Weekly keys – 30th of Nov till 7th of Dec – Speeding up slowing down in NYC

pilvelohkujadOn my travels from Europe to Mexico or Hawaii I have recently chosen to have a one week stop in NYC. This is a conscious choice – of meeting old and new friends, putting down seeds for my new social tribe there as well new business opportunities as well adjusting to the time zones. Usually it is very busy and I have hardly ever time to even sleep. This time it was different.

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Weekly keys – 23th – 30th of Nov Spicy inspiration shots from Turkey

wantrawomandanceThe women’s retreat in Estonia was a good preparation for this receiving energy which we could experience in Turkey. This time I will share my travel experiences with some tips and keys, what you could take home with you from it. Continue reading

Weekly keys 16th till 23rd of Nov – Changing the world with space holding kings

trollI have to first apologize in front of my English speaking followers for not even updating what was going on with my blog and why I had the break. There were many reasons for that. I also travelled to Turkey and took a break from blogging which I have not done for 2 years. But now I am back on track with my blogging.

Here I am. I am at Oslo airport and sitting in the restaurant and preparing for my next leap to the American continent. This time it will be totally different. I am leaping consciously and with my new targets. Bigger than ever before and we will see what happens.

Today’s blog will be dedicated to the women, as I will mention what happened during my Wantra woman course as well preparing my next sharing about my trip to Turkey and my new transit zone.

Everything moves so fast, that I feel I am running after my own train. Hopefully my next weeks will help to fix my debts in my to do list and balance and unite the energies and the speed. I have a whole week ahead of me in New York, one of my favourite cities in the world. Excitement is tickling between my bones… Continue reading