Take your first steps to awaken your Inner Family!

Aloha, Today’s video gives you some possible first steps you can do to awaken your Inner Family. Continue reading

Self-Help Emergency Kit Vol 2-2

Aloha! This is video number 2 from the new mini video series about Self-help Emergency offering you 2-3 simple steps how to better create your life and co-create with your Universe!


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Ascension into Yourself


In today’s video I will share with you 8 steps into the Ascension into Yourself. What does it actually mean? It may seem utopia, but it is true. Read and watch more below. Continue reading

Self-help Emergency Kit


Here is my first blog accompanying my mini video in the new series.

Dust is still settling after our Reinvent Yourself program got done with our company Infinite Activation and we are figuring out the new schedule and everything. Thank you for your patience!

Today’s topic is Self-help Emergency Kit. I share some tools and tips what you can do to become a better friend with yourself and the world.

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Commitment Secrets


Would you like to know more about my Commitment Secrets? How can you explore this topic on a deeper level and change your life through it? I share my definition of the commitment, what are my commitments in my different areas of my life. I share some tips and tools what you can do in order to make a commitment your best friend? Check out this video, read the blog post in the comments and share with as many as possible. In sharing there is caring and two way street activation! Continue reading

Mis seos on Armastusel ja Tagurpidi Motivatsioonil?


Valentinipäev on lähedal ja seepärast võtan fookusesse – mis seos on armastusel ja tagurpidi motivatsioonil? Jagan ühte lugu oma elust kus minu armastus sai tagurpidi motivatsiooni tõuke ja kuhu see mind viis. Jagan ka eellugu sellele kuidas ilma teadliku kohaloluta otsisin armastust kogu maailmast 15 aastat reisides 30-le maale. Mis on minu arust kõige kiirem tee tõelise armastuseni ja miks on tagurpidi motivatsioon sellel teel üks paremaid nippe? Vaata videod läbi (kahes osas seekord või blogis on kokku lõigatud), loe blogi, tee ülesanded ja osale ka katsumuses! Jaga ja saa järgijaks minu hõimus;) Continue reading

Overview of the Holistic Abundance Challenge

Here you can find a nice overview links to all the days during this challenge with added task sheets, additional resource links or PDFs and also FB live videos in You Tube format. Check it out and share with many!  Continue reading

Questions and Answers session for Holistic Abundance Challenge


Today we talk about relationships, some tips and tools how to better your life from different angles. Today’s tasks give you a chance to win a free e-book about how to become the wizard of your life and world! Watch the video, share it and subscribe! In case of interest be brave and sign up for the 4 months Inner Family program! Continue reading

When your Inner Woman keeps you up at night…

Aloha everyone here on my English blog! I am so sorry I have not managed to keep it up regularly, but there is a change in the horizon. It has been a crazy year so far – from one move in Hawaii and then our trip to California and Palms Springs and then to Estonia for almost 3 months, 2 weeks in England and back to California and then our move to San Diego in October. Now as we have settled here in San Diego, the schedule with all the activities will get more and more settled so I can get into a routine and will let you know what it will look like in a bit. Thank you for your patience.

Today I will talk about how to reverse your bad emotions or mindset to the better. I will also give you an overview what I have discovered can influence our sleep and what you could do to better your sleep. I will also share how I communicate with my Inner Woman and how important she is in my life. 

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Reconnecting with myself through a virus in Hawaii!

A wonderful stretch in my favourite Botanical Garden on the island – it feels to me like I am Alice in the Wonderland there;)

What happens when I try to go to bed early and sleep like regular people – 8 hours? My mind is usually so active in the evening and night time that it takes sometimes hours to slow down and in the end I end up still with 6 or 5 hours. But today I had a wonderful shamanic journey while slowing down my brain. I will share here with you.
I have not updated my blog for quite a long time. I am so sorry. The reason is that  I am so overwhelmed by so many tasks, projects and things on my to do list (and believe me my time management is under too much control at the moment!).
Writing for me is a spiritual time or reconnection and creativity time for myself. When the obligations suck me in I often times lose a desire to write. But today I will as I had a wonderful journey I would love to share with you all.
I know I have to make some changes in my life and choose some new commitments for my self-love so that my own time for my creativity gets also nurtured more.

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ISWG July – Thoughts with big future…

This blog post is written for ISWG group. Check out more about them here: 

How do thoughts manifest into reality?? They come and knock on your door and ask your name. They give you titles, guidance and if you are fast enough and make it happen right away, it manifests. It will form its elements and physical manifestation whatever way it needs its expression… They become something – sometimes even big new future. In this process it really helps if you know how to read not only your own thoughts, but also the energies…

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ISWG April – It is the Time for Mermaid Awakening!

This blog is written for monthly ISWG site, check it out here:

Another month has gone by and the first quarter of the year has passed. I do weekly checkins with myself to check where I am, where I am heading and how my last week has been.

As Brendon Burchard questions it : – did I live, did I love, did I matter? These have been good questions to check where I am with my life.

I had to answer that yes – I have lived, loved and mattered. For me living means living to the fullest – doing and being what I love most – whether it is my hobbies or fulfilling my life mission. Love is so essential wherever I am and now living in Hawaii it has made it even more central. It is in every step and breath I take. I always have a bigger picture and think what and how I can influence not only my day today but also my future and this planet’s future with my choices and creations.

Read about my last month’s inspiration about my writing and how I reset my journaling button. The magic is hidden also into the mermaid secrets.  Continue reading

ISWG October – Insecurity – our friend or enemy?

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This month I would love to explore this topic inside out. I have been observing this last month how this topic has influenced my life since I was small and what is different now. Read more. 

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ISWG for May – How I met Jesus?

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

You would expect that meeting Jesus is a very special thing. That he would look like a tall man with a bit of curly hair and be the most loving person on the planet. Maybe even having a halo around his head… Continue reading