How to find your Lifeline and your Superpowers?


Today we talked about some crucial things which will help you to get ahead and come out of this chaotic time as a winner and maybe even create something which has the potential to carry you for a decade. Watch, pay attention, do the tasks and share! Continue reading

Spiritual background to Corona Virus & how can we reset ourselves at the moment?


Today I focus on the little info I got through my Inner Woman and Mother Earth.

I made a FB post about that and that was one of the most popular FB posts I have ever done or shared. After that I got an idea to make a FB live about it as well. Not everyone takes time to read these days.

How can we keep ourselves going in these crazy times and keep us on our true path? I also give some tips and tools what would help and you will get a free meditation as a gift from me in the end of my blog post. Watch, do the homework, share and enjoy the meditation. If you like what you saw subscribe to my social media channels (all named in the blog post too). Keep yourself safe and protected! Aloha! Continue reading

Get out of your self-created self-sabotage traps!


My last FB LIVE handled one really important topic which I have been looking answers to for all my life from everywhere with no luck. 🙁 Finally I found one solution which nailed it for me and started a chain reaction to understand the inner patterns connected to self-sabotage! I felt like winning a jackpot!
I also looked at it from a New Time energy angle and other inspirational materials which I just picked up. I share my personal stories and tips as well how to detach and fire your Inner Saboteurs! Red, share, become a subscriber! Thank you!

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Commitment Secrets


Would you like to know more about my Commitment Secrets? How can you explore this topic on a deeper level and change your life through it? I share my definition of the commitment, what are my commitments in my different areas of my life. I share some tips and tools what you can do in order to make a commitment your best friend? Check out this video, read the blog post in the comments and share with as many as possible. In sharing there is caring and two way street activation! Continue reading