This week’s keys focus on what you create when you have negative self talk to yourself, how to reset your relationships, how everything is okay diary can help you, what you can learn from contraction and expansion, how the word WAIT can help you in many complicated situations and how Mars and Venus date and what other self exploration insights I found, which can inspire you as well. Read and share! Continue reading
Category Archives: love
Weekly keys – 16th – 23rd of February – One secret key which may help you to turn your life around in seconds!
This post is re-edited from the Valentine’s topic. I figured that this topic is relevant 24/7 and 12 months a year. Put all the inspiration into practice and see how it can help you change the quality of your life as well! Continue reading
Weekly Keys – 9th till the 16th of February. Let this week be the DATE week with yourself!
This week the keys are focusing on how not to make compromises with yourself; a reminder of the boundary settings; control in the new time energies; how to build the bridge between the heart and the head. It will finalize with a little glimpse to my heritage background. Continue reading
Weekly keys – 26th of January – 2nd of February – Boundary settings as a new time key to your harmonic life
This week’s keys will focus on the main new time key – setting boundaries in all your affairs – home, work, relationships and more and how this tool can create your dream life now not later! Share in your circles! Continue reading
Weekly keys – 5th of January till the 12th of January – Introduction to golden abundance twinspirit year
This week’s keys talk about new time ‘bible truth’ and how to surrender. I will also explain how it looks like to be with your twin spirit and what is the difference to be with a consciousness partner. I will also look at who is responsible for the happiness in the new energy. Enjoy the exciting reading! Continue reading
Weekly photo blog – A year of Freedom and Liberty
This week’s photo is from NYC as well, from the Statue of Liberty and me. This was my way of celebrating my birthday this year.
Statue of Liberty’s story you can read here… Continue reading
All the love you are looking for lies in YOU!
I have had some real intense experiences during these last 2 months. Today while walking home listened to a song which had that message in the title: ALL THE LOVE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LIES IN YOU! It was a good reminder to me and I guess to everyone to never forget that! We are all so occupied to find love outside of ourselves that we very often forget to find it in ourselves. It gets us nowhere, as in the end we are going to have only ourselves anyway. I am so grateful for everyone who have been part of this journey to get me that far deep in ME. It has been a very deep and salty dive. I thought I have seen the rock bottom, but this was even deeper… Continue reading