Weekly photo blog – the mermaid Luna

2stretchdance lunajumpcardCouple of weeks ago I had some Wantra sessions with my friends Stefan and Sandy. They also have a wonderful dog, called Luna. She was obviously also afraid of the water. While I was working with Stefan and Sandy and they got more connected and one with the water, so was Luna. I did some other magical words on her and invited her in. We did different tricks, so by the end of that day she was in the water with us, swimming.

Sandy and Stefan needed to travel and I volunteered to dogsit her. Today we had a nice walk to the marina and he assisted me nicely while I fixed another crack on my kayak. As a prize we went to the beach. She ran instantly into the ocean and stopped to wait for me. She started to swim almost instantly. If I was getting too far, then she was checking on me and wanted to rescue me immediately.

So suddenly the dog became a mermaid, without even noticing. She really enjoyed the swimming so much, going in and out that when we got home, she was so tired, that fell asleep like a baby immediately. It was so sweet to see how a dog’s life can also become transformed by water. I am so happy for her. So from now on I can offer Wantra for dogs as well. 😉 Thank you Luna for the experience!

Weekly photo blog – Aaron – the hero

aaronI met Aaron in Sayulita, at the Mariposa MediSpa. He shared many of his stories when we adventured to San Sebastian together with him and Chantal, the administrator for the Mariposa MediSpa. He has so much knowledge about his field and can become a beautiful inspiration to everyone! Continue reading

Weekly photo blog – At the crossroad in Times Square in NYC


This week’s blog picture is from Times Square in New York.

I spent some hours in Times Square around 2 years ago during the evening the first time. I was standing there, breathing in all this madness. The colours, the powerful energy and many people from all over the world coming there for their marriage kisses or pictures or just to tick it off from their bucket list. Continue reading

This weeks photo blog – message from the turtle

turtleI had another amazing kayaking yesterday. It was a bit different than usual. There was so much more activity in the water. I enjoyed the flow and very calm conditions in the water. It felt so good and soothing for my soul. These kayaking trips have become now like dates with myself.

Suddenly I saw a little something floating in the water. I approached very slowly and it was obvious there was a turtle there… Continue reading

Roadmap from chaos to paradise!

What does it mean when there is a lot of chaos happening?

Over the years working with new time energies I have noticed that when we are moving to higher altitudes or new levels there will be created chaos. Unexpected things may happen and at times it feels so crazy that you can not really understand with your mind what is going on. Continue reading

All the love you are looking for lies in YOU!

crystalstretchpalmI have had some real intense experiences during these last 2 months. Today while walking home listened to a song which had that message in the title: ALL THE LOVE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR LIES IN YOU! It was a good reminder to me and I guess to everyone to never forget that! We are all so occupied to find love outside of ourselves that we very often forget to find it in ourselves. It gets us nowhere, as in the end we are going to have only ourselves anyway. I am so grateful for everyone who have been part of this journey to get me that far deep in ME. It has been a very deep and salty dive. I thought I have seen the rock bottom, but this was even deeper… Continue reading

Making love to the unknown

lovejungleSo here I am in west Mexico. It is my 8th month in Mexico this year and I am still here and happy. How come? I will tell you some little pieces of my journey and also how I now instead of kissing the unknown, make love to the unknown. This is another level of living – this is living from the heart. Continue reading

Another day in Paradise – counting my blessings

I ordered a sunny weather. Here it was. Maybe overdid it? 45 C?

I ordered a sunny weather. Here it was. Maybe overdid it? 45 C?

Today I started my journey around 8.20. I walked through the jungle and got to the main plaza in Sayulita in no time. Somehow the road seems shorter and shorter every time. This walk is so magical. I love the greenness of it so much. It is like living food by the side of the road for me. I counted my blessing number one – JUNGLE WALK. Continue reading

The latest news

MEx groupinsidecaveIn the beginning of October I had the honour to host 4 Estonians and be their adventure guide in La Cruz, Banderas Bay and Sayulita, west Mexico. It was a full 4 days full of adventures, magic and challenges. I would love to make a little summary of this soon. So stay tuned.

After that I started to prepare for the volunteer work with Organic StretchingTM and in the end I got 5 volunteers and my days got filled with it as well with StretchDance in the Sea in La Cruz (6 classes all together per MEX anuliisOSweek). I keep a journal and it is really  exciting to see where things go and how it develops.

Now the new move is ahead of me to Sayulita, the surfer’s paradise in Mexico. After that I am kissing the unknown again… and loads in between. Sayulita is called the ‘magic town’ so I am ready for the magic for sure!

The kindness and flow continues and I am stepping more into my own heart and flow from there.

StretchDanced the Storm away!

docutrailerpalmtreeEvery time I go to the class I think maybe I should prepare more. Then the voice in me tells – no. You can just go and improvise and take contact with the group energy and enjoy the flow. It will turn out like LILA – the divine dance of the micro and macro cosmos inside and outside of you. Most amazing is that it does! Every single time!

Yesterday evening I got the message that the tropical storm is heading towards us and probably it is going to be be like 3 days of really bad weather. I had planned to have my StretcDance in the Sea class in the morning. So I tuned in to the storm energy and said, if it would love to express itself, could it come up like around midday not earlier? With that in mind I went to sleep.

vabasukeldumineI woke up and it was really rainy. I went to check it and it was all cloudy but not much of a wind. So I decided to go. I tuned in to the ocean and asked it to deliver a warm current to the spot where we usually have our class. So I got to the beach and wondered if there is someone else brave showing up and yes, one of the mermaids was. She was fully prepared with the equipment.

We said our usual aloha to the ocean and then our toes touched the water and it was really warm. Outside temperature must have been around 25 C, inside it was around 35 C for sure. Wow. What a surprise. So the magic had worked!

We got in and put our snorkels and masks on and saw the bottom. Wow the water was clear! During the first exercises I observed one bigger fish, who was actually checking his breakfast but i guess we were too big to bite. In between the waves were coming in and I was swimming in the clouds. It was a very mystical and mysterious feeling.

Throughout the class one movement after the other presented itself and we got more and more relaxed went deeper and in between it was almost hard to speak as we got so relaxed that it felt like the left side of the brain was turned off completely.

Doing the classes or courses outside in the nature is the most amazing classroom one could imagine. The outer reflects the inner. Today we could hear the symphony of the raindrops getting into the water and also some birds flying and the ocean and the water was very warm and felt almost like an embracing mother. Everything was so humble and it literally felt like the ocean and the nature were bowing down to us and to our dance. There was something magical in the water and in the air. Unusual. Not describable.

We got out exactly one hour later and it was much colder outside than inside, usually it is the other ways.

Then my wonderful human mermaid said something to finish up as we were expressing gratitude to each other in this playful classroom. She said that when she travels away she can still do the moves and it can remind her of me. I thanked her of being the brave mermaid coming out to play as it is always nicer to play together with someone than just alone.

The storm did not reach to our location today and in the news it said during the night it had ‘dissipated.’ One should not think one can order weather, but what if we could? What would happen then? 

Tell me about some of your ocean experiences. What is it you love about this ocean university, what has it taught you? 

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Thank you for reading and sharing your comments, Aloha Crystal
