Interview with Valev Laube – ‘Courage is a ticket to your dreams’.

Photo by Sylvester Benson-Sesay.

I am so excited to introduce to all my fans a talented Estonian-born brand manager and designer based in New York City – Valev Laube. We have not yet met each other in one physical location, but we were introduced by powerful women based in New York, like an Estonian dancer Diina Tamm, artist Jaanika Peerna and a power-woman behind the Estonian Cultural Days in New York Kadri Napritson-Acuna.

We have followed each other’s lives with Valev via social media. I instantly admired Valev’s courage to create bigger events and choose challenges which most people would run from.

Even though I thought I am not going to produce more of these kind of interviews he inspired me to make an exception and here it is!

Valev Laube is an Estonian-born brand manager, artist, and designer currently based in New York. He’s an enthusiastic creative mind whose digital designs and social media projects have been the cornerstone of many New York-based festivals, events, and company brands.

Read more about who he is and what does he do and contribute to make this planet a better place to be?  Continue reading

Touched by Mauna Kea – the most sacred Hawaiian mountain

Picture from Pixabay

Today I passed another milestone in my human existence. Not only were we driving across the Big Island via the Saddle Road which snakes between the two biggest mountains on the island – Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, but I also gave my first biometrics prints to the USA state to further proceed with my paperwork to be able to live and work here fully. For me Hawaii has always felt like another state, and almost like another planet. I sometimes can not comprehend that it is one of the USA’s states. But read more about today’s adventures and thoughts below – directly from Hawaii, the Big Island. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 14 – 21st of Sept – Together with 3 selves & without expectations following the elevating men’s footsteps!

ootustetakaireThis week I focused on how to live without expectations, how to cooperate with your three selves and how the inspiring men activate and may inspire you to take your right path in life. I talk about one of them, who inspired my life and me become who I am today and even more! In the end of the blog post I share with you some of the possibilities to meet me physically in Europe. Read my post and share in your circles;) Thank you! Continue reading