Monthly keys – Formula for happiness = boundary setting + starving your pain body



The number of March is 3 and the number of the year according to new time numeorology is 9.

9 + 3 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. I will share now the keys for the month of March in this tune. The keys will be juicy and spicy and enough for 3 weeks around 3500 words!

In this cocktail we will talk about how to activate your life mission, how to activate the new time energy love energies, how to set boundaries, good words as weapons, and how bad people can be turned into gifts in your life and more! Read and share! Continue reading

Surfing through life and astrology waves – Interview with Katrin Haiba


Photo: Katrin Haiba

Interview with Katrin Haiba (NYC, Mexico, Estonia)

4th of February, La Cruz, Mexico

A story about surfing, sailing and Cosmic Wave Astrology.

Questions and stories recorded/written by Crystal Ra Laksmi.

Additional editing by Katrin Haiba.

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Reverse motivation magic


Villa Ananda, Mexico

I was thinking about the next topic I would like to share with the insecure writers and I think not giving up is something I have been inspired by all my life, especially by the reverse motivation. Call it a Scandinavian Viking mentality which is all goal oriented to get somewhere or the Estonian stubbornness, it has got me long way in my life, at least to the other side of the planet, living my dream one day at the time in west Mexico.

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Monthly keys – Grounding February through the male energies


As some of my big blog fans from Estonia gave feedback asking me to continue to produce my weekly keys, I am trying to find the golden middle path here and maybe post once a month some of my thoughts for the next month.

I base my stories mostly on the new time numeorology, as well some of my observations from my adventures. As I have got most feedback from the Estonians, I will translate the keys into English only when the time resources allow it. Continue reading