Monthly keys for April – Viewpoints with roots erupting the old to the surface.



This month’s numbers talk even more about the importance to take care of your past left overs and finalise everything you can, so that you will create new soil for the new seeds to grow and blossom for you! In this process of facing the old I focus also a lot into a wounded area of our shadows – where our viewpoints may have grown roots and give also some ideas how to come out of it with most flexibility. Continue reading

A Journey of Involution – How limitations can be your ticket to your freedom – Interview with the musician and artist Sonny Davis


These interviews are meant to bring inspiration from ordinary people who live their life simply, but fully. My main message through these stories is – you do not need a million dollars to live your dream! All you need is to have a dream and simplify in order to redefine your life. Figure out how and what works for you. Let these stories from my amazing friends around the world inspire you and take your steps to live your dream!

If these stories inspire you, please share them on your FB timeline and personally with your friends. This is the way we can change the world – one story at the time!

This interview is about how:

‘We are all onions and our life is about peeling it – it is our choice if we do it ourselves or let other forces to do it.’

Story conducted and recorded by Crystal Ra Laksmi. Edited by Crystal Ra Laksmi and Sonny Davis.

All the pictures are from Sonny Davis’s private collection if not stated otherwise.


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Insecure Writers Post – Let your creativity penetrate you!

palmtreeblindersI am deep diving into my writing more. I have been preaching to people for more than 15 years – do what you love and the rest will follow. I only now realise that even though I have had exposure for my writing and journalist work both in magazines, newspapers, online as well in radio and TV, I still kind of do not believe it can become your number one triumph or give you all you have dreamt about.  Read my exploration about the topic today! Continue reading