HPX Live insights and Questions and Answers session


Today I make a short summary of my highlights and insights from HPXLIVE event with Brendon Burchard. It was such a power event and I a am already a better person because of that. I will also answer some questions which were coming in and finalize with a new experiment on the 12 week’s coaching program intro. Watch, share and subscribe! Continue reading

What has Love to do with Reverse Motivation?


Valentine’s day is around the corner and this is why I take into the focus what connections do Love and Reverse Motivation have?

I share one story from my life where my love got a reverse motivation kick and where it took me. I share my pre- story for that how I unconsciously looked for love from the whole world for 15 years while traveling to 30 countries. What is the fastest route to Love and why is Reverse Motivation one of the best tricks? Check out the video, read the blog, and do the tasks and participate in the challenge! Like and share! Continue reading

Mis seos on Armastusel ja Tagurpidi Motivatsioonil?


Valentinipäev on lähedal ja seepärast võtan fookusesse – mis seos on armastusel ja tagurpidi motivatsioonil? Jagan ühte lugu oma elust kus minu armastus sai tagurpidi motivatsiooni tõuke ja kuhu see mind viis. Jagan ka eellugu sellele kuidas ilma teadliku kohaloluta otsisin armastust kogu maailmast 15 aastat reisides 30-le maale. Mis on minu arust kõige kiirem tee tõelise armastuseni ja miks on tagurpidi motivatsioon sellel teel üks paremaid nippe? Vaata videod läbi (kahes osas seekord või blogis on kokku lõigatud), loe blogi, tee ülesanded ja osale ka katsumuses! Jaga ja saa järgijaks minu hõimus;) Continue reading

What to do with goals in the New Time Energies?


Many of you may have noticed that you can not set goals the old way any more. Today I share with you my approach and some tips and tools how to work with it in the New Time energies. Watch, like, share! Continue reading

Summary of the Holistic Abundance Challenge with a Surprise!


Today we finalize the challenge, check into statistics, what did I learn, what else is possible to co-create with me and some additional tips and final tasks for you to do. To top it off you have a wonderful surprise which ties together my beautiful journey with my Inner Family. Watch, share with at least 5 people the whole Holistic Abundance Challenge here and like!

Thank you all who you joined and helped me to co-create this beautiful experience and invest some more Holistic Abundance into my Universal Holistic Abundance Account and give you some tips how you can start to do it as well! Till the next time!

This challenge will be made into a product later. Enjoy it free until you can!

May your life be Holistically Abundant Every step of the way!

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