Connections between Sexuality, Abundance and Inner Family


Today I look into one sensitive topic – sexuality and how this is connected to our Abundance and Inner Family. I share with you some of my personal stories and key factors to start to heal sexual wounds in our lives and stories.

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Introduction to Abundance Wheel and connection with the Inner Family


Today I invite you to adventure with me to the creation story of the Abundance Wheel and we can check out how this universal system can help us all to make our lives more abundant wherever we are or what we do.

We will also check what is the connection between the Inner Family and Abundance Wheel?  Continue reading

Questions and Answers session


Today we talk about different topics as all the previous days have been so busy I have had not much time to answer questions. Join me for the journey! Continue reading

How to find your Spirit Mate? Spirit Mate and Abundance connection?


Today we will talk about one of my favourite topics. You will hear some personal stories how I found my Spirit Mate and what are these important steps on that path and how is this connected to abundance?


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Connection between self-love and abundance


In today’s session I talk about the connection of self-love with the abundance. I share some personal stories and tips and tools how you can start to work on it yourself from a little different angle.

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What is the connection between intuition, Inner Woman and abundance?


Congratulations! It is the third day of the Abundance Challenge and you have a chance to come along and get to know the connection between the Inner Woman, intuition and abundance. Read more! Continue reading

What is the connection between the Inner Man and Abundance?


Here is the promised inspiration from Prince Ea. Answer these questions to get more clarity about yourself and life.   Continue reading

Full on towards the amazing 2020!

Aloha my dear fellow travelers!

I am so happy to wish you all a Happy New Years from San Diego. I hope you all had a wonderful 2019 and if not you can create a better one now in 2020. Check out what I have in store in 2020? It is time to get full on now with the new year!

In case you have never heard of me before, you have to know I love to call myself an abundance anthropologist as I believe that all of us have a hidden treasure box inside filled with our inner talents and if we activate these, we will have access to our holistic abundance as well easily manifest our Inner Fairytales to our dreams on our terms.

Read more here!

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When your Inner Woman keeps you up at night…

Aloha everyone here on my English blog! I am so sorry I have not managed to keep it up regularly, but there is a change in the horizon. It has been a crazy year so far – from one move in Hawaii and then our trip to California and Palms Springs and then to Estonia for almost 3 months, 2 weeks in England and back to California and then our move to San Diego in October. Now as we have settled here in San Diego, the schedule with all the activities will get more and more settled so I can get into a routine and will let you know what it will look like in a bit. Thank you for your patience.

Today I will talk about how to reverse your bad emotions or mindset to the better. I will also give you an overview what I have discovered can influence our sleep and what you could do to better your sleep. I will also share how I communicate with my Inner Woman and how important she is in my life. 

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Insights from traveling from Hawaii to San Diego

Ready for the trip! Get to know our monkey Happy and lamb Aloha;)

Aloha everyone!

This blog will be about my traveling insights. I have not focused too much on the blog as the statistics has shown that people do not really read it much. They would rather watch a 8 second video than read something long. But because I love writing I love to archive my thoughts this way and there are some who enjoy reading too. So here we go.

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Reconnecting with myself through a virus in Hawaii!

A wonderful stretch in my favourite Botanical Garden on the island – it feels to me like I am Alice in the Wonderland there;)

What happens when I try to go to bed early and sleep like regular people – 8 hours? My mind is usually so active in the evening and night time that it takes sometimes hours to slow down and in the end I end up still with 6 or 5 hours. But today I had a wonderful shamanic journey while slowing down my brain. I will share here with you.
I have not updated my blog for quite a long time. I am so sorry. The reason is that  I am so overwhelmed by so many tasks, projects and things on my to do list (and believe me my time management is under too much control at the moment!).
Writing for me is a spiritual time or reconnection and creativity time for myself. When the obligations suck me in I often times lose a desire to write. But today I will as I had a wonderful journey I would love to share with you all.
I know I have to make some changes in my life and choose some new commitments for my self-love so that my own time for my creativity gets also nurtured more.

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To the most special man on planet Earth – Michael Ditton – for our anniversary!

I had no idea as a little girl that my whole life would partly be a preparation to meet my king Michael from California one day. Every breath I took, every step I made, every person I met, place I went and all of it was guiding me towards him. What an exciting adventure! How many times I had to go completely down and how many times I was about to completely give up!!!  But somewhere deep inside I still had hope and knew that something special will happen. Sometimes fairytales become  real…  Continue reading

ISWG August – Estonia wounds healed by love

I am so lucky I figured out that today is the first Wednesday of the month. It is not so easy if you are traveling from one side of the planet to the other and also ‘back in time’ like 10 hours. The first couple of days everything may be a mess for a bit, as your biological clock maybe a bit messed up. In today’s blog I will look back at my time in Estonia for the past 2,5 months and what was different this time.

This post is made for ISWG group. Check out more about them here:  Continue reading

ISWG July – Thoughts with big future…

This blog post is written for ISWG group. Check out more about them here: 

How do thoughts manifest into reality?? They come and knock on your door and ask your name. They give you titles, guidance and if you are fast enough and make it happen right away, it manifests. It will form its elements and physical manifestation whatever way it needs its expression… They become something – sometimes even big new future. In this process it really helps if you know how to read not only your own thoughts, but also the energies…

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ISWG June – Adventures in Estonia with my King

Estonians are innovative!

This post is written for ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

My life is a constant journey. When you live in USA and you tell someone that you take off for Europe for 2 months they usually roll their eyes and wonder whether you are a drug dealer, early retired or you have a rich relative so that you can afford such a major adventure. Continue reading

ISWG May – Meet my new friend – The fruit of the angels!

This blog is written for monthly ISWG site, check it out here:

This month I have been doing some more creative writing and one of the techniques which helps to handle it better is to observe something in your environment and write a story about it.

It is first of May here in Hawaii, known as a lei day. But today I will take into focus another new friend of mine here. It is called ‘the fruit of the angels.’ I did not know much about this fruit, but living here in Hawaii has introduced me to this fruit in so many ways. I would love to share this exploration journey with all my readers.  Continue reading