How long are you going to postpone your dream life?

Desktop20Do you have moments, where you tell yourself, ah, I will do that tomorrow? Or later?

And then a day goes by, a week, a month, a year…. and you have longer and longer piles of ideas which will never be a reality! They will remain into a bubble state, unless you choose something different.

We are so good to find reasons why we are not able to do or choose something. I must say I feel like I am perfect on that sometimes! What about you?

kyllusmartI asked what is one of the reasons I hold myself back, because I am the only person who can keep me back. One of the answers I got, was that I am afraid of the failure. I have had so many small failures recently, that I did not want to create any more.

I wanted to really find out what it was, so I took a break here on the blog as well. I do not want to do anything I do not like to do, as I know this does not have the energy I would love to share.

But what is a failure? It is the conclusion our mind makes, according to what we define as a success. So if your results do not show what your mind was looking for, you conclude it is a failure. This is a judgment. Wherever we have a judgment, we can not receive – whether it is money or energy or ideas. So I have done loads of work with my judgments about myself this last week through different courses I facilitated myself and strated to create again! Got loads of generative ideas, choices and results!

universumMy challenge has been that I have had my own company for 6 years and have done loads of sales and marketing myself, spending many many hours daily by the computer. At some point I got so tired, I could not do anything online any more. I burned out. Totally. I did not delegate. Because wherever I did, it was another failure for me. I lost trust in people. In between I did not trust the Universe and did not let God be God. Then buttons like this would have done good for me!

One of the reasons why I joined Empower Network, was that I felt that they have many of the shortcuts and toolboxes which may go through things with ease and joy and glory. I would love to create more time for everything I feel I could contribute to people and the world.

So all you need is a choice! What is it you choose? To postpone things forever?


Henry Ford said: 

Whether you think you can or can not  – you are right!

Chris Record from Empower Network said you can not make excuses and money at the same time. Money is just an idea away. I agree.

Just two days ago I decided I choose something different. Stepping into my power I chose to create some events, one of these was a meeting with people in a spa, inspiring them to be in the water in a different way like mermaids for example. One of them had a fear of depth. I have developed a technique where people can go through the fear in a very short period of time. I helped this person to step through this within 15 minutes. The smile, the energy and joy she had, was so overwhelming, but so powerful, that it took my breath away! Time flew, 2 hours felt like 20 minutes. For me it is a sign that I am doing something which is part of my WHY here on Earth.

Also one very important thing for me is the place. The place where I live, work and play has to inspire me. If it does not, then I have to follow the energy and go to where it does.

One day I went to the cafe, and none of the plugs had electricity in it… So I left.

Today I followed the energy and went to the cafe where I felt inspired to work and got done loads of work within 2 hours, like in my office, being in a cafe surrounded by people, happy energy and support.

In conclusion, do whatever it takes to stop you to have your dream life now! Do whatever your guidance tells you! It never lies!

If you need some ideas how to do that and would love to choose a shortcut toolbox, let me know here!

Mother’s Day

I am always sad when people tell me about their mothers and tell me how they hate them or how terrible they are! I just tell them, lucky you, you at least have one! My mother died years ago and we do not even know how and why. My mother lost her parental rights when I was 12 years old, because she drank too much.

IMG_03731I became a mother when I was 19. I gave birth to a baby boy Sander in 1997. He is now 16 and he has been the very reason why I am still here on planet Earth. The moment we broke up with his father, was very challenging for me. At that point family life was all I had and losing that, was like losing life for me. I promised to keep it up and make a better future for me and my son Sander. I have kept my word and working on it every day to build up a life of our dreams and never giving up! I inspire him to think outside of the box and create his own reality!

I got two higher educations from Norway and South Africa and have traveled several times half way around the world and become an empowered woman who knows her purpose and her why and moves step by step towards new targets every day.

I am so grateful for my son that he chose me to be his mother. I have not certainly been the perfect mother, but we have learned a lot together, we have traveled quite a lot together and had fun quite a lot together. What else is possible now? He is finishing his 9th grade and  I keep my fingers crossed for his final exams!

aa sanderdrives mercedesJust one week ago, I took him with me to testdrive a new Mercedes ML350, which costs 110 000 eur. The face on him while driving it, tells it all! The manhood what came out and the feeling he got was touching base with the abundance he truly is! Thank you for enjoying my crazy ideas and challenges. Love you Sander! I am also working now every day to make more choices in order to spend more time with Sander.

aasanderritimersedesHere my son Sander and my sister Riti enjoying the sun with the brand new Mercedes ML 350.

Would you like to hear more, how to make more time to spend more time with your loved ones, your son, your sister or whoever is your family member and choose the life and luxury you fully deserve?

Ask me how! I have many tools and possibilities for you!

How to change your life into an everyday birthday?

aaa kissing the korstnapyhkijatI discovered that it was the 7th of May. My birth date, or as a ‘landing date’ as I called it.

My son called me and asked: ‘Mom, is it your birthday? Which one? Your landing date or the other one? I guess it does not matter, as you live your life like it is a birthday every day!’

I said it is the landing date – meaning the moment I was born into this body. I changed my birth name to Crystal Ra Laksmi in 2009 and it has another birthday, when I got the new name and also when I got my new aura (AuratransformationTM). It felt for me that my parents missed my right name when I was born.

This day was unlike anything else. I got calls, pictures, wishes like never before. I got a special visit from a woman on my birthday reminding me where to go and what to do next and I had a surprise book written about me to me in my email box and one of my best girlfriend made a surprise and showed up just suddenly together with my sister.

aa saladaWe went out to eat the salad first, then to another place to eat some sweets and I ate another salad and to the Estonian cafe called Chicago, where I got my birthday fireworks. On our way there I stopped people on the street and asked them what is their wish for my birthday and I gathered 11 amazing birthday wishes! To have a purpose, to not complain, to have loads of children, a good husband and a nice life, even gold and the menue from the Universe.

aa fireworksThen back to walk on the streets and to the street mucisian with the magic. It was amazing how different it was to have a birthday full of empowered people and their support and wishes. Amazing! Thank you so much!

So how to change your life into a constant birthday? I have a magic solutions! Ask me!


Birthday present – a shortcut!

aacrystalbirthdayI had the most amazing birthday in Tallinn, Estonia with my loved ones!

In the very end of the day, me and my two girlfriends we started to walk in the old town of Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. We started to go up.

I started to tell the story about the shortcuts and how taking shortcuts actually is an amazing thing, as then you will find people who take the shortcuts as well, you will have more time for fun and the rest. How amazing is this?

While I talked about it we started to go up Lühike Jalg (Short Leg) street. There is a legend, that Tallinn is limping, and it is because we have two streets – one is Short Leg, other one Pikk Jalg (Long Leg). So we heard some guitar music and it was so beautiful and mystical. Unbelieavable.

I stopped in front of the street musician, who was a sweet Russian man, I put him some money and asked if he had some birthday songs for me. He did and we danced with one of my girlfriends. We were about to leave after the song when he invited me to listen to one more. I stepped over the edge and wanted to sit by his side. He stood up and offered me his place where he was sitting. It was amazingly kind. He had made this little strong pillow to sit on (on the stone).

So I sat down, he started to sing, my girlfriends were watching and the whole place turned into a magical wonderland, like in the bubble. I did not understand the words, but tears started to run down my eyes and it was so powerful, that I could not stop crying. So he finally stopped and was thankful, gave me a small kiss and a hug and good bye. We took the steps up and got to the Long Leg.

aabirthddayshortcutOnly after we got down to another street I understood how I had talked about the shortcuts and how we had just taken one and experienced the most beautiful instant magic walking on the Short Leg (equal to a shortcut)!!!

Would you like to experience more shortcuts? Empower Network is one of my shortcuts! I have never made any money on online marketing business and I have already made some money. So this is working, it is a shortcut to your sustainable financial freedom in life and not only!

My other shortcuts are AuraTransformationTM, Water therapy, Access ConsciousnessTM, Organic StretchingTM, tantra etc. Ask me more about these techniques.

Here is a little video memory, done by me dear girlfriend Tiina Liimandi. Thank you all who showed up, it was so much fun!

There is always sun above the clouds!

aablogwingskyThis trip back to Europe has been an amazing gift. Firstly I got seated by an amazing woman Katrine from Den-mark and in addition to a French woman Goenka, both like my twin sisters in many ways. What a synchronicity!!

I got guided to that particular side and told that it was there the seat D is located. So I trusted what was told and sat down. Later came Goenka and I told her to go to the other side. She did. When the food was coming, I got the vegetarian meal (which I also remember that I ordered) but came out later did not go through. So what happened was that I got Goenka’s special vegan meal, and she almost was left with nothing. The man on service managed in the end to get her all kinds of stuff, so she ended up having a gourmet meal with loads of extras. She did not resist or anything, just accepted whatever was happening

aasuperwomensittingKatrine spent 3 last months in Central America going from one farm to another, working in different places and exploring the countries. She seemed to be filled with sun, fun and knowledge of herbs and local knowledge. How amazing is this? She beamed of calmness and peace. We shared our ideas of different ways of living and that we could live outside in the warm weather and eat the amazing fruits straight from the trees.

Goenka is a woman from France, who has spent the last 20 years in India and Asia learning and absorbing different kind, especially on the spiritual ways of living. She even invented some new dance forms and massage.

I have also been practising a spiritual approach the recent days that ‘the world is a mirror’ as you look at it and as you give out, so will it give back to you, and it feels it is literally so on every field. Try it out yourself! So I thought, how amazing – I am walking around, saying the words: My world takes care of me and I get the vegetarian meal which I did not order and get to sit on the ‘wrong’ seat.

Do you believe in coincidences or what is this actually?

The metaphysical and material world dancing?

And who are we?

Depends on what we choose! Kings or queens or victims of our circumstances?

So at one point Katrine said, I love it when you fly with the plane, you can be sure, that up there is always sun, up there above the clouds! And I just felt that everything what happened was actually a message, that this knowing may change circumstances around us.

aasuperwomenIt may create a tune, a vibration, so that if something does not quite go exactly how we planned, we can actually just remind ourselves about the sun above the clouds and forget all about the clouds. And then just like that magic happens!I introduced them to the superwoman ideas and my shirt as well!

So hope to see them in our superwomen team!

Mahalo Mexico!

Entrance from the April 30th, 2013aablogmecancunterrib

2,5 months ago I escaped to Mexico. On the right hand side you see on the picture how I looked the first day when I got here. I looked pretty bad. Exhausted of fights, being in fear and not being able to create and live my dream life because of many limitations I had stupidly chosen and created in my life. I had got myself so stuck that there was no way out. I thought so.

Luckily with the help of friends I got to fly to Cancun. It took me 3 weeks to get my health back on track (coughing and lungs and high fever) and to pull myself together again took almost a month. My core turnover and breakthrough happened thanks to Greta Campagnolo from Canada, my sponsor in Empower Network, who totally believes in me and is a total kick ass woman, who kicked me so far that I managed to get donations around 1000 usd to get myself to Chicago and experience other 5000 people with me there.

picasa crystalnewmexicoOn this picture on your left, I am all balanced and happy, 2,5 months later, because of the right locations and right people and business choices I did. It is very important to listen to the inner guidance! That is one of my keys to the success!

In Mexico I worked a lot online. Every day I worked online and to heal my body, went to the local beach, in the very end I had some trips to Tulum Mayan ruins and also to Akumal turtle bay. It was an amazing experience to finalize my stay.

What do I love about Mexico?

The first time I was in Mexico was last year in Puerto Vallarta, where I stayed with my friends on their sailing boat, after that with a local family in Sayulita. It was a time full of adventures and challenges, but I really loved it. This time I got many new business ideas and also some of them are already giving fruits and if I keep it like that, will create my new sustainable future step by step.

aablogsolI love Mexican people. They are humble and creative and innovative, they do not complain, even if they do not have money or luxurious place to live. The whole village here is full of small enterprises and they all must function, as they are all opened all the time! I love the way they focus on their food and how many variations they have. I love how they take care of their family. I love the kindness they have. I love that they are dedicated whether it is a family or bills to pay or business to do. I love that there are good public transports to every possible place here.

Anni Sennov has said that Mexico is the golden and crystal energy platform for new time energy. I truly believe so. I felt so good here, much better than in London or Estonia. I love the laid back fishing village life and that everything is simple. For a climate refugee a perfect spot.

aablogsayulitaThe costs are 10 times or more cheaper than in London and maybe 2-3 times cheaper than in Estonia. To have the sun and an opportunity to go to swim in the Caribbean every single day is a jackpot itself! I lived with a Mexican family and it was nice and quiet place. The family was very helpful and always there if I needed something. How lucky am I? My dear friend Veronika Osawe invited me to this family as she stayed with them for some time herself. There is so much abundance here, especially in the nature.

I do not think they use it all very sustainably (like the solar power etc). There is a bit of lack consciousness and seems that when people get things going, they stey pretty much in the same known area. But I love the business mindness what they have here, everyone is doing something, whether it is playing music on the beach, selling snacks or just driving around with a little food counter in the village or renting rooms. I have learned so much to open my eyes in a different way to see possibilities!

aamexicolifeI did not manage to travel so much this time here for several reasons, but I got back to my own platform, to my own power and started to believe in myself and got my health back on track. Partly the help was Mexico itself, its sun and the ocean and partly it was the Empower Network Chicago event, where I got myself back again. Plus all the amazing people who have supported me here, or online. Will be back soon! If you are lost as well and do not know where to go and how or who you are or are just confused, let me know, maybe I can ask you some questions, and by sharing my story, you could get inspired and live the life of your dreams as well. That would make me so happy! More than anything! To see others to succeed!


How far do we get if we try to be like others?

crystaltravelslighth2RREntrance from the end of April, 2013, Cancun, Mexico

I am now packing my stuff to leave Mexico and the last day was too busy even for a blog, but will do some extras to make it up!

Yesterday I got a thought of how much of my life I have wasted because I wanted to be like others or to fit in or to do like others were doing in order for me to be recognized and accepted. How far did it get me? Not very far, I got stuck every single time.

After the Chicago event I have been stepping into my own power more and more with every single breath I take. Sometimes it comes up quite abruptly like a little child, who tries to crawl and then to stand up and falls and hits herself. But I am much better already.

I thought back of so many relationships where  I have lost myself exactly because I wanted to be liked or appreciated or accepted! And when  I lost myself, I felt contracted, small and several times almost got killed. All that urge was rooted in the uncertainty of myself being me.

What if noone will be with me if I am truly me?

That was my everyday question.

In Chicago I chose a personal commitment to totally stand in my power and step into it beyond my wildest dreams. Every day it has brought me more challenges, but I am learning more and more how to balance my life on all fronts. It has not been easy, but I am better with every step and enjoying my empowerment more and more!

One of the core keys I have discovered within the last days is to be me and let others be who they are.

Simple as that. But what happens most of the time is that we would like that others would think or act the same way as we do or that we change ourselves so that they would like us more. I have discovered that when people do not like me it is their choice and I do not fight with it any more. I let them be and go, and focus on people who empower me because with them I can be fully me and be accepted exactly as I am. It empowers me and makes me grow and expand without any limits!

What about you? How much energy and attention do you put into wanting the others to like you? In the core bottom it is all connected to the fear of judgment. If you take that away, let your barriers down, what would happen next? I do not know, try it out and let me know!


Stepping into your own power

picasa crystalnewmexico

Entrance from the end of April 2013

I just arrived from Akumel today (still in Mexico), where I had an amazing day’s adventure with a lady Julie Ann from Michigan, whom I met yesterday in Tulum. We swam with many sea turtles, saw some amazing manta rays and corals. Will write another blog about that later.

But just on my way home, some of the local dogs started to bark, one of them so bad, that started to come after me. I stayed in my power but it was about to bite me. I was surprised what was happening, as I was in a very good mood and in good vibes, unless I got some entity hanging onto me from the bus or smth.

Anyway I did some more steps and then suddenly turned back and hit my foot down on the ground and shouted to the dog to hold back and go back to his gate. I said it in a very nasty Estonian. Maybe the dog got shocked by it, or just totally got the point? It just ran away the next second.

When I walked further the whole village started to sound like a dog choir. Isn’t that interesting. It is really like a ripple!

I then asked myself what was actually happening? I got an inner answer. If you are not really in your power, you get situations like that to check on you. As I did what I did, it was fine, the power was there. I also have noticed recently that many children do that as well. They can be all whiny until you let them know how things are and where the boundaries go.

I thanked the dog, and knew that it is probably not so okay to walk during the night here, as the dogs are just protecting their properties as well.

So even a dog can contribute to us, if we are opened! Wow, thank you!


Habits make you who you are!

aablogsaladdinnerLet me introduce you to my two new friends: Mr Dicipline and Mrs Priorities. My new friends who help me to succeed and constantly create new sustainable life on all levels!

I thought what would it take to change some of my bad habits and self sabotaging patterns?

Sleeping patterns?

The sleeping patterns have been very messed up recently. Because of the time difference with Europe is pretty bad (8 hours) it is almost impossible to get connected if you do not get up superearly or stay up late.

Today the idea came that what would happen if I would not sleep during the night, I would choose to step into my business powerwoman and just shoot the whole night and the day, until I drop. Which gave me an experience that I slept only 3 hours during that day (2 plus 1) and the rest of the day was super effective. I listened to my body fully and acted accordingly. And I changed the pattern in cooperation with my body! Wow!

Postpone everything to the last moment?

One of the patterns which has been really bad – has been to postpone everything I have to do to the last moment and that creates a lot of stress. So what would it take to change that? Maybe to do something totally different?

Change that with Empower Network!

What I find fascinating about Empower Network, is that it gives you an opportunity to self discipline yourself together with others. My problem the recent years have been that I have too much time, so I am not very good at planning or organizing myself. This way not much gets done and I destroy myself more and more.

8 commitments can help!

If you have the 8 commitments in Empower Network and keep them, plus have the group’s support, it gives you aslo a possibility to take the necessary steps to succeed. Because for sure if you change your habits, also people you had around you, will change and you will succeed. It is just so easy and so simple!

These have been the two things I have been missing in my life and some of my reasons to join the Empower Network. What are yours?