Weekly keys – 21 – 28th of December – Flashback to success keys from 2015

redgingerIt is the end of the year and it is a time to look back at the year. I will bring forth some of the qualities which were some huge game changers for me this year and brought me success. I will divide this blog post into two, so you have the follow up next week. Happy holidays everyone! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 14th till 21st of Dec – Liver detoxing in Mexico

vorkkiigedmayasolIn these times where we live we are surrounded by so many toxins and we inhale it from the air, we drink it with the water, we eat it with the food and we also absorb it even from our washing powder as well all the influences by media, negative people etc.

Spice it up with a little extra stress, not enough sleep, too much work, little exercise and bad food and our systems and bodies clog up. That is why it should be compulsory for people to do detoxing on a regular bases. That is one of the reasons I did a 6 days liver detox again and what I will share in this weeks blog with you. Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 7th till the 14th of December – Turning into a snowbird in Mexico

OlacruzstreetBack in Mexico, after 5.5 months away

It is amazing what the time and traveling to different countries can do. Certainly it can give us a new perspective into ourselves as well to the world.  Continue reading