She has found the magic question to get anyone out of their deepest abyss – Interview with the award winning published author Joylene Nowell Butler

Mexico plate

Photo by C.R.Laksmi

Part of what I love about doing these interviews is that I can visit people in their ‘habitat’. Finding Joylene in Bucerias, Mexico was quite an adventure too. She lived at that time in a beautiful Mexican apartment, with 2 bedrooms, living room and the kitchen. On one side the view was opening up to the Pacific ocean side, on the other side to the main highway. All the interior was very Mexican, with lots of colors, artifacts and Mexican furniture. It felt very homey there. She took out her home made guacamole and I knew I should not even touch it before we are done, as it looked so delicious and I knew I would not able to stop eating it. 

I met Joylene during our writers group in La Cruz and from the moment I met her, I instantly liked her. What is there not to like? She has a very bubbly energy, so full of joy and wisdom and seems so caring and loving in so many ways. For me this was like starting to read a new book – once you start you can not put down any more. It is just so exciting. Every word coming out of her mouth is like piece of gold. 

After doing this interview I bow even more down to her, hearing about what she has been through and that she has been able to get through it and still smile and enjoy her life to the fullest. I hope this will inspire each reader to make the necessary changes in their life to live a life which feels fulfilling and maybe even buy her books!

Please read, comment and share, as this is one of the ways to spread good energy, frequencies and uplift the world! Continue reading

A Journey of Involution – How limitations can be your ticket to your freedom – Interview with the musician and artist Sonny Davis


These interviews are meant to bring inspiration from ordinary people who live their life simply, but fully. My main message through these stories is – you do not need a million dollars to live your dream! All you need is to have a dream and simplify in order to redefine your life. Figure out how and what works for you. Let these stories from my amazing friends around the world inspire you and take your steps to live your dream!

If these stories inspire you, please share them on your FB timeline and personally with your friends. This is the way we can change the world – one story at the time!

This interview is about how:

‘We are all onions and our life is about peeling it – it is our choice if we do it ourselves or let other forces to do it.’

Story conducted and recorded by Crystal Ra Laksmi. Edited by Crystal Ra Laksmi and Sonny Davis.

All the pictures are from Sonny Davis’s private collection if not stated otherwise.


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Surfing through life and astrology waves – Interview with Katrin Haiba


Photo: Katrin Haiba

Interview with Katrin Haiba (NYC, Mexico, Estonia)

4th of February, La Cruz, Mexico

A story about surfing, sailing and Cosmic Wave Astrology.

Questions and stories recorded/written by Crystal Ra Laksmi.

Additional editing by Katrin Haiba.

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Tacking the blog – Interview with Michael Ditton – Dreams, Goals and Adventure


Private photo by M.Ditton

Welcome back to my blog. I will introduce you to my new blog set up as well to my very first interviewee, Michael Ditton – an author, self development coach, speaker, sailor, businessman and so much more who lives his dream. Continue reading