Gratitude from the heart

How amazing is this? I spent an amazing evening with my two very amazing Estonian goddesses in Chicago, Sirje Press andHelbe  Lume and got to go to the  Estonian sauna with them and enjoyed the best amazing meal ever! And on top of it got driven all the way to the airport in the middle of the night, while Sirje stole almost 3 hours of her sleep time for me. Gifts like that are amazing and never to be forgotten! Thank you, your contribution is so valued!

Throughout the whole trip, I experienced miracle after miracle and it has been so amazing to be grateful for every single one of them! How blessed can we be and how much more can we create and attract, if we also count all our small blessings – I wonder! I am so grateful for all the women who donated money for my trip in Chicago, my amazing hostesses in Chicago: Sirje Press and Greta Campagnolo and Lisa Burnham and all the fun time we all had together! I am stepping myself into a new sisterhood and womanhood time and it is so amazing! Thank you, thank you! How lucky am I?

naisedchicagosI feel how every step with gratitude opens up more and more doors for me as well as more opportunities create itself with ease and abundance and I feel again that my world cares about me as I care about me and I have got back my vision and targets where to move to. I am so excited, so full of life and totally empowered! This event and the whole adventure which took almost a week of my life, gave me my life and my fullfillment back to me! Gratitude arises from the bottom of my heart to the world and every quantum particle being part of creating this! Thank you!

To have a life and build a business with Empower Network

Today I would like to share my experiences in Empower Network and also invite you to investigate more! For me it has been really real and continues to be so!

I joined in the middle of April in 2013, my sponsor is an amazing Canadian woman Greta Campagnolo, a mother of 5 kids and she has been a total kick ass for me. Thanks to her support and other women in the SuperWomen group and my friends in the world I got to go to the EN Chicago event and experience a new beginning with 5000 other people from all over the world, including all the top leaders in the network. I made magic happen basically every step of the road together with people who empower and believe in me.

Watch this video to get the vibe from Chicago event here

In addition I would love to thank Elizabeth Wood, Liina Remmel, Mark Myers, Eve Härmson, Sirje Press, Helbe Lume, Lisa Burnham, Tiina Liimandi, Sander Kruusement and so many others for believing in me and supporting me taking massive action!

For me Empower Network seems to be a platform, which Dave Sharp and Dave Wood have made to empower people and helping them to create a sustainable life on all levels – uniting spiritual and self development inspiration with top secrets in internet, online and offline marketing and advertising, plus motivation and inspiration and how to self dicipline and keep things on track every single day.

Would you like to have a location free business, or more time to be with your family, or more money to take care of your family? I have the secret 3 steps formula for only 25 usd:

Check it out from this video here!

Read one of the blog posts here about talking to the stranger:

Why did I join Empower Network and what is the value for me?

  1. High business ethics (100% commissions, donations for charity, client support, team support etc)

  2. Super support from my sponsor Greta at all times (practical questions or personal motivation)

  3. Human values (family, time, care, depth, abundance, helping etc)

  4. Possibility to earn lots of money if you are consistent

  5. Highways in online or offline marketing, what you can also use in your own business

  6. Simple structure of the business – easy and quick results

  7. New supportive friends and girlfriends who believe in me!

  8. Being part of different FB groups and constant flow of new information (massive)

    The women’s group has been amazing as well is the main team called Take Massive Action, where very many of the top leaders are part of!

  9. New targets and support to achieve these

  10. Discipline and commitment training

  11. The leaders inspire to be who we truly are and this is real

  12. Constant inspiration and motivation

  13. To live in your own power

  14. Experiencing freedom and independence

  15. Experiencing easyness

  16. Can learn technical skills and sell it at the same time with ease (not agressively)

  17. To contribute to others and see them succeed

  18. Everyone is welcome, does not depend on your age, race, cultural background or faith or health condition.

  19. An opportunity to cooperate with my son and inspire teenagers to take their financial reality already into their own hands (he is 16) and become an example while learning and creating new values for ourselves and others.

  20. You can start with as little as 25 USD!!!

  21. Women get totally empowered in EN, there is a special SUPERWOMEN group and we have daily hangouts and keep uplifting each other daily no matter what is happening without any jealousy, gossiping or judgments

  22. You can be you – you can wear what you want, have a background you have and look as you like!

  23. You do not have to have the numbers to be valued! You are valued by your actions and mindset! So step into your power and kick some ass!

  24. If you do not believe in you, there are thousands of others in EN who do. Once you have connected to them, you may start to believe in yourself as well and even create some miracles as I did and continue to do so!

  25. All the failures in my life so far, have been the stepping stones for my future successes!

If you are interested to find out how it actually works, let me know! I will explain more!

Questions I would like you to answer before you take contact with me would be:

  1. Do you know how your dream life would look like?

  2. Do you know what is your mission on planet Earth?

  3. What is stopping you to live your dream life?

If you would like to join, let me know, I can help you in the process. I would suggest to join first and then start to recommend it to your clients, friends and family. But only for those people who are willing to change their life and take full responsibility of their life into their own hands!

This is the first kind of network where I feel like really fired up and passionate about, as the values really resonnate with me. I also love the way it is built up and how you can make money with it and create sustainable income streams. I would like to form an amazing strong team, and dedicate for targets like travelling to Denver in the end of July with the whole team in 2013!

In my team I would love to share loads of spiritual knowhow I have experienced and gathered within the last 13 years from all over the world, how to make it all work even more for you. I am starting from the same platform as you and on that level we are equal!

There is so much fun and cool stuff going on all the time, different kind of contests and inspirational stuff in En – so you will not be bored for sure!

You can also invite your spouses, partners or children into the business. I am going to invite my son into this and I am very excited about this! If you have children under 18, they can join, but only with their parents.

The business is in their early days, so to join now means loads of more opportunities later not least the money and new value!

All the possible earnings are dependent on the personal effort and person’s charisma and courage and choices and may vary from person to person!

If you feel inspired and would like to change you and the world, pls let me know! Welcome to the team and congrats that you choose to make the change in your life, in your universe! I can not wait for us to hang out in some of the most amazing paradises on this planet and have the fun beyond of our wildest dreams!!!

My personal email is crystalralaksmi @, ask for more!

And join the Prosperity Expansion team!

Talk to you later!

With aloha mahalo to you, Crystal Ra Laksmi

Are we all travelling places to meet ourselves?

I worked throughout almost the whole night online, and got to bed quite late. I decided before going to bed, that I am going to have an adventure and leaving early next morning.

Morning came and I felt the laziness in me wanted to take over, saying: letssleep some more! Maybe TOMORROW we go for a trip???!! Does that sound familiar? I knew that today was the day, so I got myself out of bed and got ready. I travelled to Tulum, where there is a national park, Mayan ruins and amazing beaches and even more so amazing people.

I presumed, that there would be a straight street going to the beach from the central part of Tulum. Just trusting that I got off there. I got the map and started to walk in the direction towards the ocean, not really thinking. Sometimes it is really good if you are not thinking.

What happened was that after 10 minutes or so I realized it was a bit wrong direction. I tried to ask locals, but noone spoke English. So they just pointed in one direction. But I knew I had to check. Then I saw a woman coming towards me.

tulumgirlfriendShe looked very tanned, so I did not quite know how to talk to her, but I started in English. She is Julie Ann from Michigan and was just wandering around. She said she knows there is a local bus station somewhere and that she is going to help me to find it. So she just turned around and came along with me (this is btw pretty usual here).

In this adventure she finally found post office, as well another shop, which she lost out of sight and the problem here is that the whole place is so new, that they do not even have street names! In London I was pissed off as the street signs were really not on the corners of the street, but here no street signs at all!

Check out this video of her here

How amazing! We did not manage to find the bus station first, so she asked some locals, it was so real and so fun! Julie Ann is such a bubbly and happy person and how lucky am I to have run into her? She has been teaching Mayans for many years ago and also just recently, but now is looking for new possibilities. Finally we found the bus station. Next bus was about to come, but justin  1,5 hours later. But as it is in Mexico, if you start to move to one place, you may go to some other places in between as it is no hurry to get to your final destination. We then went to get some cold drinks and talking was so flowing and easy and natural. Like old friends.

We talked some more and then got the information that the bus what I waited for does not go to where I needed. So we went back to the main street and looked for the small minibuses. So she spent all this time to get me safely to the bus. How amazing! Thank you! Sometimes it literally feels we have human angels walking on Earth!

vorkkiiged tulumI asked her if she is on Facebook or if she has a website. She has not, but we talked some more. On our last 10 minutes she started to talk about her talents, about her ideas and the whole lot what she has already done! I got a blinking light in me. To help her to make her own website and also introduce her into Empower Network, God she would rock in the women’s group like crazy! I told her all that, we exchanged cards and she was agree that something needs to be done. So we are going to meet tomorrow and she is going to show me one other amazing magical place and even make us some lunch. That is what I call a real cariloha! Wow!

My day around the ruins was amazing, the views, the colors, the ocean and the day was just superb. I felt myself totally in my element, all the negativity, doubt got cleared out. For me it works really easy, during the day I adventure, which very often is also the field work as in anthropology for me, as I get loads of ideas during my adventures, plus loads of connections and during the night I work online. Two Swedish people passed me and I stopped them, started to talk in Norwegian and it was a nice group! Next time, I have my card in handy!

 tulumchairsI also thought that it was amazing that I adventured alone, as when you are alone, you are wide opened. I basically followed my heart and got to see Tulum from a totally different point of view and got possibly a new friend as well.

The Mayan ruins, will need some extra time in the blog, will write more about it in some of the coming days. I also love the video shooting, it is just so much fun. My creativity just kicks my ass!

So to finalize!

  1. What if every morning there would be no Tomorrow to postpone things to and you would CHOOSE IT NOW instead?
  2. What if you would do a little discovery of the unknown every single day?
  3. What if you would talk to strangers every day? (I am excited about this to try out more in Estonia, wohoo! (they usually freak out))
  4. Would talking to strangers contribute to you and your business(es)?
  5. What would happen if you would follow your inner guidance istead of going from A til B?
  6. What if each one of us is a contribution to the other in ways we can not even imagine?
  7. What if life can be an adventure and fun all the time?

mexicanbusI hope you have fun, wherever in the world you are, and let me know if you feel inspired by my blogs and videos and if you have some questions how to have an adventurous life location free as well!

Cariloha from Mexico, Tulum, end of April 2013.

If the door is closed does that mean I am not supposed to go in?

That was something I used to believe. I had seen these different invitations to Empower Network in different places. It was like a blinking lighthouse and at one point it started to blink very intensively. I just started another online business project and worked with it for hours every day, sometimes even 20 hours behind the computer. The results were very slow to come. I lost my motivation step by step.

One evening I started to talk to Greta Campagnolo from Empower Network and ask more questions about it, like how it works and what it means. She explained. First time after a long time there was the person in the other side of the world, who actually talked to me and on the personal level. Listening, caring, supporting and motivating me. So I said, I am in. What do I have to do next? I went to the payment page and whatever card I tried, it did not let me in.

The next day I called my banks, they checked and said it is all good. So I called to the EN technical support. They said, that if I am not in the country, where my card is issued, it may not allow me to make the deal as a security set up for the card.

So what else is possible? I contacted one of my girlfriends back home, we went in to my account through Estonia and still the card did not work.

historyvaadeI was about to give up. Then I talked and asked Greta what else is possible and we found a solution! So after 2,5 days we finally got me in. She invited me to the first Super Women Team hangout in youtube and that was so cool, to see women from all over the world talking, motivating and supporting each other. So I saw it in action, it is not only about money and who is best in getting the biggest sales, but the human connection is the core key!!!

Even though they had just had the meetings for 2 months it felt for me like a community of women who have been good friends for years. There was no competition, no jealousy, no judgments, no feeling that someone is less than the other or superior to each other. I could not believe it. It was for me like Paradise on Earth!

I have been intensively chatting to Greta for some days now. I do not know all the details yet, but it feels for me that Empower Network is for me like coming home. I have spent years to support others, build platforms for them and almost always been left empty handed. First time I felt someone was contributing to me and believing in me. Wow! Is it really possible that it is not all gone? The world needs me? I can share my story? Wow? Someone is actually listening to me?

I sat down and thought what was that all about?

I understood that in the journey of the macho masculine woman I had turned to, I was doing my first steps to be fully vulnerable to ask help to get in, to allow the help to get to me to get in. For me it was a no option before. For me asking help was always a sign that person did not know how to manage their lives or too weak to take action. In my case none of these were my reasons this time, but it was still very difficult for me to ask for help. But I did. Not only one time, twice and even the third time.

I am now fully stepping out from the NO CHOICE Universe and I am STOPPING IT and stepping into my power and taking my own life, my own financial reality’s remote control into my own hands! If you would like to contribute to that in my life and in yours, read more and check the video and ask me more how to join!

I wish myself good luck, as I feel I am in the beginning of something very big and that I can break all the limitations I have ever had and create a more sustainable life for myself and my son and the planet Earth. Happy people can change the world with ease and joy and empowerment! Where you have empowerment, people are who they are so that abundance and glory follows by magic!

This blog entrance is from Mexico, Cancun, Mid April 2013

Do not ask for a miracle, become one yourself!

I decided yesterday that I am traveling to Chicago for the Empower Network event this weekend, as I am stepping UP and back into my power! Wohoo! I still do not have the whole amount of money, but I have made my choice and taken some action steps (like finding a place to stay and some part of the tickets),  so the rest can come and create the miracle from my inner core!

I am doing two things here. Firstly I jump and take the leap, trusting my heart’s call and secondly I risk, by kissing the unknown, not knowing exactly how to get all the pieces together yet. I stay in the question, and I am ready to recieve and allow the Universe in all its aspects to contribute to me, because I know I am totally finished with trying to make it all by my own. I am ready for the SHIFT TO HAPPEN! The contribution to flow in from people, possibilities, work, ideas etc.historycrystal

I understood that the miracle is not something outside of me, it can just be me by having a new choice!

I understood today also that in order to create a new future, I should go through and adjust my 4 V’s.

I call them 4 V’s as in my home language these words start with a letter ‘V’.

  1. Viewpoints (Vaatenurgad)
  2. Values (Väärtused)
  3. Needs (Vajadused)
  4. Shadows (Varjud)

I understood that these are the main building blocks which have been holding me back from my own power.

1.Viewpoints – a victim mentality, not good enough, I do not have this or that and because of that I have no CHOICE UNIVERSE etc. As we know what you think, you create! So what if not only me, but everyone would throw these out of the window, what would happen?

2. Values – I figured during these last weeks, that my core values are EMPOWERMENT AND INTEGRITY AND AUTHENTICY. So what would happen if I totally embrace these qualities? Would I attract similar people into my reality? Would they support me on my path?

3. Needs – the ability to talk about my needs and ask for what I need, especially if it is for help, like asking for money has been very challenging for me. What if I also change that? I just say out loud what I need? Being courageous for taking care of my needs and find the ways to do it!

4. Shadows. As this society has brought us up with the knowing that shadows (all the negative and hidden stuff) is bad, we act accordingly. I feel it is the time where the shadows come out and ask for more attention and integration. They are asking for the embracing touch and presence. In the world of polarity I am now learning how to dance with my shadows and not feel bad about it. I am still learning how to do it so that people would feel invited to come to the exploration with me, not to run away.

With the simplicity and complexity I truly am, the dance of polarities and elements, I am now fully stepping into my power to become the MAGIC I TRULY AM, because where there is a will, there is the way.  Would you like to become a miracle yourself, pls ask me how!


Entry from mid April 2013, Mexico, Cancun

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Crystal Ra Laksmi (36), originally from the birthland of Skype – Estonia – but a global citizen circling around the globe on her orbit to bring forth transformation and share her experience how everything is possible if you find your voice and start to use it and stand in your own power while creating your dream life![/author_info] [/author]

Naked truth about Crystal Ra Laksmi

Many people spend all of their lives to hide who they really are or even try to escape from it! Many people do not even really want to find out who they really are!

The matter can be complicated, as if we are ever changing how can we state here and now who we are?

Some years ago I thought I knew who I was. Right this moment I know who I was yesterday, who I would love to become and be in the future. Who I am today I know as well, but this is the most changing phase, so even if people think they know me as they knew me a year ago, I do not think they know me at all, me included.

I would love to share some naked truth about me and bits of my story, as I have been hiding too long, not really showing my real face and beauty and power. Now is my time and I am stepping step by step into my power again. I am finding my voice. I believe our past is building a solid platform for our present and future. I honour it.


The naked truth is that my birth name was Kätlin Roovik

and I got my new name Crystal Ra Lakshmi on a top of a mountain in Norway.2 years later I got Crystal Ra Laksmi officially to my passport.

The naked truth is that I love to talk about things what people do not talk about in public. Two of my favourite topics are sex and money.

The naked truth about me is that  I love empowered sex and money (but have never been a prostitute!!!). The naked truth is I love sex which empowers me and money which empowers me or if I can use sex or money to empower others (through tantra ).

The naked truth about me is that I love orgasms: all kinds – vaginal, clitoris, all body etc. I am able to get them even while walking, sleeping, sitting in the car, in the bus etc.

The naked truth is I have not yet found a man who could handle my  empowerment or tame my heart or would dare to choose to grow and expand with me. I have met many and had many trials, all have been experiences to take with me to the future and made me stronger and clearer what I would like to choose in the future.

The naked truth is I have found the woman who dares to choose to grow and expand with me.

and this is one of the connections and supportive systems, which has helped me to get through all the challenges during the last years.

The naked truth is the two of my main reasons why I am still alive

is my son and this woman.

The naked truth is that from now on, I am not letting my value down and will not choose men or women, who disempower me or use any kind of violence (verbal, emotional, mind) against me! Period! You can find yourself another playground. You are not welcome in my world or on my orbit! Have fun some place else, as I am the woman on mission!

IMG_6070The naked truth about my background is that I come from a middle class family,

my parents divorced when I was 6 and I stayed with my grandmother and my father. Later my sister joined me as well for some years.

The naked truht is that I got pregnant when I was 19.

My son is now 16 years old and lives with his father. I spend as much time with him as I can when I am in Estonia. My son has traveled with me a bit. I am there for him, wherever he needs me.

The naked truth is that I have done one abortion which almost took my life…

The naked truth about me is that I come from pretty harsh conditions and have been to the bottom several times as on the top as well.

The naked truth about me is that I once was a millionaire in this life. The naked truth about me is that I lost it all.

The naked truth is that I know that when you are in the bottom, you have nowhere else to go than up. On your way up you appreciate everything what or who comes your way! And you know your way up. It is just all about choice, systems and determination!

The naked truth is that many people have tried to kill me for my courage and my success.

3,5 years ago I was at the peak of my success in Estonia. I was one of the top leading sipiritual companies in Estonia and people got very jealous. The naked truth about it is that there were some people trying to kill me. They tried 3 – 4 times.

The naked truth is I am still alive as I am a woman on mission!

The naked truth is that I have spent almost 6 years for promoting others.

IMG_6082I do not regret it as through this contribution people in Estonia and in other places got to know about Auratransformation TM, water therapy, experience based tantra, Access Consciousness TM and still will hear more about other new things as well as this is in my nature. But I do not feel that the people and organizations I promoted have really appreciated my contribution the way I feel I have deserved it. Maybe my viewpoints or ideas about ethical and honest businesses are different than theirs?

 The naked truth is now is the time to BE ME!

I feel very strongly that now is also my time to come up with my original handwriting and presenting to the world something of my very own. I do now every day special steps for making these steps. You will hear more about it later.

The naked truth is I will never make any business without any contract or written agreements!

I have also learned, that even if you do business with good friends, you should always make a contract and additional written agreements beforehand.

I have learned that to be unique me and walk my path has been challenging, but rewarding in so many ways.

I am 36 and have travelled several times around the world, got 2 higher degrees in Norway and South Africa. I keep travelling, as it inspires me and empowers me and will inspire the world, as I create new things as I share new things all the time!

The naked truth about me is that I am from Estonia (birthland of Skype), but I feel like the citizen of the world and have not had one stable base in the world for the last 2 years.

IMG_6086The naked truth about me is that I am not afraid to be me and I am very open minded.

I can sexually be both with men and women (bisexual or pansexual) and I feel that this is very balancing for most people, if they would let themselves explore and experience that and let go of the viewpoints which do not let them explore.

The naked truth about me is that I love my own body, spirit and mind and fall in love with me more and more.

The naked truth is that I had almost no hair for 2 years just out of choice!

The naked truth of me is that I am not afraid to be naked in front of people.

Whether it is just meant without clothes or literally without masks or layers. I love to be real and love to be me. The best environment for me is the empowered environment. Then I do not have my barriers up and I can expand with every moment and grow as well.

The naked truth about me is that I love life to the bits and even though sometimes the challenges are hard, I have now decided to see everything what comes my way as an opportunity instead of a limitation.

The naked truth about me is that I have learned how to unite the masculine and feminine inside of me.

The naked truth about me is that if you would like to see  ‘the true me’, you have to invite me for a play or an adventure!

The rose opens the petals to the sun who warms and empowers her, to the rain, who waters her and to the soil, who feeds her and to the wind who gives the air of dreams and wings to fly together to the eternity…

The naked truth of me is that I am born to be and express abundance and prosperity in all possible ways and forms.

Thank you for daring to get to know the naked truth about Crystal Ra Laksmi! You are brave!


Would you like to step into your power and be able  to tell the naked truth about you and find your voice? Take contact with me – I have loads of ideas, tools and experiences which can contribute to you to  create your way back to you!

Comment after the first release in Empower Network blog:

Greta Campagnolo:

THIS FREAKIN’ ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Crystal, I am here to tell you just how much I LOVE the naked truth about YOU!!!  Thank you so much for being bold, and for sharing so many truths, and for simply being YOU!  This is what this is all about.  This business was build to EMPOWER THE PEOPLE.  So if you are ready to step into yourself, and be YOU, you must connect with Crystal!  She is an absolute authentic being, who will help YOU free yourself!  I’m not saying you have to bare all to be here, what I’m saying is that in time you will reach a level of confidence and power, that inevitably brings you to the place where Crystal has reached.  This moment in time, when it’s almost as if the Universe opens up, and you feel compelled to share your story, because it is what feels good and right.  We were born to make a difference, and for many people hearing all of what Crystal had to share, whether it’s the exact opposite of who you are, in some way, it has inspired you to want to feel FREE as well.  This business is so much more than making ridiculous amounts of money, it’s about reaching deep inside yourself, letting go, and be the better you, all the while helping others to do the same.  Creating a world of FREEDOM!  <3 you so much Crystal!  Thank you!!!

Mirror theory

I have been developing this mirror theory during the recent days as I stepped truly into abundance. I did an abundance bootcamp with my best friend and my son and my sister. It was so powerful! Will share that in some later blog post!

This picture is from one of the shops, where we did testshopping. It is the shopping which you do like you fake it. You try things on, you feel it and then if you get the wow effect you imagine yourself buying it even if you do not yet. It is like fake it until you make it! This dress was a wow dress and it talked to me. It said it can really make me a lot of money. I know it.

I looked into my own reflection and I felt I could do it. Have and create a lot of money, abundance, proseperity, as I have done it.  I looked into the mirror, talking to myself, listening and stepping into the message. The one who is looking is still not so sure, but the reflection is very sure about it.

millionairesThese days were very empowering and I really felt the abundance cells were activated. But then I met some people who were not on that frequency and the whole level of confidence I felt disappeared in an instant. I thought about it. It felt like someone dropped a stone to the water and my new reflection started to blur out.

So in Vadim Zeland’s book about ‘Transurfing’ he points out that we should be patient as the picture and the reflection may have some delays. I protested against it. If I choose here and now I can have it, then it can happen in an instant!

So what if I imagine myself stepping into that mirror reflection and becoming one with this powerful version of me, who is confident, empowered and abundant beyond my wildest dreams? What happens in the reality then? Who knows?

I will do an experiment with this during the next days, and you can try it to, and let me know how it goes here!

I am totally sure that I personally have many tools which can be the bridge to step into that mirror reflection and contribute to your understanding how you can make your dreams a true reality! Ask me how!