Weekly keys – 14 – 21st of Sept – Together with 3 selves & without expectations following the elevating men’s footsteps!

ootustetakaireThis week I focused on how to live without expectations, how to cooperate with your three selves and how the inspiring men activate and may inspire you to take your right path in life. I talk about one of them, who inspired my life and me become who I am today and even more! In the end of the blog post I share with you some of the possibilities to meet me physically in Europe. Read my post and share in your circles;) Thank you! Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 31st of August till 7th of September – Landing into the true queendom


saaremaagoddessThis week’s key is focusing on another key in my life – tantra. I just arrived from a weekend Summer Tantradate event. I share some thoughts, experiences and stories what tantra has given me in my life and hopefully inspire you to use it as a tool in turning your life into an heaven on Earth.  Continue reading

Weekly keys – 10th – 17th of August – Sailing in the new time relation seas

=MkalliThis week’s keys talk about new time relations and women and men. It is a hot topic especially because so much in our world and cultures is changing and it is hard to keep up in everything. Here I share some observations and tips, which may inspire you, my dear reader! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 27th of July – 3rd of August – Surfing in the new wave while digging the roots…

Bthankyouestoniay now I have adventured in Estonia for the last 3 weeks and passed through the main big cities like Tallinn, Tartu, Viljandi, Haapsalu and Pärnu and had my summer retreat in Matsalu. I would like to share my experiences as well give some ideas how to move through the blockages which I witnessed. I am sorry if I am too honest and too direct. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 13 – 20th of July – Importing of joy with the sauce of courage to Estonia

metsateeväänaI have spent one week in Estonia by now. It has been a hectic week. I share here my observations and keys with my dear readers. How is it to flow in the new time and how important it is what kind of people you do it with. How important is your own space. I also share my observations about changes in Estonia. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 6th till 13th of July – Gifts from embracing the change


Many people write the book first and then make a movie out of it. But my life is already like a movie, which could be turned into a book. My blog posts can be like small movie shots from here and there.

This week’s blog summarizes all the latest keys from NYC and my thoughts about it. I am starting a total love relationship with NYC. It holds me, activates me, penetrates me and grows me. This time it was really cool to be there, as I was there without the fear. Next week I will give you an overview of my observations getting back to Estonia. Continue reading

City jungle keys from New York – 29th of June till 6th of July

0000 LA last drive bridgeThis week’s keys are combined from my observations from NYC as well some left overs from LA. These are small and simple keys, which can open not only doors, but even gates and new worlds and universes, but only when you put these in practice. Toolbox which is not used, will not be helpful. You have to make the first steps! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 22 – 29 of June – Taking care of you in your ‘Thrive Location’ can be the key to your happiness

7Santa monica mountainsroad

This week I focus on two keys – location can be your key to thrive in life as well how to take care of you on every level. Most of these observations are done while still enjoying my time in California. Please read it and share it with your circles.  Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 8th of June till 15th of June – Mexico Reset

mexicoThis week’s keys talk about my reset in Mexico for the last 2 years. In order for me to reset, I had to unplug to get plugged in again. It has been a challenging, but exciting journey. Without my courage and ability to listen to my intuition, I would have not had that and most probably not been on this planet any more. Mexi-Go, was a kick ass go for me. We will see where it gets me next.  Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 1st till 8th of June – Treasures in the silence

1lastsunrisesThis week’s blog is talking about the insights in the new time, how important are minutes of silence, what is a quantum resetting, why finding your own tribe is important, life mission in the golden energies, secret of abundance. If you find this reading inspiring, please share with your friends and circles. Sign up for my newsletter! Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 18 – 25th of May Walk your path while doing what you love

HP blue poolThis week I would like to talk about how to find your path and some obstacles I have met on my road. Hopefully it will inspire more people to explore and have fun with life to figure out where is their place to create value and meaning to themselves and for the planet. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 27th of April – 4th of May – Detach yourself from the roots of resentment!

11nuevosunseetThis week’s keys are like a cocktail of different topics. We start to get the roots of our resentment out, thereafter exploring what is working and what is not. How are things with the darkness and light in the new energies, what to do in order to stop copying others lack programs? How can you change your outer world when you meet regularly with your inner woman and man with the three selves? Continue reading