How to end self-destruction?


Sometimes when I listen to people and their stories I ask myself – how is it possible that with all these failures or unfairness they can not see that they have been part of that process especially with self-destructive behavior?

This topic is very big and I could just record separate video series about it. But today I talk about some of the first steps how you can start to stop your self-destruction and see how fast your life quality will change! Continue reading

Overview of the Holistic Abundance Challenge

Here you can find a nice overview links to all the days during this challenge with added task sheets, additional resource links or PDFs and also FB live videos in You Tube format. Check it out and share with many!  Continue reading

Connections between Auratransformation™, Inner Family & Holistic Abundance


Check out my story of how I changed my life with Auratransformation™, what happened after that and how I found my Inner Family, Twin Spirit and also started to create more of Holistic Abundance. Watch, read and share! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 4. – 11. January – Roadmap to the Highway to Yourself in 2016

BB7palmsI promised to all of you my dear readers that this time I will talk about the new time numerology for this year, but the spirit is guiding me to write about another topic this time and follow up my promise next time.

This time I will talk about how one idea can reset and reorganise your life, give you your livelihood as well help you to live your dream. As it is the beginning of the year I would love to inspire everyone to make a little research what needs to be changed in your life and where one is headed in general to make it the best year ever! Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 1st till 8th of June – Treasures in the silence

1lastsunrisesThis week’s blog is talking about the insights in the new time, how important are minutes of silence, what is a quantum resetting, why finding your own tribe is important, life mission in the golden energies, secret of abundance. If you find this reading inspiring, please share with your friends and circles. Sign up for my newsletter! Continue reading