Here you can find a nice overview links to all the days during this challenge with added task sheets, additional resource links or PDFs and also FB live videos in You Tube format. Check it out and share with many! Continue reading
Tag Archives: setting boundaries
How bad Relationships can stop your Inner Family’s Holistic Abundance Manifestation?
Today I give a short overview of my own journey of 15 years with many bad relationships and what I have learned from my own patterns. Many tips and tools you can put to use to make a difference and also focus more on your Inner Family as most of these years I did not connect with my Inner Family 100%. Now it is changed because I cooperate with them every step of the way! Watch, share, subscribe and evaluate your relationships and eliminate the bad ones NOW! Continue reading
Connections between Values, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance
Today we focus on Values and how is it connected to our Inner Family values as well our Holistic Abundance. I share once again some stories from my life and we go the foundation of understanding the core of the concept. You will get for sure much more clarity about what values are in general, what or who influences our values and what else is important to know when you work on this. Watch the video, share, subscribe! Continue reading
Questions and Answers session for Holistic Abundance Challenge
Today we talk about relationships, some tips and tools how to better your life from different angles. Today’s tasks give you a chance to win a free e-book about how to become the wizard of your life and world! Watch the video, share it and subscribe! In case of interest be brave and sign up for the 4 months Inner Family program! Continue reading
Monthly keys – Formula for happiness = boundary setting + starving your pain body

The number of March is 3 and the number of the year according to new time numeorology is 9.
9 + 3 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. I will share now the keys for the month of March in this tune. The keys will be juicy and spicy and enough for 3 weeks around 3500 words!
In this cocktail we will talk about how to activate your life mission, how to activate the new time energy love energies, how to set boundaries, good words as weapons, and how bad people can be turned into gifts in your life and more! Read and share! Continue reading