ISWG – August – Through the systems to the confidence shore

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This last month has been a good month for me to realize how much we need system and organization in our lives and how that can also be one of the cornerstones to self-confidence. Read my insights from the past month here in Hawaii.  Continue reading

Insecure writers – Use your dreams as your seeds for your better future!

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

This time I will share with you about my longterm dream, which I have worked with for many, many years.

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Confidence loves speed – ISWG for June 2017

This month I will write about how to conquer some fears in life and doing so – become a better writer and gain more confidence.
This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here:  Continue reading

Keys to April – Love compass treasure hunt

This time I felt I would love to write differently. As this last month has been a very tantra theme month for me (because of Estonia events), I thought to explore this topic a bit deeper and in a more creative way. I will let my female energy to lead my words and I hope it will reach to the hearts of those people who are ready to receive it. Continue reading

Monthly keys – Summary of 2016 and a *Won* forecast for 2017


I hope everyone had wonderful holidays. I wish everyone a happy abundant year full of possibilities of fulfilling your dreams!

I will now take a little deeper look back at the year of 2016. First I tell you more about my personal journey and then more of the general – how I observed this year was for my clients and the world. Continue reading

Monthly keys for July 2016 – let the inner feminine dance on the earthly carpet!


This month has the main focus on the earth element. Read my keys to understand how it can all play out! I also focus on the new time relation shift using these energies and making the shift happening in all of our affairs…

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Living my Heaven on Earth – special edition

beachsneakI have not been so opened about my personal relations publicly recently, but it is time to change that. Today is the fourth of June, which in new time numerology means number 10 – the masculine and feminine are united. It is also the new moon in gemini – which should be perfect for new ideas and inspiration, which this announcement will be about!

Relation shift announcement

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Monthly keys for April – Viewpoints with roots erupting the old to the surface.



This month’s numbers talk even more about the importance to take care of your past left overs and finalise everything you can, so that you will create new soil for the new seeds to grow and blossom for you! In this process of facing the old I focus also a lot into a wounded area of our shadows – where our viewpoints may have grown roots and give also some ideas how to come out of it with most flexibility. Continue reading

A Journey of Involution – How limitations can be your ticket to your freedom – Interview with the musician and artist Sonny Davis


These interviews are meant to bring inspiration from ordinary people who live their life simply, but fully. My main message through these stories is – you do not need a million dollars to live your dream! All you need is to have a dream and simplify in order to redefine your life. Figure out how and what works for you. Let these stories from my amazing friends around the world inspire you and take your steps to live your dream!

If these stories inspire you, please share them on your FB timeline and personally with your friends. This is the way we can change the world – one story at the time!

This interview is about how:

‘We are all onions and our life is about peeling it – it is our choice if we do it ourselves or let other forces to do it.’

Story conducted and recorded by Crystal Ra Laksmi. Edited by Crystal Ra Laksmi and Sonny Davis.

All the pictures are from Sonny Davis’s private collection if not stated otherwise.


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Weekly keys – 21 – 28th of December – Flashback to success keys from 2015

redgingerIt is the end of the year and it is a time to look back at the year. I will bring forth some of the qualities which were some huge game changers for me this year and brought me success. I will divide this blog post into two, so you have the follow up next week. Happy holidays everyone! Continue reading

Weekly keys 16th till 23rd of Nov – Changing the world with space holding kings

trollI have to first apologize in front of my English speaking followers for not even updating what was going on with my blog and why I had the break. There were many reasons for that. I also travelled to Turkey and took a break from blogging which I have not done for 2 years. But now I am back on track with my blogging.

Here I am. I am at Oslo airport and sitting in the restaurant and preparing for my next leap to the American continent. This time it will be totally different. I am leaping consciously and with my new targets. Bigger than ever before and we will see what happens.

Today’s blog will be dedicated to the women, as I will mention what happened during my Wantra woman course as well preparing my next sharing about my trip to Turkey and my new transit zone.

Everything moves so fast, that I feel I am running after my own train. Hopefully my next weeks will help to fix my debts in my to do list and balance and unite the energies and the speed. I have a whole week ahead of me in New York, one of my favourite cities in the world. Excitement is tickling between my bones… Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 31st of August till 7th of September – Landing into the true queendom


saaremaagoddessThis week’s key is focusing on another key in my life – tantra. I just arrived from a weekend Summer Tantradate event. I share some thoughts, experiences and stories what tantra has given me in my life and hopefully inspire you to use it as a tool in turning your life into an heaven on Earth.  Continue reading

Weekly keys – 10th – 17th of August – Sailing in the new time relation seas

=MkalliThis week’s keys talk about new time relations and women and men. It is a hot topic especially because so much in our world and cultures is changing and it is hard to keep up in everything. Here I share some observations and tips, which may inspire you, my dear reader! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 6th till 13th of July – Gifts from embracing the change


Many people write the book first and then make a movie out of it. But my life is already like a movie, which could be turned into a book. My blog posts can be like small movie shots from here and there.

This week’s blog summarizes all the latest keys from NYC and my thoughts about it. I am starting a total love relationship with NYC. It holds me, activates me, penetrates me and grows me. This time it was really cool to be there, as I was there without the fear. Next week I will give you an overview of my observations getting back to Estonia. Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 1st till 8th of June – Treasures in the silence

1lastsunrisesThis week’s blog is talking about the insights in the new time, how important are minutes of silence, what is a quantum resetting, why finding your own tribe is important, life mission in the golden energies, secret of abundance. If you find this reading inspiring, please share with your friends and circles. Sign up for my newsletter! Continue reading