Weekly keys – 29.12 – 05.01The old waters of 2014 and the new abundance of the 2015

getting outThis week’s keys are actually looking back into the year of 2014 and also looking ahead into the year of 2015 from the New Time Numeorology point of view. This mostly applies for the people who have done Auratransformation, but may apply also for the others as we are all integrating new time energies into our bodies in different ways. Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 22nd – 29th of Dec – Stepping fully into your Abundance Ocean!

moneysuitcaseDuring the last years I have experienced abundance from the inside out and outside in. I have lived with multimillionaires, I have been pretty rich myself and also moved completely to another polarity where I have lived basically without money or with people who are very poor, but who are abundant and rich on many other levels. To experience all of that inspired me to think more about the abundance and this holiday topic will be on that topic as this is one of the main keys to the new life on this planet. Continue reading

Keys of the week – 15.12 – 22.12 Gifts of the inner voice

111This week’s keys will be about dissolving abandonment patterns, how to step out of poverty consciousness, how to stop chasing your tail, how we activate each other, what to do about favouring patterns, how to listen to your inner voice and what to do during the holidays. Continue reading

Keys of the week – Dec 8th – 15th Waves of life surfing to the bliss

1beachsandyThis week’s keys surf with the waves of life into bliss, inspiring us to rewrite our own future, by becoming our own volunteer through the zero out transition period and start our mission now not later. Please read, contemplate, practice and share with your loved ones and your circles in FB or elsewhere! Continue reading

Keys of the week – 1st of Dec – 8th of Dec Through the clarity of expectations lets talk the five love languages stepping out of the boxes enjoying the cocktail of power and humbleness

palmbushesblackwhiteThis week’s keys focus is on the expectations in relationships and how the five love languages can help you; how living in the box will restrict and limit you; how important are the lessons of the power and humbleness; what is the gift of the pain; how to start to listen to the Earth. Continue reading