Weekly photo blog – Full moon celebration on the boat

000fullmoonThis is a photo from the full moon night on one of my friend’s boats in marina de La Cruz, in Puerto Vallarta. There is something very magical about this picture.

The waves were slowly and softly embracing the boat, creating the sound symphony of the evening. Some of the small fishes were jumping out of the water and catching the moon rays shimmering in the water. The stars got brighter and the humidity more intense. Some of the planets were beaming their light on us like big lamps in the sky.

Why is this full moon so different? Because it is preparing for the red moon eclipse and I could almost feel it in the air. The big new transformations, the ending of the old and taking life easy with new approaches. Letting go of the old. Letting go of the toxic relations.

The warm tropical breeze was embracing me and I felt deep gratitude for my life, my body, for my friend and the boat. This moment was full of silence, but which shared some whispering fairytales from distant lands. Some stories became alive and took their heroes to the distant lands.

While the moon shimmering the magical rays on me I felt the connection to my deeper me and understanding more who I am, what works for me and living in the moment without any expectations was so liberating and so nourishing. I felt the care, the love and presence of both – the masculine and feminine energies. Truly blissful indeed!

Focusing more on what I have – amazing friends, boats I can come and visit, my kayak, my kayak ride, sailing with friends, adventurous life without a physical base and home. Having my home with me in my heart and in my song.

Sitting there under the full moon I was wondering where is Moon’s home? Many people sometimes try to make me feel bad not having a physical home or a base. But look at the Moon. Just there, hanging above our heads. Giving us light and does not care, whether we have the home or not, just shares its rays on us no matter what. Like a true friend who sees you as a whole also with the shadows dancing. As without the night, the moon would not be able to show its beauty, its light and glow. Thank you!