ISWG October – Insecurity – our friend or enemy?

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This month I would love to explore this topic inside out. I have been observing this last month how this topic has influenced my life since I was small and what is different now. Read more. 

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Touched by Mauna Kea – the most sacred Hawaiian mountain

Picture from Pixabay

Today I passed another milestone in my human existence. Not only were we driving across the Big Island via the Saddle Road which snakes between the two biggest mountains on the island – Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, but I also gave my first biometrics prints to the USA state to further proceed with my paperwork to be able to live and work here fully. For me Hawaii has always felt like another state, and almost like another planet. I sometimes can not comprehend that it is one of the USA’s states. But read more about today’s adventures and thoughts below – directly from Hawaii, the Big Island. Continue reading

ISWG September – 6 ways to get back on to your ‘confidence carpet’

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This past month has been full of adventure and awe, but also challenges which wiped me off from my own ‘confidence carpet’. I will share in today’s post what happened and how I got out of it and back to my ‘confidence carpet.’ Continue reading

ISWG – August – Through the systems to the confidence shore

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This last month has been a good month for me to realize how much we need system and organization in our lives and how that can also be one of the cornerstones to self-confidence. Read my insights from the past month here in Hawaii.  Continue reading

Insecure writers – Use your dreams as your seeds for your better future!

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This time I will share with you about my longterm dream, which I have worked with for many, many years.

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Confidence loves speed – ISWG for June 2017

This month I will write about how to conquer some fears in life and doing so – become a better writer and gain more confidence.
This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here:  Continue reading

ISWG for April – Be your own boss on land and in the water!

This past week gave me another opportunity to experience insecurity. Insecurity with my water therapy work. I have worked with people in the water for 7 years now. These have mostly been adults or teenagers. I never feel insecure in the water work, as I know my stuff and I am very professional and very experienced.

This time the opportunity appeared to work with a 1 year and 8 months old baby. I had never worked with the baby in the water before and I had never worked with a rich man’s baby in the water. I learned so much from this experience and I will bring it all together into writing after sharing my story.

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 
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Keys to April – Love compass treasure hunt

This time I felt I would love to write differently. As this last month has been a very tantra theme month for me (because of Estonia events), I thought to explore this topic a bit deeper and in a more creative way. I will let my female energy to lead my words and I hope it will reach to the hearts of those people who are ready to receive it. Continue reading

ISWG – March – The hidden key to the roots of the insecurity

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This month was for me like a research project. I will answer my question: Where can we find the roots to the insecurity?


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Keys for March – Meet the spring with your heart’s megaphone and courage!

I am so sorry – my dear English blog readers – that I have not kept up my logging here as I promised last year. It has been a very chaotic period in my life, where we travelled with Michael for 3 consecutive months (California and Hawaii). After that we arrived in Mexico where I had to fix my final paperwork to live and work here as well host some guests from far away and work at the same time. It took me almost a month to adjust after the trip.So all in all I plan to also translate the other blog posts for my monthly keys from last year – as well work on the missing interviews, which I still did not manage to do in full (4 more interviews in the works). I am also learning to structure my life and work a little bit different and prioritize accordingly.
This year the main focus is to get my work going really well with Wantra. I decided that this year I will do my monthly keys as well my ISWG posts monthly in English. If occasionally it happens that I get inspired, I may write some additional posts here and there. I am also focusing to be able to finish and publish at least one of my books during this year. It is about time!  This gives me the maximum minimum to keep my blog fans in the loop while my adventurous and exciting life continues. Thank you for your patience! I so appreciate you all!
This month I will talk about some very important keys, which I never get tired of talking about. It is how to live from the center of your inner courage, intuition and heart. Sometimes I lose my patience. I talk to people and see them around me and feel like I would love to shake some of them to wake up. When do they finally get it? Who are the doers who are actually going to get something done? Is it you?

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ISWG – February – Pauses bring to light golden treasures


Today my writing wants to be a pause. The pause which can say it all. The pause which will decide which route to go next. Whether to breath out slowly or hold your breath. Whether it is going to be a supsense thriller or a comedy. It is like this plain white page and you do not know what the next move is – whether it is a dot, stripe or something different. You just stay put until you will be guided to move.  Continue reading

Monthly keys – Summary of 2016 and a *Won* forecast for 2017


I hope everyone had wonderful holidays. I wish everyone a happy abundant year full of possibilities of fulfilling your dreams!

I will now take a little deeper look back at the year of 2016. First I tell you more about my personal journey and then more of the general – how I observed this year was for my clients and the world. Continue reading

Interview with Diina Tamm, who dances through the dots in New York

diinasweetDuring my adventures in New York this time in June 2016 I used my time to meet the new Estonian talents. Uno Habakukk suggested to do an interview with Diina Tamm. He mentioned that she is a very young new talent in New York. I did my research about her online. When I read information about it, I felt insecure whether I am able to manage the meeting with such a rising star.

We met in the hotel, where I stayed, located behind Empire State Building area. When she came in – she emanated warmth and simplicity. Couple of hours passed by talking really fast in my hotel room and it was about the time to finalise. I had the feeling that I met another part of me, who lives her life big and fully and what is most important also without fear. She made my day. How did she do it?  Read the story and find out yourself!  Continue reading

Monthly keys for July 2016 – let the inner feminine dance on the earthly carpet!


This month has the main focus on the earth element. Read my keys to understand how it can all play out! I also focus on the new time relation shift using these energies and making the shift happening in all of our affairs…

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Living my Heaven on Earth – special edition

beachsneakI have not been so opened about my personal relations publicly recently, but it is time to change that. Today is the fourth of June, which in new time numerology means number 10 – the masculine and feminine are united. It is also the new moon in gemini – which should be perfect for new ideas and inspiration, which this announcement will be about!

Relation shift announcement

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