Today I share with you my adventure journey story from Hawaii and how Wantra came to me and my life and what the journey has been like and how has it been connected to the Inner Family as well Holistic Abundance and how you can find your amazing talents to do the same in your life! Continue reading
Tag Archives: Wantra
Keys for March – Meet the spring with your heart’s megaphone and courage!

Keys for June – Water’s soft miracle keys
I will talk mainly about the water this month as the leading numbers show the lead in June. I also share how you can use the water as your best friend and guide in your life who helps always bring forth more flow and flexibility.
The scientist exploring the inner and outer worlds as the snowbird in Mexico – Interview with Janet Hudson

Janet – meditating on the beach in La Cruz, Mexico. Photo by C.R.Laksmi
A story of a brave woman who took a leap of faith in love and in a man to redefine her dream!
Questions and stories recorded/written and firstly edited by Crystal Ra Laksmi.
Additional editing by Janet Hudson.
Monthly keys – Formula for happiness = boundary setting + starving your pain body

The number of March is 3 and the number of the year according to new time numeorology is 9.
9 + 3 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. I will share now the keys for the month of March in this tune. The keys will be juicy and spicy and enough for 3 weeks around 3500 words!
In this cocktail we will talk about how to activate your life mission, how to activate the new time energy love energies, how to set boundaries, good words as weapons, and how bad people can be turned into gifts in your life and more! Read and share! Continue reading
Weekly keys – 21 – 28th of December – Flashback to success keys from 2015
It is the end of the year and it is a time to look back at the year. I will bring forth some of the qualities which were some huge game changers for me this year and brought me success. I will divide this blog post into two, so you have the follow up next week. Happy holidays everyone! Continue reading
Weekly keys – 19th till the 26th of October – Conquering the viruses with the power of water
This week I will talk mostly about two topics – water element and how to conquer the viruses we have here in Estonia? I also talk about gratitude. Read and share! Continue reading
Weekly keys – 28th of Sept till 4th of October – The transformation of the red moon through pain and beauty
This week’s keys talk about the pain and beauty of being a woman, elements in the new time relationships, the dance between the Moon and the Earth. Continue reading
Weekly Keys – 31st of August till 7th of September – Landing into the true queendom
This week’s key is focusing on another key in my life – tantra. I just arrived from a weekend Summer Tantradate event. I share some thoughts, experiences and stories what tantra has given me in my life and hopefully inspire you to use it as a tool in turning your life into an heaven on Earth. Continue reading
Weekly Keys – 18 – 25th of May Walk your path while doing what you love
This week I would like to talk about how to find your path and some obstacles I have met on my road. Hopefully it will inspire more people to explore and have fun with life to figure out where is their place to create value and meaning to themselves and for the planet. Continue reading
Weekly Keys – 9th till the 16th of February. Let this week be the DATE week with yourself!
This week the keys are focusing on how not to make compromises with yourself; a reminder of the boundary settings; control in the new time energies; how to build the bridge between the heart and the head. It will finalize with a little glimpse to my heritage background. Continue reading
Weekly photo blog – the mermaid Luna
Couple of weeks ago I had some Wantra sessions with my friends Stefan and Sandy. They also have a wonderful dog, called Luna. She was obviously also afraid of the water. While I was working with Stefan and Sandy and they got more connected and one with the water, so was Luna. I did some other magical words on her and invited her in. We did different tricks, so by the end of that day she was in the water with us, swimming.
Sandy and Stefan needed to travel and I volunteered to dogsit her. Today we had a nice walk to the marina and he assisted me nicely while I fixed another crack on my kayak. As a prize we went to the beach. She ran instantly into the ocean and stopped to wait for me. She started to swim almost instantly. If I was getting too far, then she was checking on me and wanted to rescue me immediately.
So suddenly the dog became a mermaid, without even noticing. She really enjoyed the swimming so much, going in and out that when we got home, she was so tired, that fell asleep like a baby immediately. It was so sweet to see how a dog’s life can also become transformed by water. I am so happy for her. So from now on I can offer Wantra for dogs as well. 😉 Thank you Luna for the experience!
Weekly photo blog – in between dimensions
This photo is taken by Stefan Lehner from Austria, and he was helping me to record some of the Wantra session moments with a client in Sayulita last weekend. I just fell in love with this picture as it is so multidimensional and tells a story… Continue reading
Weekly Photo Blog – Wantra Bliss
This week’s photo is me doing a Wantra session on a client in Mexico. Continue reading
Weekly photo blog – Aaron – the hero
I met Aaron in Sayulita, at the Mariposa MediSpa. He shared many of his stories when we adventured to San Sebastian together with him and Chantal, the administrator for the Mariposa MediSpa. He has so much knowledge about his field and can become a beautiful inspiration to everyone! Continue reading