Keys of the week – 1st of Dec – 8th of Dec Through the clarity of expectations lets talk the five love languages stepping out of the boxes enjoying the cocktail of power and humbleness

palmbushesblackwhiteThis week’s keys focus is on the expectations in relationships and how the five love languages can help you; how living in the box will restrict and limit you; how important are the lessons of the power and humbleness; what is the gift of the pain; how to start to listen to the Earth. Continue reading

Keys of the week 24th of Nov – 1st of December – Deepdive into the darkness and light finding the key role in conscious women of the planet

palmtreesunThis week’s keys deep dive once more into the matter of darkness and light through the essence of becoming and being a victim, to how to become empowered in that situation. What role do women play in all of that and how can we step out of the abuse and step into our power? This topic is very vulnerable and very sensitive, but also very necessary to be brought up in order to bring forth more change in these matters. 

If you are a woman or a man and this story inspired you and you feel the truth of it resonating with you, please share it on your FB timeline with as many women and men as you can! This will be your contribution to become the change you want to see in the world!  Continue reading