City jungle keys from New York – 29th of June till 6th of July

0000 LA last drive bridgeThis week’s keys are combined from my observations from NYC as well some left overs from LA. These are small and simple keys, which can open not only doors, but even gates and new worlds and universes, but only when you put these in practice. Toolbox which is not used, will not be helpful. You have to make the first steps! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 22 – 29 of June – Taking care of you in your ‘Thrive Location’ can be the key to your happiness

7Santa monica mountainsroad

This week I focus on two keys – location can be your key to thrive in life as well how to take care of you on every level. Most of these observations are done while still enjoying my time in California. Please read it and share it with your circles.  Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 8th of June till 15th of June – Mexico Reset

mexicoThis week’s keys talk about my reset in Mexico for the last 2 years. In order for me to reset, I had to unplug to get plugged in again. It has been a challenging, but exciting journey. Without my courage and ability to listen to my intuition, I would have not had that and most probably not been on this planet any more. Mexi-Go, was a kick ass go for me. We will see where it gets me next.  Continue reading