Surfing through life and astrology waves – Interview with Katrin Haiba


Photo: Katrin Haiba

Interview with Katrin Haiba (NYC, Mexico, Estonia)

4th of February, La Cruz, Mexico

A story about surfing, sailing and Cosmic Wave Astrology.

Questions and stories recorded/written by Crystal Ra Laksmi.

Additional editing by Katrin Haiba.

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Weekly keys – 21th – 28th of September – Money anorexia dissolving while detoxing from the old

divinerelation-001This week’s topic is the money anorexia and how to detox from the old in our transition into the new. Please share my blog in your circles.


To heal this world, the best gift is people, who live their bliss and dream by doing what they are here to do. Why do we have so few of them, who do it? Because this is the key to transform this world!  Continue reading

My personal experience with the AuraTransformation™

Photo by C.R.Laksmi – November 2017, Hawaii

I am happy to share with you an amazing modality which has completely changed my life.

I got my AuraTransformation™ in February 2007 and became an Aura Mediator™ in August the same year. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to introduce AuraTransformation™ to Estonia in September 2007. I was part of the Aura Instructor™ program from September 2008 to February 2010. I have done many AuraTransformations™ over these years all over the world and still enjoy the process very much. For me it has been the greatest and fastest highway to myself. It has not been a quick fix or a walk in the rose garden, but I am much more connected with who I am, where I am going, what I am doing with my life and how I am contributing to the planet and for the future generations! Continue reading