Overview of the Holistic Abundance Challenge

Here you can find a nice overview links to all the days during this challenge with added task sheets, additional resource links or PDFs and also FB live videos in You Tube format. Check it out and share with many!  Continue reading

From Fear of Change to Embrace the Unknown


Today you will hear some of my stories of big changes and moves from North Pole to South Pole as well from Estonia to Hawaii and how these changes all have some major gifts in store for me and how your changes may have it too! Watch the video, read the blog, share and enjoy the tasks today, which are a bit more challenging! You have a chance to also win a prize today! Continue reading

Connections between Fear, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance


Today I share my stories connected to Fear, Inner Family and Holistic Abundance. I share some tips how we can work with fear and how you can too. I share also some tips from Tim Ferriss. Read, do the tasks and share! Continue reading

ISWG for May – How I met Jesus?

This post is written for the ISWG group. Read more about them here: 

You would expect that meeting Jesus is a very special thing. That he would look like a tall man with a bit of curly hair and be the most loving person on the planet. Maybe even having a halo around his head… Continue reading

Keys for March – Meet the spring with your heart’s megaphone and courage!

I am so sorry – my dear English blog readers – that I have not kept up my logging here as I promised last year. It has been a very chaotic period in my life, where we travelled with Michael for 3 consecutive months (California and Hawaii). After that we arrived in Mexico where I had to fix my final paperwork to live and work here as well host some guests from far away and work at the same time. It took me almost a month to adjust after the trip.So all in all I plan to also translate the other blog posts for my monthly keys from last year – as well work on the missing interviews, which I still did not manage to do in full (4 more interviews in the works). I am also learning to structure my life and work a little bit different and prioritize accordingly.
This year the main focus is to get my work going really well with Wantra. I decided that this year I will do my monthly keys as well my ISWG posts monthly in English. If occasionally it happens that I get inspired, I may write some additional posts here and there. I am also focusing to be able to finish and publish at least one of my books during this year. It is about time!  This gives me the maximum minimum to keep my blog fans in the loop while my adventurous and exciting life continues. Thank you for your patience! I so appreciate you all!
This month I will talk about some very important keys, which I never get tired of talking about. It is how to live from the center of your inner courage, intuition and heart. Sometimes I lose my patience. I talk to people and see them around me and feel like I would love to shake some of them to wake up. When do they finally get it? Who are the doers who are actually going to get something done? Is it you?

Continue reading

She has found the magic question to get anyone out of their deepest abyss – Interview with the award winning published author Joylene Nowell Butler

Mexico plate

Photo by C.R.Laksmi

Part of what I love about doing these interviews is that I can visit people in their ‘habitat’. Finding Joylene in Bucerias, Mexico was quite an adventure too. She lived at that time in a beautiful Mexican apartment, with 2 bedrooms, living room and the kitchen. On one side the view was opening up to the Pacific ocean side, on the other side to the main highway. All the interior was very Mexican, with lots of colors, artifacts and Mexican furniture. It felt very homey there. She took out her home made guacamole and I knew I should not even touch it before we are done, as it looked so delicious and I knew I would not able to stop eating it. 

I met Joylene during our writers group in La Cruz and from the moment I met her, I instantly liked her. What is there not to like? She has a very bubbly energy, so full of joy and wisdom and seems so caring and loving in so many ways. For me this was like starting to read a new book – once you start you can not put down any more. It is just so exciting. Every word coming out of her mouth is like piece of gold. 

After doing this interview I bow even more down to her, hearing about what she has been through and that she has been able to get through it and still smile and enjoy her life to the fullest. I hope this will inspire each reader to make the necessary changes in their life to live a life which feels fulfilling and maybe even buy her books!

Please read, comment and share, as this is one of the ways to spread good energy, frequencies and uplift the world! Continue reading

ISWG post – Freedom of Speech

Contrary to most of my blog posts, this one took 3 – 4 weeks to be finished. I even shared it in the local writer’s group and reedited it for several times. It got really good feedback and I hope you will enjoy it too.

This time I would like to share something which touched me deeply recently and made me think about the topic. It is about freedom of speech and having the courage to share one’s ideas freely.  Continue reading

Monthly keys for April – Viewpoints with roots erupting the old to the surface.



This month’s numbers talk even more about the importance to take care of your past left overs and finalise everything you can, so that you will create new soil for the new seeds to grow and blossom for you! In this process of facing the old I focus also a lot into a wounded area of our shadows – where our viewpoints may have grown roots and give also some ideas how to come out of it with most flexibility. Continue reading

Monthly keys – Formula for happiness = boundary setting + starving your pain body



The number of March is 3 and the number of the year according to new time numeorology is 9.

9 + 3 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. I will share now the keys for the month of March in this tune. The keys will be juicy and spicy and enough for 3 weeks around 3500 words!

In this cocktail we will talk about how to activate your life mission, how to activate the new time energy love energies, how to set boundaries, good words as weapons, and how bad people can be turned into gifts in your life and more! Read and share! Continue reading

Joining the Insecure Writers group commitment

Here I am, doing my first blog post for the Insecure Writers group online. Read more about it here: 

crystalmermaidsmallwhiteAloha everyone and I am Crystal Ra Laksmi, originally from Estonia. I have lived most of my adult life abroad and right now living in Mexico and seems I am still looking where is my true home. I am getting to feel that it is not the place, it is in my heart wherever I am, when it makes my heart sing.  Continue reading

Weekly keys – 21 – 28th of December – Flashback to success keys from 2015

redgingerIt is the end of the year and it is a time to look back at the year. I will bring forth some of the qualities which were some huge game changers for me this year and brought me success. I will divide this blog post into two, so you have the follow up next week. Happy holidays everyone! Continue reading

Weekly keys – 14th till 21st of Dec – Liver detoxing in Mexico

vorkkiigedmayasolIn these times where we live we are surrounded by so many toxins and we inhale it from the air, we drink it with the water, we eat it with the food and we also absorb it even from our washing powder as well all the influences by media, negative people etc.

Spice it up with a little extra stress, not enough sleep, too much work, little exercise and bad food and our systems and bodies clog up. That is why it should be compulsory for people to do detoxing on a regular bases. That is one of the reasons I did a 6 days liver detox again and what I will share in this weeks blog with you. Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 7th till the 14th of December – Turning into a snowbird in Mexico

OlacruzstreetBack in Mexico, after 5.5 months away

It is amazing what the time and traveling to different countries can do. Certainly it can give us a new perspective into ourselves as well to the world.  Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 8th of June till 15th of June – Mexico Reset

mexicoThis week’s keys talk about my reset in Mexico for the last 2 years. In order for me to reset, I had to unplug to get plugged in again. It has been a challenging, but exciting journey. Without my courage and ability to listen to my intuition, I would have not had that and most probably not been on this planet any more. Mexi-Go, was a kick ass go for me. We will see where it gets me next.  Continue reading

Weekly Keys – 18 – 25th of May Walk your path while doing what you love

HP blue poolThis week I would like to talk about how to find your path and some obstacles I have met on my road. Hopefully it will inspire more people to explore and have fun with life to figure out where is their place to create value and meaning to themselves and for the planet. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 27th of April – 4th of May – Detach yourself from the roots of resentment!

11nuevosunseetThis week’s keys are like a cocktail of different topics. We start to get the roots of our resentment out, thereafter exploring what is working and what is not. How are things with the darkness and light in the new energies, what to do in order to stop copying others lack programs? How can you change your outer world when you meet regularly with your inner woman and man with the three selves? Continue reading

Weekly keys – 20th – 27th of April – Roadmap out of the suicide loop

picasatimeforchange2For this week I take into focus the topic which has been very delicate in my own life and also in some of my client’s or friends or even family member’s lives. It is the topic of a suicide. This topic is kind of a taboo and not many want to talk about it openly. I will. Because for someone who right this moment is maybe thinking about this, this article may offer a different point of view, which may change it all. Continue reading

Weekly keys – 13th till 20th of April – Dolphin Download

EThis week’s keys talk about my dolphin experience and how every reader could use this for your own benefit. New time is a time of Aquarius which brings higher frequencies with it and dolphins are the mammals, who can help us on this road. Warning: Reading this article will rise your frequency! Continue reading