What to do with goals in the New Time Energies?


Many of you may have noticed that you can not set goals the old way any more. Today I share with you my approach and some tips and tools how to work with it in the New Time energies. Watch, like, share! Continue reading

How bad Relationships can stop your Inner Family’s Holistic Abundance Manifestation?


Today I give a short overview of my own journey of 15 years with many bad relationships and what I have learned from my own patterns. Many tips and tools you can put to use to make a difference and also focus more on your Inner Family as most of these years I did not connect with my Inner Family 100%. Now it is changed because I cooperate with them every step of the way! Watch, share, subscribe and evaluate your relationships and eliminate the bad ones NOW! Continue reading

Connections between Open Relationships, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance


Today I share my understanding and view of open relationships as well some experiences from my life. This is not the mainstream way of understanding the topic at all. But I think it is super important for all of us to take a moment and define our understanding of relationships in general to start with. Continue reading

Monthly keys – Formula for happiness = boundary setting + starving your pain body



The number of March is 3 and the number of the year according to new time numeorology is 9.

9 + 3 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. I will share now the keys for the month of March in this tune. The keys will be juicy and spicy and enough for 3 weeks around 3500 words!

In this cocktail we will talk about how to activate your life mission, how to activate the new time energy love energies, how to set boundaries, good words as weapons, and how bad people can be turned into gifts in your life and more! Read and share! Continue reading