glowing <3
Thank you so much for your sweet words and support. I will never forget you either. It was amazing to have you with me in the ocean Wantra during the very new beginning of it. I wish you all the best in your journeys dear Lila;) Pls keep in touch!
Dearest Crystal ,,, You have shown great courage ! To share your love for someone , with so many . To let down your guard and become true to your feelings takes tremendous strength . Michael is well deserving . He is very honest and truthful . Finding each other is your reward . Love is worth it .
Thank you dear Wally. You have been one of the most supportive male friends, who has seen me down so many times, because I so believed in love and in men that they are capable of receiving and sharing. Only when I gave up the real king could rise from the ashes from the others. It is a true reward that I finally found him and that our traffic is two way street. It is a true jackpot. And thanks for the advice to ‘park him’ on the shelf for some time. Good things come back to good people;) We will always be delighted to spend some precious time with you. Soon in San Diego too;) See you soon and good luck with your projects!