How to find your Lifeline and your Superpowers?


Today we talked about some crucial things which will help you to get ahead and come out of this chaotic time as a winner and maybe even create something which has the potential to carry you for a decade. Watch, pay attention, do the tasks and share! Continue reading

Spiritual background to Corona Virus & how can we reset ourselves at the moment?


Today I focus on the little info I got through my Inner Woman and Mother Earth.

I made a FB post about that and that was one of the most popular FB posts I have ever done or shared. After that I got an idea to make a FB live about it as well. Not everyone takes time to read these days.

How can we keep ourselves going in these crazy times and keep us on our true path? I also give some tips and tools what would help and you will get a free meditation as a gift from me in the end of my blog post. Watch, do the homework, share and enjoy the meditation. If you like what you saw subscribe to my social media channels (all named in the blog post too). Keep yourself safe and protected! Aloha! Continue reading

Get out of your self-created self-sabotage traps!


My last FB LIVE handled one really important topic which I have been looking answers to for all my life from everywhere with no luck. 🙁 Finally I found one solution which nailed it for me and started a chain reaction to understand the inner patterns connected to self-sabotage! I felt like winning a jackpot!
I also looked at it from a New Time energy angle and other inspirational materials which I just picked up. I share my personal stories and tips as well how to detach and fire your Inner Saboteurs! Red, share, become a subscriber! Thank you!

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Commitment Secrets


Would you like to know more about my Commitment Secrets? How can you explore this topic on a deeper level and change your life through it? I share my definition of the commitment, what are my commitments in my different areas of my life. I share some tips and tools what you can do in order to make a commitment your best friend? Check out this video, read the blog post in the comments and share with as many as possible. In sharing there is caring and two way street activation! Continue reading

HPX Live insights and Questions and Answers session


Today I make a short summary of my highlights and insights from HPXLIVE event with Brendon Burchard. It was such a power event and I a am already a better person because of that. I will also answer some questions which were coming in and finalize with a new experiment on the 12 week’s coaching program intro. Watch, share and subscribe! Continue reading

What has Love to do with Reverse Motivation?


Valentine’s day is around the corner and this is why I take into the focus what connections do Love and Reverse Motivation have?

I share one story from my life where my love got a reverse motivation kick and where it took me. I share my pre- story for that how I unconsciously looked for love from the whole world for 15 years while traveling to 30 countries. What is the fastest route to Love and why is Reverse Motivation one of the best tricks? Check out the video, read the blog, and do the tasks and participate in the challenge! Like and share! Continue reading

Mis seos on Armastusel ja Tagurpidi Motivatsioonil?


Valentinipäev on lähedal ja seepärast võtan fookusesse – mis seos on armastusel ja tagurpidi motivatsioonil? Jagan ühte lugu oma elust kus minu armastus sai tagurpidi motivatsiooni tõuke ja kuhu see mind viis. Jagan ka eellugu sellele kuidas ilma teadliku kohaloluta otsisin armastust kogu maailmast 15 aastat reisides 30-le maale. Mis on minu arust kõige kiirem tee tõelise armastuseni ja miks on tagurpidi motivatsioon sellel teel üks paremaid nippe? Vaata videod läbi (kahes osas seekord või blogis on kokku lõigatud), loe blogi, tee ülesanded ja osale ka katsumuses! Jaga ja saa järgijaks minu hõimus;) Continue reading

What to do with goals in the New Time Energies?


Many of you may have noticed that you can not set goals the old way any more. Today I share with you my approach and some tips and tools how to work with it in the New Time energies. Watch, like, share! Continue reading

Summary of the Holistic Abundance Challenge with a Surprise!


Today we finalize the challenge, check into statistics, what did I learn, what else is possible to co-create with me and some additional tips and final tasks for you to do. To top it off you have a wonderful surprise which ties together my beautiful journey with my Inner Family. Watch, share with at least 5 people the whole Holistic Abundance Challenge here and like!

Thank you all who you joined and helped me to co-create this beautiful experience and invest some more Holistic Abundance into my Universal Holistic Abundance Account and give you some tips how you can start to do it as well! Till the next time!

This challenge will be made into a product later. Enjoy it free until you can!

May your life be Holistically Abundant Every step of the way!

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Holistic Abundance Challenge final Questions and Answers session with Crystal Ra

Today we go through some really exciting questions which have popped up among the audience of the Holistic Abundance Challenge. Enjoy!

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Connections between Energy Work, Inner Family & Holistic Abundance


Today we dive into the invisible world of energies. I share where my journey started and how I have step by step developed most of my spiritual abilities to work with myself as well with people. I share also some stories and give some ideas how to start to work with it in your life. Watch, share, do the tasks and subscribe! Continue reading

How bad Relationships can stop your Inner Family’s Holistic Abundance Manifestation?


Today I give a short overview of my own journey of 15 years with many bad relationships and what I have learned from my own patterns. Many tips and tools you can put to use to make a difference and also focus more on your Inner Family as most of these years I did not connect with my Inner Family 100%. Now it is changed because I cooperate with them every step of the way! Watch, share, subscribe and evaluate your relationships and eliminate the bad ones NOW! Continue reading

Connections between 4 Elements, Inner Family & Holistic Abundance


Today we have a journey with the 4 Elements. I have had a journey to get to know the elements from inside out and outside in for the past 13 years and I share with you the overall understanding of the elements in the New Energy, how it can be connected to our fears, people, relationships and places. How we can heal them, reset them and make them help us to connect with our Inner Family and manifest more of Holistic Abundance. Watch the video, read the blog, do the tasks, share it and subscribe to my channels! Continue reading

Connections between Values, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance


Today we focus on Values and how is it connected to our Inner Family values as well our Holistic Abundance. I share once again some stories from my life and we go the foundation of understanding the core of the concept. You will get for sure much more clarity about what values are in general, what or who influences our values and what else is important to know when you work on this. Watch the video, share, subscribe! Continue reading

Connections between Judgments, Inner Family & Holistic Abundance


Today I share some personal stories connected to judgments and one of the biggest judgments people have done about me. Often times we do not know story behind the story and judge people into a box or label them as ‘an outcast’. Knowing the depth of the story helps us to understand that we all have big challenges and lessons and how with less judgments we can attract more Holistic Abundance as well help our Inner Family to help us with that more instead to repel opportunities and abundance with the protective shield judgments create inside of us and outside of us! Watch today’s video, read, do the tasks, download the free bonus material. Share, like and subscribe! Continue reading

Connections between Love, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance


Today I look into the topic of LOVE. Is it possible to define it? What does Wikipedia say? What have I learned in my life, relationships and travels? How can also our Inner Family make our LOVE to ourself and others better and even manifest more holistic abundance? Watch the video, read the tips, do the tasks and share! Continue reading

Questions and Answers session for Holistic Abundance Challenge


Today we talk about relationships, some tips and tools how to better your life from different angles. Today’s tasks give you a chance to win a free e-book about how to become the wizard of your life and world! Watch the video, share it and subscribe! In case of interest be brave and sign up for the 4 months Inner Family program! Continue reading

Connections between Open Relationships, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance


Today I share my understanding and view of open relationships as well some experiences from my life. This is not the mainstream way of understanding the topic at all. But I think it is super important for all of us to take a moment and define our understanding of relationships in general to start with. Continue reading

Connections between Hawaii, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance


Welcome to the journey to Hawaii! How did my Inner Family support that dream and how has Holistic Abundance manifested itself through all these trips to Hawaii and in Hawaii? Continue reading