Many people spend all of their lives to hide who they really are or even try to escape from it! Many people do not even really want to find out who they really are!
The matter can be complicated, as if we are ever changing how can we state here and now who we are?
Some years ago I thought I knew who I was. Right this moment I know who I was yesterday, who I would love to become and be in the future. Who I am today I know as well, but this is the most changing phase, so even if people think they know me as they knew me a year ago, I do not think they know me at all, me included.
I would love to share some naked truth about me and bits of my story, as I have been hiding too long, not really showing my real face and beauty and power. Now is my time and I am stepping step by step into my power again. I am finding my voice. I believe our past is building a solid platform for our present and future. I honour it.

The naked truth is that my birth name was Kätlin Roovik
and I got my new name Crystal Ra Lakshmi on a top of a mountain in Norway.2 years later I got Crystal Ra Laksmi officially to my passport.
The naked truth is that I love to talk about things what people do not talk about in public. Two of my favourite topics are sex and money.
The naked truth about me is that I love empowered sex and money (but have never been a prostitute!!!). The naked truth is I love sex which empowers me and money which empowers me or if I can use sex or money to empower others (through tantra ).
The naked truth about me is that I love orgasms: all kinds – vaginal, clitoris, all body etc. I am able to get them even while walking, sleeping, sitting in the car, in the bus etc.
The naked truth is I have not yet found a man who could handle my empowerment or tame my heart or would dare to choose to grow and expand with me. I have met many and had many trials, all have been experiences to take with me to the future and made me stronger and clearer what I would like to choose in the future.
The naked truth is I have found the woman who dares to choose to grow and expand with me.
and this is one of the connections and supportive systems, which has helped me to get through all the challenges during the last years.
The naked truth is the two of my main reasons why I am still alive
is my son and this woman.
The naked truth is that from now on, I am not letting my value down and will not choose men or women, who disempower me or use any kind of violence (verbal, emotional, mind) against me! Period! You can find yourself another playground. You are not welcome in my world or on my orbit! Have fun some place else, as I am the woman on mission!
The naked truth about my background is that I come from a middle class family,
my parents divorced when I was 6 and I stayed with my grandmother and my father. Later my sister joined me as well for some years.
The naked truht is that I got pregnant when I was 19.
My son is now 16 years old and lives with his father. I spend as much time with him as I can when I am in Estonia. My son has traveled with me a bit. I am there for him, wherever he needs me.
The naked truth is that I have done one abortion which almost took my life…
The naked truth about me is that I come from pretty harsh conditions and have been to the bottom several times as on the top as well.
The naked truth about me is that I once was a millionaire in this life. The naked truth about me is that I lost it all.
The naked truth is that I know that when you are in the bottom, you have nowhere else to go than up. On your way up you appreciate everything what or who comes your way! And you know your way up. It is just all about choice, systems and determination!
The naked truth is that many people have tried to kill me for my courage and my success.
3,5 years ago I was at the peak of my success in Estonia. I was one of the top leading sipiritual companies in Estonia and people got very jealous. The naked truth about it is that there were some people trying to kill me. They tried 3 – 4 times.
The naked truth is I am still alive as I am a woman on mission!
The naked truth is that I have spent almost 6 years for promoting others.
I do not regret it as through this contribution people in Estonia and in other places got to know about Auratransformation TM, water therapy, experience based tantra, Access Consciousness TM and still will hear more about other new things as well as this is in my nature. But I do not feel that the people and organizations I promoted have really appreciated my contribution the way I feel I have deserved it. Maybe my viewpoints or ideas about ethical and honest businesses are different than theirs?
The naked truth is now is the time to BE ME!
I feel very strongly that now is also my time to come up with my original handwriting and presenting to the world something of my very own. I do now every day special steps for making these steps. You will hear more about it later.
The naked truth is I will never make any business without any contract or written agreements!
I have also learned, that even if you do business with good friends, you should always make a contract and additional written agreements beforehand.
I have learned that to be unique me and walk my path has been challenging, but rewarding in so many ways.
I am 36 and have travelled several times around the world, got 2 higher degrees in Norway and South Africa. I keep travelling, as it inspires me and empowers me and will inspire the world, as I create new things as I share new things all the time!
The naked truth about me is that I am from Estonia (birthland of Skype), but I feel like the citizen of the world and have not had one stable base in the world for the last 2 years.
The naked truth about me is that I am not afraid to be me and I am very open minded.
I can sexually be both with men and women (bisexual or pansexual) and I feel that this is very balancing for most people, if they would let themselves explore and experience that and let go of the viewpoints which do not let them explore.
The naked truth about me is that I love my own body, spirit and mind and fall in love with me more and more.
The naked truth is that I had almost no hair for 2 years just out of choice!
The naked truth of me is that I am not afraid to be naked in front of people.
Whether it is just meant without clothes or literally without masks or layers. I love to be real and love to be me. The best environment for me is the empowered environment. Then I do not have my barriers up and I can expand with every moment and grow as well.
The naked truth about me is that I love life to the bits and even though sometimes the challenges are hard, I have now decided to see everything what comes my way as an opportunity instead of a limitation.
The naked truth about me is that I have learned how to unite the masculine and feminine inside of me.
The naked truth about me is that if you would like to see ‘the true me’, you have to invite me for a play or an adventure!
The rose opens the petals to the sun who warms and empowers her, to the rain, who waters her and to the soil, who feeds her and to the wind who gives the air of dreams and wings to fly together to the eternity…
The naked truth of me is that I am born to be and express abundance and prosperity in all possible ways and forms.
Thank you for daring to get to know the naked truth about Crystal Ra Laksmi! You are brave!

Would you like to step into your power and be able to tell the naked truth about you and find your voice? Take contact with me – I have loads of ideas, tools and experiences which can contribute to you to create your way back to you!