Weekly keys – 27th of April – 4th of May – Detach yourself from the roots of resentment!

11nuevosunseetThis week’s keys are like a cocktail of different topics. We start to get the roots of our resentment out, thereafter exploring what is working and what is not. How are things with the darkness and light in the new energies, what to do in order to stop copying others lack programs? How can you change your outer world when you meet regularly with your inner woman and man with the three selves? Continue reading

Weekly keys – 20th – 27th of April – Roadmap out of the suicide loop

picasatimeforchange2For this week I take into focus the topic which has been very delicate in my own life and also in some of my client’s or friends or even family member’s lives. It is the topic of a suicide. This topic is kind of a taboo and not many want to talk about it openly. I will. Because for someone who right this moment is maybe thinking about this, this article may offer a different point of view, which may change it all. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 13th till 20th of April – Dolphin Download

EThis week’s keys talk about my dolphin experience and how every reader could use this for your own benefit. New time is a time of Aquarius which brings higher frequencies with it and dolphins are the mammals, who can help us on this road. Warning: Reading this article will rise your frequency! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 6th till 13th of April – New reality – born from the dance of the inner man and woman


Photo: Tiina Liimandi

This time the focus is on how the cooperation and balance between your inner man and woman can help you to create your new dream reality and also gives some practical tips, what could you do so that you could put it in practice in your life. Enjoy the reading and please share! Continue reading

This weeks key – March 29th till 6th of April – Do not amputate – detach with love!


Photo credit : Ray Collins

This week I was prepared to share one other post, but things happened and as the next week is the week of ascension I share this freshly born piece. It is a bit different than usual, but I hope it touches all of your hearts who you have experienced it or are in the process right now and hopefully it inspires you all to make your next step towards your new sunrise… Continue reading

raycollins1This week I was prepared to share one other post, but things happened and as the next week is the week of ascension I share this freshly born piece. It is a bit different than usual, but I hope it touches all of your hearts who you have experienced it or are in the process right now and hopefully it inspires you all to make your next step towards your new sunrise! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 9th of March till 16th – Old time Relationships are sailing away…

10juuni2013This week I would like to focus the whole blog to the topic of new time relations. It seems to be such a question mark for so many people these days, that needs more exploration and elaboration and can be one of the main new keys for your life. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 2nd till 9th of March – Balance keys cocktail – shadows, love languages and real love!

beachchairsThis week’s keys focus on the topic of shadows – how to handle and tame them and how to do it in a healthy way. I also talk about how to use love languages in a different way to fulfill your own love containers. I also ask if real love is a reality or a dream? I also found huge inspiration from the movie ‘Letters to Julliet’ and share the letter. Please read and share in your circles and do the homework, to change the quality of your life already today, not tomorrow!

Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 23rd of Feb – 2nd of March – Sommersaults by Mars and Venus

IMG_1437This week’s keys focus on what you create when you have negative self talk to yourself, how to reset your relationships, how everything is okay diary can help you, what you can learn from contraction and expansion, how the word WAIT can help you in many complicated situations and how Mars and Venus date and what other self exploration insights I found, which can inspire you as well. Read and share! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 16th – 23rd of February – One secret key which may help you to turn your life around in seconds!

valentincard This post is re-edited from the Valentine’s topic. I figured that this topic is relevant 24/7 and 12 months a year. Put all the inspiration into practice and see how it can help you change the quality of your life as well!  Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 9th till the 16th of February. Let this week be the DATE week with yourself!

5kayakThis week the keys are focusing on how not to make compromises with yourself; a reminder of the boundary settings; control in the new time energies; how to build the bridge between the heart and the head. It will finalize with a little glimpse to my heritage background. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 26th of January – 2nd of February – Boundary settings as a new time key to your harmonic life

-crystalpoppinsclimbThis week’s keys will focus on the main new time key – setting boundaries in all your affairs – home, work, relationships and more and how this tool can create your dream life now not later! Share in your circles! Continue reading