Is Now the time to become a Boss?


This weekend I got inspiration from an article in a local newspaper. How many are still “unemployed” and do not realize that they are actually just accepting the role of a victim? There are many possibilities to get out of that situation. I will share one of them with you. Read more! Continue reading

Monthly keys – Grounding February through the male energies


As some of my big blog fans from Estonia gave feedback asking me to continue to produce my weekly keys, I am trying to find the golden middle path here and maybe post once a month some of my thoughts for the next month.

I base my stories mostly on the new time numeorology, as well some of my observations from my adventures. As I have got most feedback from the Estonians, I will translate the keys into English only when the time resources allow it. Continue reading

City jungle keys from New York – 29th of June till 6th of July

0000 LA last drive bridgeThis week’s keys are combined from my observations from NYC as well some left overs from LA. These are small and simple keys, which can open not only doors, but even gates and new worlds and universes, but only when you put these in practice. Toolbox which is not used, will not be helpful. You have to make the first steps! Continue reading